Direktori : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/albanie/wp-content/plugins/loco-translate/src/admin/file/ |
Current File : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/albanie/wp-content/plugins/loco-translate/src/admin/file/EditController.php |
<?php /** * PO editor view */ class Loco_admin_file_EditController extends Loco_admin_file_BaseController { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function init(){ parent::init(); $this->enqueueStyle('editor'); // $file = $this->get('file'); $bundle = $this->getBundle(); // translators: %1$s is the file name, %2$s is the bundle name $this->set('title', sprintf( __('Editing %1$s in %2$s','loco-translate'), $file->basename(), $bundle ) ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getHelpTabs(){ return [ __('Overview') => $this->viewSnippet('tab-file-edit'), ]; } /** * @param bool $readonly whether po files is in read-only mode * @return array */ private function getNonces( $readonly ){ $nonces = []; foreach( $readonly ? ['fsReference'] : ['sync','save','fsReference','apis'] as $name ){ $nonces[$name] = wp_create_nonce($name); } return $nonces; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function render(){ // file must exist for editing /* @var Loco_fs_File $file */ $file = $this->get('file'); if( $fail = $this->getFileError($file) ){ return $fail; } // editor will be rendered $this->enqueueScript('editor'); // Parse file data into JavaScript for editor try { $this->set('modified', $file->modified() ); $data = Loco_gettext_Data::load($file); } catch( Exception $e ){ Loco_error_AdminNotices::add( Loco_error_Exception::convert($e) ); $data = Loco_gettext_Data::dummy(); } $head = $data->getHeaders(); // default is to permit editing of any file $readonly = false; // All files must belong to a bundle. $bundle = $this->getBundle(); // Establish if file belongs to a configured project try { $project = $this->getProject(); } // Fine if not, this just means sync isn't possible. catch( Loco_error_Exception $e ){ Loco_error_AdminNotices::add( $e ); Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug("Sync is disabled because this file doesn't relate to a known set of translations"); $project = null; } // Establish PO/POT edit mode $potfile = null; $syncmode = null; $locale = $this->getLocale(); if( $locale instanceof Loco_Locale ){ // alternative POT file may be forced by sync options $sync = new Loco_gettext_SyncOptions($head); $syncmode = $sync->getSyncMode(); if( $sync->hasTemplate() ){ $potfile = $sync->getTemplate(); $potfile->normalize( $bundle->getDirectoryPath() ); } // else use project-configured template, assuming there is one // no way to get configured POT if invalid project else if( $project ){ $potfile = $project->getPot(); // Handle situation where project defines a localised file as the official template if( $potfile && $potfile->equal($file) ){ $locale = null; $potfile = null; } } if( $potfile ){ // Validate template file as long as it exists if( $potfile->exists() ){ try { $potdata = Loco_gettext_Data::load($potfile); // If template is pulling JSON files, we must merge them in before msgid comparison if( $project && $sync->mergeJson() ){ $siblings = new Loco_fs_Siblings($potfile); $jsons = $siblings->getJsons( $project->getDomain()->getName() ); if( $jsons ){ // using matcher because regular iterator isn't indexed, and additions must be unique $merged = new Loco_gettext_Matcher($project); $merged->loadRefs($potdata); $merged->loadJsons($jsons); $potdata = $merged->exportPo(); unset($matcher); } } if( ! $potdata->equalSource($data) ){ // translators: %s refers to the name of a POT file Loco_error_AdminNotices::info( sprintf( __("Translations don't match template. Run sync to update from %s",'loco-translate'), $potfile->basename() ) ) ->addLink( apply_filters('loco_external','https://localise.biz/wordpress/plugin/manual/sync'), __('Documentation','loco-translate') ); } unset($potdata); } catch( Exception $e ){ // translators: Where %s is the name of the invalid POT file Loco_error_AdminNotices::warn( sprintf( __('Translation template is invalid (%s)','loco-translate'), $potfile->basename() ) ); $potfile = null; } } // else template doesn't exist, so sync will be done to source code else { // Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( sprintf( __('Template file not found (%s)','loco-translate'), $potfile->basename() ) ); $potfile = null; } } if( $locale ){ // allow PO file to dictate its own Plural-Forms try { $locale->setPluralFormsHeader( $head['Plural-Forms'] ); } catch( InvalidArgumentException $e ){ // ignore invalid Plural-Forms } // fill in missing PO headers now locale is fully resolved $data->localize($locale); // If MO file will be compiled, check for library/config problems if ( 2 !