Direktori : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/complianz-gdpr/settings/ |
Current File : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/complianz-gdpr/settings/settings.php |
<?php defined('ABSPATH') or die(); /** * Enqueue Gutenberg block assets for backend editor. * * @since 1.0.0 */ require_once( cmplz_path . 'settings/config/menu.php' ); require_once( cmplz_path . 'settings/config/blocks.php' ); require_once( cmplz_path . 'settings/wizard.php' ); require_once( cmplz_path . 'settings/config/fields-notices.php' ); require_once( cmplz_path . 'settings/media/wp_enqueue_media_override.php'); /** * Fix for WPML issue where WPML breaks the rest api by adding a language locale in the url * * @param $url * @param $path * @param $blog_id * @param $scheme * * @return string */ function cmplz_fix_rest_url_for_wpml( $url, $path, $blog_id, $scheme) { if ( strpos($url, 'complianz/v')===false ) { return $url; } $current_language = false; if ( function_exists( 'icl_register_string' ) ) { $current_language = apply_filters( 'wpml_current_language', null ); } if ( function_exists('qtranxf_getLanguage') ){ $current_language = qtranxf_getLanguage(); } if ( $current_language ) { if ( strpos($url, '/'.$current_language.'/wp-json/') ) { $url = str_replace( '/'.$current_language.'/wp-json/', '/wp-json/', $url); } } return $url; } add_filter( 'rest_url', 'cmplz_fix_rest_url_for_wpml', 10, 4 ); /** * @return void * as we can't append #dashboard to the first menu item, we leave it at 'complianz', and replace the text. This is a bit hacky, but it works. */ function cmplz_fix_duplicate_menu_item() { ?> <script> window.addEventListener("load", () => { let cmplzMain = document.querySelector('li.wp-has-submenu.toplevel_page_complianz a.wp-first-item'); if (cmplzMain) { cmplzMain.innerHTML = cmplzMain.innerHTML.replace('Complianz', '<?php esc_html_e(__( 'Dashboard', 'complianz-gdpr'))?>'); } }); </script> <?php /** * Ensure the items are selected in sync with the complianz react menu. */ if(isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page']==='complianz') { ?> <script> const cmplzSetActive = (obj) => { obj.classList.add('current'); obj.parentNode.classList.add('current'); } window.addEventListener("load", () => { let cmplzMain = document.querySelector('li.wp-has-submenu.toplevel_page_complianz a.wp-first-item'); if (cmplzMain) { cmplzMain.href = '#'; } }); //get the hash from the current url let cmplzHash = window.location.hash; //strip off anything after a / if ( cmplzHash.indexOf('/') !== -1 ) { cmplzHash = cmplzHash.substring(0, cmplzHash.indexOf('/')); } if ( !cmplzHash ) { let cmplzMain = document.querySelector('li.wp-has-submenu.toplevel_page_complianz a.wp-first-item'); cmplzSetActive(cmplzMain); } else { let cmplzMenuItems = document.querySelector('li.wp-has-submenu.toplevel_page_complianz').querySelectorAll('a'); for (const link of cmplzMenuItems) { if (cmplzHash && link.href.indexOf(cmplzHash) !== -1) { cmplzSetActive(link); } else { link.classList.remove('current'); link.parentNode.classList.remove('current'); } } } window.addEventListener('click', (e) => { const cmplzTargetHref = e.target && e.target.href; let cmplzIsMainMenu = false; let cmplzIsWpMenu = false; if (cmplzTargetHref && e.target.classList.contains('cmplz-main')) { cmplzIsMainMenu = true; } else if (cmplzTargetHref && cmplzTargetHref.indexOf('admin.php')!==-1) { cmplzIsWpMenu = true; } if (!cmplzIsWpMenu && !cmplzIsMainMenu) { return; } if (cmplzIsWpMenu) { if (cmplzTargetHref && cmplzTargetHref.indexOf('page=complianz') !