Direktori : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/albanie/wp-content/plugins/megamenu/css/ |
Current File : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/albanie/wp-content/plugins/megamenu/css/compatibility.scss |
@if ($elementor_pro_active == true) { .elementor-sticky__spacer #{$wrap} #{$menu}, .elementor-sticky__spacer #{$wrap} #{$menu} .mega-sub-menu { visibility: inherit !important; } } @if ($wp_theme == twentytwelve and $location == 'primary') { body.mega-menu-primary button.menu-toggle { display: none; } } @if ($wp_theme == generatepress and $location == 'primary') { body.mega-menu-primary button.menu-toggle { display: none; } } @if ($wp_theme == astra and $location == 'primary') { body.mega-menu-primary.ast-header-break-point .ast-mobile-menu-buttons { display: none; } @include desktop { #{$wrap} #{$menu} .ast-masthead-custom-menu-items { display: inline-block; margin: 0 $menu_item_spacing 0 0; } } } @if ($wp_theme == oceanwp) { html[class$="-off-canvas-open"] #top-bar-wrap, html[class$="-off-canvas-open"] #site-header { z-index: 1; } @if ($location == main_menu) { @include desktop { #{$wrap} #{$menu} .woo-menu-icon, #{$wrap} #{$menu} .search-toggle-li { display: inline-block; margin: 0 $menu_item_spacing 0 0; > a { line-height: $menu_item_link_height; height: $menu_item_link_height; padding: $menu_item_link_padding_top $menu_item_link_padding_right $menu_item_link_padding_bottom $menu_item_link_padding_left; } } } } } @if ($wp_theme == enfold) { html[class$="-off-canvas-open"] #header_meta { z-index: 1; } }