== strlen( "\xC2\xA3" ) ) { Loco_error_AdminNotices::warn('Your mbstring configuration will result in corrupt MO files. Please ensure mbstring.func_overload is disabled'); } } } // WordPress source locale is always en_US, but filter allows override for purpose of sending to translation APIs. $tag = apply_filters('loco_api_provider_source', 'en', $file->getPath() ); $source = Loco_Locale::parse($tag); $settings = Loco_data_Settings::get(); if( is_null($locale) ){ // notify if template is locked (save and sync will be disabled) if( $project && $project->isPotLocked() ){ $this->set('fsDenied', true ); $readonly = true; } // translators: Warning when POT file is opened in the file editor. It can be disabled in settings. else if( 1 === $settings->pot_protect ){ $e = new Loco_error_Warning( __("This is NOT a translation file. Manual editing of source strings is not recommended.",'loco-translate') ); $e->addLink( Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate('config').'#loco--pot-protect', __('Settings','loco-translate') ) ->addLink( apply_filters('loco_external','https://localise.biz/wordpress/plugin/manual/templates'), __('Documentation','loco-translate') ) ->noLog(); Loco_error_AdminNotices::add($e); } } // back end expects paths relative to wp-content $wp_content = loco_constant('WP_CONTENT_DIR'); $this->set( 'js', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [ 'podata' => $data->jsonSerialize(), 'powrap' => (int) $settings->po_width, 'multipart' => (bool) $settings->ajax_files, 'locale' => $locale ? $locale->jsonSerialize() : null, 'source' => $source->jsonSerialize(), 'potpath' => $locale && $potfile ? $potfile->getRelativePath($wp_content) : null, 'syncmode' => $syncmode, 'popath' => $this->get('path'), 'readonly' => $readonly, 'project' => $project ? [ 'bundle' => $bundle->getId(), 'domain' => $project->getId(), ] : null, 'nonces' => $this->getNonces($readonly), 'adminUrl' => Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate('loco'), ] ) ); $this->set( 'ui', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( [ // Translators: button for adding a new string when manually editing a POT file 'add' => _x('Add','Editor','loco-translate'), // Translators: button for removing a string when manually editing a POT file 'del' => _x('Remove','Editor','loco-translate'), 'help' => __('Help','loco-translate'), // Translators: Button that saves translations to disk 'save' => _x('Save','Editor','loco-translate'), // Translators: Button that runs in-editor sync/operation 'sync' => _x('Sync','Editor','loco-translate'), // Translators: Button that reloads current screen 'revert' => _x('Revert','Editor','loco-translate'), // Translators: Button that opens window for auto-translating 'auto' => _x('Auto','Editor','loco-translate'), // Translators: Button that validates current translation formatting 'lint' => _x('Check','Editor','loco-translate'), // Translators: Button for downloading a PO, MO or POT file 'download' => _x('Download','Editor','loco-translate'), // Translators: Placeholder text for text filter above editor 'filter' => __('Filter translations','loco-translate'), // Translators: Button that toggles invisible characters 'invs' => _x('Toggle invisibles','Editor','loco-translate'), // Translators: Button that toggles between "code" and regular text editing modes 'code' => _x('Toggle code view','Editor','loco-translate'), ] ) ); // Download form params $hidden = new Loco_mvc_HiddenFields( [ 'route' => 'download', 'action' => 'loco_download', 'path' => '', 'source' => '', ] ); // zip archive will on;y be available if bundle is configured if( $bundle && $project ){ $hidden['bundle'] = $bundle->getId(); $hidden['domain'] = $project->getId(); } $this->set( 'dlFields', $hidden->setNonce('download') ); $this->set( 'dlAction', admin_url('admin-ajax.php','relative') ); // Remote file system required if file is not directly writable $this->prepareFsConnect( 'update', $this->get('path') ); // ok to render editor as either po or pot $tpl = $locale ? 'po' : 'pot'; $this->setFileTitle($file); return $this->view( 'admin/file/edit-'.$tpl, [] ); } }