== -1) { const parentElement = e.target.parentNode.parentNode; const childLinks = parentElement.querySelectorAll('li, a'); // Loop through each 'a' element and add the class for (const link of childLinks) { link.classList.remove('current'); } e.target.classList.add('current'); e.target.parentNode.classList.add('current'); } } else { //find cmplzTargetHref in wordpress menu let cmplzMenuItems = document.querySelector('li.wp-has-submenu.toplevel_page_complianz').querySelectorAll('a'); for (const link of cmplzMenuItems) { //check if last character of link.href is '#' if (cmplzTargetHref.indexOf('dashboard')!==-1 && link.href.charAt(link.href.length - 1) === '#'){ cmplzSetActive(link); } else if (cmplzTargetHref && link.href.indexOf(cmplzTargetHref) !== -1) { cmplzSetActive(link); } else { link.classList.remove('current'); link.parentNode.classList.remove('current'); } } } }); </script> <?php } } add_action('admin_footer', 'cmplz_fix_duplicate_menu_item'); /** * WordPress doesn't allow for translation of chunks resulting of code splitting. * Several workarounds have popped up in JetPack and Woocommerce: https://developer.wordpress.com/2022/01/06/wordpress-plugin-i18n-webpack-and-composer/ * Below is mainly based on the Woocommerce solution, which seems to be the most simple approach. Simplicity is king here. * * @return array */ function cmplz_get_chunk_translations() { //get all files from the settings/build folder $files = scandir(cmplz_path . 'settings/build'); $json_translations = []; foreach ($files as $file) { if (strpos($file, '.js') === false) { continue; } $chunk_handle = str_replace('.js', '', $file ); //temporarily register the script, so we can get a translations object. wp_register_script( $chunk_handle, plugins_url('build/'.$file, __FILE__), [], true ); $path = defined('cmplz_premium') ? cmplz_path . 'languages' : false; $localeData = load_script_textdomain( $chunk_handle, 'complianz-gdpr', $path ); if ( !empty($localeData) ){ $json_translations[] = $localeData; } wp_deregister_script( $chunk_handle ); } return $json_translations; } function cmplz_plugin_admin_scripts() { // replace with the actual path to your build directory $buildDirPath = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '/build'; // get the filenames in the build directory $filenames = scandir( $buildDirPath ); // filter the filenames to get the JavaScript and asset filenames $jsFilename = ''; $assetFilename = ''; foreach ( $filenames as $filename ) { if ( strpos( $filename, 'index.' ) === 0 ) { if ( substr( $filename, - 3 ) === '.js' ) { $jsFilename = $filename; } elseif ( substr( $filename, - 10 ) === '.asset.php' ) { $assetFilename = $filename; } } } // check if the necessary files are found if ( $jsFilename !== '' && $assetFilename !== '' ) { $assetFilePath = $buildDirPath . '/' . $assetFilename; $assetFile = require( $assetFilePath ); $handle = 'cmplz-settings'; cmplz_wp_enqueue_media(); wp_enqueue_script( $handle); wp_enqueue_script( $handle, plugins_url( 'build/' . $jsFilename, __FILE__ ), $assetFile['dependencies'], $assetFile['version'], true ); wp_set_script_translations( $handle, 'complianz-gdpr' ); wp_localize_script( 'cmplz-settings', 'cmplz_settings', apply_filters( 'cmplz_localize_script', [ 'json_translations' => cmplz_get_chunk_translations(), 'site_url' => get_rest_url(), 'admin_url' => admin_url(), 'admin_ajax_url' => add_query_arg( array( 'type' => 'errors', 'action' => 'cmplz_rest_api_fallback' ), admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ), 'dashboard_url' => cmplz_admin_url(), 'upgrade_link' => 'https://complianz.io/pricing', 'plugin_url' => cmplz_url, 'license_url' => is_multisite() ? cmplz_main_site_url('#settings/license') : '#settings/license', 'blocks' => cmplz_blocks(), 'is_premium' => defined( 