Direktori : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/albanie/wp-content/plugins/loco-translate/src/admin/ |
Current File : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/albanie/wp-content/plugins/loco-translate/src/admin/RootController.php |
<?php /** * Highest level Loco admin screen. */ class Loco_admin_RootController extends Loco_admin_list_BaseController { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getHelpTabs(){ return [ __('Overview','loco-translate') => $this->viewSnippet('tab-home'), ]; } /** * Render main entry home screen */ public function render(){ // translators: home screen title where %s is the version number $this->set('title', sprintf( __('Loco Translate %s','loco-translate'), loco_plugin_version() ) ); // Show currently active theme on home page $theme = Loco_package_Theme::create(null); $this->set('theme', $this->bundleParam($theme) ); // Show plugins that have currently loaded translations $bundles = []; foreach( Loco_package_Listener::singleton()->getPlugins() as $bundle ){ try { $bundles[] = $this->bundleParam($bundle); } catch( Exception $e ){ // bundle should exist if we heard it. reduce to debug notice Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( $e->getMessage() ); } } $this->set('plugins', $bundles ); // Show recently "used' bundles $bundles = []; $recent = Loco_data_RecentItems::get(); // filter in lieu of plugin setting $maxlen = apply_filters('loco_num_recent_bundles', 10 ); foreach( $recent->getBundles(0,$maxlen) as $id ){ try { $bundle = Loco_package_Bundle::fromId($id); $bundles[] = $this->bundleParam($bundle); } catch( Exception $e ){ // possible that bundle ID changed since being saved in recent items list } } $this->set('recent', $bundles ); // current locale and related links $locale = Loco_Locale::parse( get_locale() ); $api = new Loco_api_WordPressTranslations; $tag = (string) $locale; $this->set( 'siteLocale', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [ 'code' => $tag, 'name' => ( $name = $locale->ensureName($api) ), 'attr' => 'class="'.$locale->getIcon().'" lang="'.$locale->lang.'"', 'link' => '<a href="'.esc_url(Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate('lang-view', ['locale'=>$tag] )).'">'.esc_html($name).'</a>', //'opts' => admin_url('options-general.php').'#WPLANG', ] ) ); // user's "admin" language may differ and is worth showing if( function_exists('get_user_locale') ){ $locale = Loco_Locale::parse( get_user_locale() ); $alt = (string) $locale; if( $tag !== $alt ){ $this->set( 'adminLocale', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [ 'name' => ( $name = $locale->ensureName($api) ), 'link' => '<a href="'.esc_url(Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate('lang-view', ['locale'=>$tag] )).'">'.esc_html($name).'</a>', ] ) ); } } $this->set('title', __('Welcome to Loco Translate','loco-translate') ); // Deprecation warnings: // At time of writing, WordPress below 5.2 accounts for about a quarter, whereas PHP below is 5.6 half of that. /* if( version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.6.20','<') || version_compare($GLOBALS['wp_version'],'5.2','<') ){ Loco_error_AdminNotices::warn('The next release of Loco Translate will require at least WordPress 5.2 and PHP 5.6.20'); // @codeCoverageIgnore }*/ return $this->view('admin/root'); } }