Direktori : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/albanie/wp-content/plugins/loco-translate/src/error/ |
Current File : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/albanie/wp-content/plugins/loco-translate/src/error/AdminNotices.php |
<?php class Loco_error_AdminNotices extends Loco_hooks_Hookable { /** * @var Loco_error_AdminNotices */ private static $singleton; /** * @var Loco_error_Exception[] */ private $errors = []; /** * Inline messages are handled by our own template views * @var bool */ private $inline = false; /** * @return Loco_error_AdminNotices */ public static function get(){ self::$singleton or self::$singleton = new Loco_error_AdminNotices; return self::$singleton; } /** * Enable temporary buffering of PHP errors, reducing error reporting to debug level. * Call restore_error_handler to stop capturing. * @param int $level PHP error level bit mask, e.g. E_WARNING * @return void */ public static function capture( $level ){ set_error_handler( [__CLASS__,'handle_error'], $level ); } /** * @internal * @param int $errno * @param string $errstr */ public static function handle_error( $errno, $errstr /*$errfile, $errline*/ ){ if( $errno & (E_ERROR|E_USER_ERROR) ){ return false; } $label = $errno & (E_WARNING|E_USER_WARNING) ? 'Warning' : 'Notice'; self::debug( '[PHP '.$label.'] '.$errstr ); return true; } /** * @param Loco_error_Exception $error * @return Loco_error_Exception */ public static function add( Loco_error_Exception $error ){ $notices = self::get(); // Skip repeated error messages in same stack foreach( $notices->errors as $previous ){ if( $error->isIdentical($previous) ){ return $previous; } } // if exception wasn't thrown we have to do some work to establish where it was invoked if( __FILE__ === $error->getRealFile() ){ $error->setCallee(1); } // write error immediately under WP_CLI if( 'cli' === PHP_SAPI && class_exists('WP_CLI',false) ){ $error->logCli(); return $error; } // else buffer notices for displaying when UI is ready $notices->errors[] = $error; // do late flush if we missed the boat if( did_action('loco_admin_init') ){ $notices->on_loco_admin_init(); } if( did_action('admin_notices') ){ $notices->on_admin_notices(); } // Log message automatically if enabled if( $error->loggable() ){ $error->log(); } return $error; } /** * Raise a success message * @param string $message * @return Loco_error_Exception */ public static function success( $message ){ $notice = new Loco_error_Success($message); return self::add( $notice->setCallee(1) ); } /** * Raise a failure message * @param string $message * @return Loco_error_Exception */ public static function err( $message ){ $notice = new Loco_error_Exception($message); return self::add( $notice->setCallee(1) ); } /** * Raise a warning message * @param string $message * @return Loco_error_Exception */ public static function warn( $message ){ $notice = new Loco_error_Warning($message); return self::add( $notice->setCallee(1) ); } /** * Raise a generic info message * @param string $message * @return Loco_error_Exception */ public static function info( $message ){ $notice = new Loco_error_Notice($message); return self::add( $notice->setCallee(1) ); } /** * Raise a debug notice, if debug is enabled * @param string $message * @return Loco_error_Debug */ public static function debug( $message ){ $notice = new Loco_error_Debug($message); $notice->setCallee(1); loco_debugging() and self::add( $notice ); return $notice; } /** * Destroy and return buffer * @return Loco_error_Exception[] */ public static function destroy(){ $notices = self::$singleton; if( $notices instanceof Loco_error_AdminNotices ){ $buffer = $notices->errors; $notices->errors = []; self::$singleton = null; return $buffer; } return []; } /** * @codeCoverageIgnore * @deprecated Since PHP 5.4 there is no need to cast array via calls to jsonSerialize */ public static function destroyAjax(){ $data = []; foreach( self::destroy() as $notice ){ $data[] = $notice->jsonSerialize(); } return $data; } /** * @return void */ private function flushHtml(){ if( $this->errors ){ $htmls = []; foreach( $this->errors as $error ){ $html = sprintf ( '<p><strong class="has-icon">%s:</strong> <span>%s</span></p>', esc_html( $error->getTitle() ), esc_html( $error->getMessage() ) ); $styles = [ 'notice', 'notice-'.$error->getType() ]; if( $this->inline ){ $styles[] = 'inline'; } if( $links = $error->getLinks() ){ $styles[] = 'has-nav'; $html .= '<nav>'.implode( '<span> | </span>', $links ).'</nav>'; } $htmls[] = '<div class="'.implode(' ',$styles).'">'.$html.'</div>'; } $this->errors = []; echo implode("\n", $htmls),"\n"; } } /** * @return void */ private function flushCli(){ foreach( $this->errors as $e ){ $e->logCli(); } $this->errors = []; } /** * admin_notices action handler. */ public function on_admin_notices(){ if( ! $this->inline ){ $this->flushHtml(); } } /** * loco_admin_notices callback. * Unlike WordPress "admin_notices" this fires from within template layout at the point we want them, hence they are marked as "inline" */ public function on_loco_admin_notices(){ $this->inline = true; $this->flushHtml(); } /** * loco_admin_init callback * When we know a Loco admin controller will render the page we will control the point at which notices are printed */ public function on_loco_admin_init(){ $this->inline = true; } /** * @internal * Make sure we always see notices if hooks didn't fire */ public function __destruct(){ $this->inline = false; $this->flush(); // handle situation where test case will have lost the buffer if( $this->errors && 'cli' === PHP_SAPI ){ throw new RuntimeException('Notices not flushed before destruction'); } } /** * @param int $level * @return Loco_error_Exception[] */ public function filter( $level ){ $e = []; foreach( $this->errors as $error ){ if( $error->getLevel() <= $level ){ $e[] = $error; } } return $e; } /** * @internal */ public function flush(){ if( class_exists('WP_CLI',false) ){ $this->flushCli(); } else if( loco_doing_ajax() ){ $this->errors = []; } else if( 'cli' !== PHP_SAPI ){ $this->flushHtml(); } // else probably in unit test and not properly handled, leave significant errors in buffer else { $this->errors = $this->filter( Loco_error_Exception::LEVEL_WARNING ); } return $this; } }