'cmplz_premium' ), 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wp_rest' ),//to authenticate the logged in user 'cmplz_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'cmplz_react' ), 'menu' => cmplz_menu(), 'regions' => COMPLIANZ::$config->regions, 'user_id' => get_current_user_id(), 'is_multisite' => is_multisite(), 'is_multisite_plugin'=> defined('cmplz_premium_multisite'), ] ) ); } } /** * Get admin url, adjusted for multisite * @return string|null */ function cmplz_admin_url($path=''){ if (is_network_admin()) { switch_to_blog(get_main_site_id()); } $url = add_query_arg(array('page' => 'complianz'), admin_url('admin.php') ); if (is_network_admin()) { restore_current_blog(); } return $url.$path; } /** * Get admin url, adjusted for multisite * @return string|null */ function cmplz_main_site_url($path=''){ $switch_back = false; if ( !is_main_site()) { $switch_back = true; switch_to_blog(get_main_site_id()); } $url = add_query_arg(array('page' => 'complianz'), admin_url('admin.php') ); if ($switch_back) { restore_current_blog(); } return $url.$path; } /** * Add SSL menu * * @return void */ function cmplz_add_option_menu() { if ( !cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { return; } $warnings = COMPLIANZ::$admin->get_warnings( array( 'plus_ones' => true, ) ); $warning_count = count( $warnings ); $warning_title = esc_attr( cmplz_sprintf( '%s plugin warnings', $warning_count ) ); $plus_one = " <span class='update-plugins count-$warning_count' title='$warning_title'><span class='update-count'>" . number_format_i18n( $warning_count ) . "</span></span>"; $page_hook_suffix = add_menu_page( 'Complianz', 'Complianz'.$plus_one, apply_filters('cmplz_capability','manage_privacy'), 'complianz', 'cmplz_settings_page', cmplz_url . 'assets/images/menu-icon.svg', CMPLZ_MAIN_MENU_POSITION ); add_submenu_page( 'complianz#dashboard', __( 'Dashboard', 'complianz-gdpr' ).$plus_one, __( 'Dashboard', 'complianz-gdpr' ), apply_filters('cmplz_capability','manage_privacy'), 'complianz', 'cmplz_settings_page' ); add_submenu_page( 'complianz', __( 'Wizard', 'complianz-gdpr' ), __( 'Wizard', 'complianz-gdpr' ), apply_filters('cmplz_capability','manage_privacy'), 'complianz#wizard', 'cmplz_settings_page' ); do_action( 'cmplz_cookiebanner_menu' ); add_submenu_page( 'complianz', __( 'Integrations', 'complianz-gdpr' ), __( 'Integrations', 'complianz-gdpr' ), apply_filters('cmplz_capability','manage_privacy'), 'complianz#integrations', 'cmplz_settings_page' ); add_submenu_page( 'complianz', __( 'Settings', 'complianz-gdpr' ), __( 'Settings', 'complianz-gdpr' ), apply_filters('cmplz_capability','manage_privacy'), 'complianz#settings', 'cmplz_settings_page' ); add_submenu_page( 'complianz', __( 'Tools', 'complianz-gdpr' ), __( 'Tools', 'complianz-gdpr' ), apply_filters('cmplz_capability','manage_privacy'), 'complianz#tools', 'cmplz_settings_page' ); do_action( 'cmplz_admin_menu' ); if ( defined( 'cmplz_free' ) && cmplz_free ) { global $submenu; if (isset($submenu['complianz'])) { $class = 'cmplz-submenu'; $highest_index = count($submenu['complianz']); $submenu['complianz'][] = array( __( 'Upgrade to premium', 'complianz-gdpr' ), apply_filters('cmplz_capability','manage_privacy'), 'https://complianz.io/l/pricing' ); if ( isset( $submenu['complianz'][$highest_index] ) ) { if (! isset ($submenu['complianz'][$highest_index][4])) $submenu['complianz'][$highest_index][4] = ''; $submenu['complianz'][$highest_index][4] .= ' ' . $class; } } } add_action( "admin_print_scripts-{$page_hook_suffix}", 'cmplz_plugin_admin_scripts' ); } add_action( 'admin_menu', 'cmplz_add_option_menu' ); /** * Render the settings page */ function cmplz_settings_page() { if (!cmplz_user_can_manage()) { return; } ?> <div id="complianz" class="cmplz"></div> <div id="complianz-modal"></div> <?php } /** * If the rest api is blocked, the code will try an admin ajax call as fall back. * * @return void */ function cmplz_rest_api_fallback(){ $response = $data = []; $error = $action = $do_action =false; if ( ! cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { $error = true; } //if the site is using this fallback, we want to show a notice update_option('cmplz_ajax_fallback_active', time(), false ); $requestData = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); if (empty($requestData)) { $requestData = $_GET; } if ( $requestData ) { $action = $requestData['rest_action'] ?? false; $action = sanitize_text_field( $action ); $data = $requestData['data'] ?? false; if ( strpos($action, 'complianz/v1/do_action/')!==false ){ $do_action = strtolower(str_replace('complianz/v1/do_action/', '',$action )); } } if (!$error) { if ( strpos($action, 'fields/get')!==false) { $response = cmplz_rest_api_fields_get(); } else if (strpos($action, 'fields/set')!==false) { $request = new WP_REST_Request(); $response = cmplz_rest_api_fields_set($request); } else if ($do_action) { $request = new WP_REST_Request(); $request->set_param('action', $do_action); $request->set_param('data', $data); $response = cmplz_do_action($request ); } } if ( ob_get_length() ) { ob_clean(); } header( "Content-Type: application/json" ); echo json_encode($response); exit; } add_action( 'wp_ajax_cmplz_rest_api_fallback', 'cmplz_rest_api_fallback' ); add_action( 'rest_api_init', 'cmplz_settings_rest_route', 10 ); function cmplz_settings_rest_route() { if (!cmplz_user_can_manage()) { return; } register_rest_route( 'complianz/v1', 'fields/get', array( 'methods' => 'GET', 'callback' => 'cmplz_rest_api_fields_get', 'permission_callback' => function () { return cmplz_user_can_manage(); } ) ); register_rest_route( 'complianz/v1', 'fields/set', array( 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'cmplz_rest_api_fields_set', 'permission_callback' => function () { return cmplz_user_can_manage(); } ) ); register_rest_route( 'complianz/v1', 'do_action/(?P<action>[a-z\_\-]+)', array( 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'cmplz_do_action', 'permission_callback' => function () { return cmplz_user_can_manage(); } ) ); } /** * @param WP_REST_Request $request * * @return array */ function cmplz_do_action($request){ if ( !cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { return []; } $data = $request->get_param('data'); $nonce = $request->get_param('nonce'); if ( empty($nonce) && isset($data['nonce'])) { $nonce = $data['nonce']; } if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'cmplz_react' ) ) { return []; } $action = sanitize_title($request->get_param('action')); switch($action){ case 'get_pages_list': $data = COMPLIANZ::$document->get_pages_list($request); break; case 'update_custom_legal_document_id': $data = COMPLIANZ::$documents_admin->update_custom_legal_document_id($request); break; case 'plugin_actions': $data = cmplz_plugin_actions($request); break; case 'otherpluginsdata': $data = cmplz_other_plugins_data(); break; case 'get_cookiebanner_required': $is_required = COMPLIANZ::$banner_loader->site_needs_cookie_warning(); $data = ['required' => $is_required]; break; case 'reset_settings': $data = cmplz_reset_settings(); break; default: $data = apply_filters("cmplz_do_action", [], $action, $request); } $data['request_success'] = true; if ( ob_get_length() ) { ob_clean(); } return $data; } /** * process the reset * @return array */ function cmplz_reset_settings() { if ( ! cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { return []; } COMPLIANZ::$scan->reset_pages_list(false, true); $options = array( 'cmplz_first_sync_started', 'cmplz_post_scribe_required', 'cmplz_activation_time', 'cmplz_review_notice_shown', "cmplz_wizard_completed_once", 'cmplz_options', 'complianz_active_policy_id', 'complianz_scan_token', 'cmplz_license_notice_dismissed', 'cmplz_license_status', 'cmplz_changed_cookies', 'cmplz_plugins_changed', 'cmplz_detected_stats', 'cmplz_deleted_cookies', 'cmplz_reported_cookies', 'cmplz_sync_cookies_complete', 'cmplz_sync_cookies_after_services_complete', 'cmplz_sync_services_complete', 'cmplz_detected_social_media', 'cmplz_detected_thirdparty_services', //'cmplz_vendorlist_downloaded_once', ); foreach ( $options as $option_name ) { delete_option( $option_name ); delete_site_option( $option_name ); } global $wpdb; $table_names = array( $wpdb->prefix . 'cmplz_statistics', $wpdb->prefix . 'cmplz_cookies', $wpdb->prefix . 'cmplz_services' ); foreach ( $table_names as $table_name ) { if ( $wpdb->get_var( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '$table_name'" ) === $table_name ) { $wpdb->query( "TRUNCATE TABLE $table_name" ); } } $banners = cmplz_get_cookiebanners( array( 'status' => 'all' ) ); foreach ( $banners as $banner ) { $banner = cmplz_get_cookiebanner( $banner->ID ); $banner->delete( true ); } //ensure the activation will run again update_option( 'cmplz_run_activation', true, false ); return [ 'success'=> true, 'id'=>'reset_settings','message' => __( 'Data successfully cleared', 'complianz-gdpr' ) ]; } /** * Process plugin installation or activation actions * * @param WP_REST_Request $request * * @return array */ function cmplz_plugin_actions($request){ if ( !cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { return []; } $slug = $request->get_param('slug'); $action = $request->get_param('pluginAction'); if ( $action==='download' || $action==='activate' ) { require_once(cmplz_path . 'class-installer.php'); $installer = new cmplz_installer($slug); } if ( $action==='download' ) { $installer->download_plugin(); } else if ( $action === 'activate' ) { $installer->activate_plugin(); } return cmplz_other_plugins_data($slug); } /** * Get plugin data for other plugin section * @param string $slug * @return array */ function cmplz_other_plugins_data($slug=false){ if ( !cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { return []; } $plugins = array( [ 'slug' => 'burst-statistics', 'constant_free' => 'burst_free', 'constant_premium' => 'burst_pro', 'website' => 'https://burst-statistics.com/pricing?src=complianz-plugin', 'wordpress_url' => 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/burst-statistics/', 'upgrade_url' => 'https://burst-statistics.com/pricing?src=cmplz-plugin', 'title' => 'Burst Statistics - '. __("Self-hosted and privacy-friendly analytics tool.", "complianz-gdpr"), ], [ 'slug' => 'really-simple-ssl', 'constant_free' => 'rsssl_version', 'constant_premium' => 'rsssl_pro', 'wordpress_url' => 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/really-simple-ssl/', 'upgrade_url' => 'https://really-simple-ssl.com/pro?src=cmplz-plugin', 'title' => "Really Simple Security - ".__("Simple and performant security.", "complianz-gdpr" ), ], [ 'slug' => 'complianz-terms-conditions', 'constant_free' => 'cmplz_tc_version', 'create' => admin_url('admin.php?page=terms-conditions'), 'wordpress_url' => 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/complianz-terms-conditions/', 'upgrade_url' => 'https://complianz.io?src=cmplz-plugin', 'title' => 'Complianz - '. __("Terms & Conditions", "complianz-gdpr"), ], ); foreach ($plugins as $index => $plugin ){ $star_rating = false; require_once(cmplz_path . 'class-installer.php'); $installer = new cmplz_installer($plugin['slug']); #if slug defined, get star rating as well if ( $slug ) { $plugin_info = $installer->get_plugin_info(); $star_rating = ['rating' => $plugin_info->rating, 'rating_count' => $plugin_info->num_ratings ]; } if ( isset($plugin['constant_premium']) && defined($plugin['constant_premium']) ) { $plugins[ $index ]['pluginAction'] = 'installed'; } else if ( !$installer->plugin_is_downloaded() && !$installer->plugin_is_activated() ) { $plugins[$index]['pluginAction'] = 'download'; } else if ( $installer->plugin_is_downloaded() && !$installer->plugin_is_activated() ) { $plugins[ $index ]['pluginAction'] = 'activate'; } else { if (isset($plugin['constant_premium']) ) { $plugins[$index]['pluginAction'] = 'upgrade-to-premium'; } else { $plugins[ $index ]['pluginAction'] = 'installed'; } } } if ( $slug ) { foreach ($plugins as $key=> $plugin) { if ($plugin['slug']===$slug){ if ($star_rating) $plugin['star_rating'] = $star_rating; return $plugin; } } } return ['plugins' => $plugins]; } /** * List of allowed field types * @param $type * * @return mixed|string */ function cmplz_sanitize_field_type($type){ $types = [ 'hidden', 'license', 'database', 'checkbox', 'multicheckbox', 'password', 'radio', 'text', 'text_checkbox', 'borderradius', 'borderwidth', 'colorpicker', 'css', 'editor', 'textarea', 'document', 'number', 'email', 'select', 'phone', 'url', 'processors', 'thirdparties', ]; if ( in_array( $type, $types, true ) ){ return $type; } return 'checkbox'; } /** * @param WP_REST_Request $request * * @return array */ function cmplz_rest_api_fields_set( WP_REST_Request $request): array { if ( !cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { return []; } if ( COMPLIANZ::$wizard->get_lock_user() !== get_current_user_id() ) { return []; } $data = $request->get_param('data'); $nonce = $request->get_param('nonce'); if ( empty($nonce) && isset($data['nonce'])) { $nonce = $data['nonce']; } if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'cmplz_react' ) ) { return []; } $fields = $request->get_param('fields'); $finish = (bool) $request->get_param('finish'); $config_fields = COMPLIANZ::$config->fields;; $config_ids = array_column($config_fields, 'id'); foreach ( $fields as $index => $field ) { $config_field_index = in_array( $field['id'], $config_ids, true ); if ( $config_field_index===false ){ unset($fields[$index]); } } $options = get_option( 'cmplz_options', [] ); //build a new options array foreach ( $fields as $index => $field ) { $prev_value = $options[ $field['id'] ] ?? false; $value = cmplz_sanitize_field( $field['value'] , $field['type'], $field['id']); $fields[$index]['value'] = $value; $fields[$index]['prev_value'] = $prev_value; $fields[$index]['type'] = cmplz_sanitize_field_type($field['type']); $fields[$index]['id'] = cmplz_sanitize_title_preserve_uppercase($field['id']); do_action( "cmplz_before_save_option", $fields[$index]['id'], $value, $prev_value, $fields[$index]['type'] ); $options[ $field['id'] ] = $value; $options = cmplz_maybe_add_source_option($options, $value, $field ); } foreach ( $fields as $field ) { $options = apply_filters( 'cmplz_before_save_options', $options, $field['id'], $field['value'], $field['prev_value'], $field['type'] ); } if ( ! empty( $options ) ) { update_option( 'cmplz_options', $options ); } foreach ( $fields as $field ) { $prev_value = $options[ $field['id'] ] ?? false; if ( isset($field['translatable']) && $field['translatable']) { $value = $field['value']; $type = $field['type']; $id = $field['id']; if ( is_array( $value ) && ( $type === 'thirdparties' || $type === 'processors' ) ) { foreach ( $value as $item_key => $item ) { //contains the values of an item foreach ( $item as $key => $key_value ) { cmplz_register_translation( $key_value, $item_key . '_' . $id . "_" . $key ); } } } else { cmplz_register_translation( $value, $id ); } } do_action( "cmplz_after_save_field", $field['id'], $field['value'], $prev_value, $field['type'] ); } do_action('cmplz_after_saved_fields', $fields ); cmplz_delete_transient('cmplz_blocked_scripts'); if ($finish){ do_action('cmplz_finish_wizard'); } if ( ob_get_length() ) { ob_clean(); } $fields = cmplz_fields(true, $options); return [ 'request_success' => true, 'fields' => $fields, //fields to update the progress bar and notices 'notices' => COMPLIANZ::$progress->notices(), 'show_cookiebanner' => cmplz_cookiebanner_should_load(true), 'field_notices' => cmplz_field_notices(), ]; } /** * Update a complianz option * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * * @return void */ if (!function_exists('cmplz_update_option')) { function cmplz_update_option( string $name, $value ) { if ( ! cmplz_admin_logged_in() ) { return; } $config_fields = COMPLIANZ::$config->fields; $config_ids = array_column( $config_fields, 'id' ); $config_field_index = array_search( $name, $config_ids ); $config_field = $config_fields[ $config_field_index ] ?? false; if ( $config_field_index === false ) { return; } $type = isset( $config_field['type'] ) ? $config_field['type'] : false; if ( ! $type ) { return; } $options = get_option( 'cmplz_options', [] ); if ( ! is_array( $options ) ) { $options = []; } /* * Some fields are duplicate, but opposite, like safe_mode vs 'enable_cookie_blocker'. * This function will get the value as its mapped value in the related field. * Then the value is saved in that related field */ $prev_value = $options[ $name ] ?? false; $name = cmplz_sanitize_title_preserve_uppercase( $name ); $type = cmplz_sanitize_field_type( $type ); $value = cmplz_sanitize_field( $value, $type, $name ); $value = apply_filters( "cmplz_field_value", $value, cmplz_sanitize_title_preserve_uppercase( $name ), $type ); $options[ $name ] = $value; $options = cmplz_maybe_add_source_option( $options, $value, $config_field ); $options = apply_filters( 'cmplz_before_save_options', $options, $name, $value, $prev_value, $type ); update_option( 'cmplz_options', $options ); do_action( "cmplz_after_save_field", $name, $value, $prev_value, $type ); } } /** * Update a complianz option without running the hooks * This is needed to prevent infinite loops, when used in the hook callback itself. * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * * @return void */ if (!function_exists('cmplz_update_option_no_hooks')) { function cmplz_update_option_no_hooks( string $name, $value ) { if ( ! cmplz_admin_logged_in() ) { return; } $config_fields = COMPLIANZ::$config->fields; $config_ids = array_column( $config_fields, 'id' ); $config_field_index = array_search( $name, $config_ids ); $config_field = $config_fields[ $config_field_index ]; if ( $config_field_index === false ) { return; } $type = isset( $config_field['type'] ) ? $config_field['type'] : false; if ( ! $type ) { return; } $options = get_option( 'cmplz_options', [] ); if ( ! is_array( $options ) ) { $options = []; } $name = cmplz_sanitize_title_preserve_uppercase( $name ); $type = cmplz_sanitize_field_type( $type ); $value = cmplz_sanitize_field( $value, $type, $name ); $value = apply_filters( "cmplz_field_value", $value, $name , $type ); $options[ $name ] = $value; update_option( 'cmplz_options', $options ); } } /** * Some fields are duplicate, but opposite, like safe_mode vs 'enable_cookie_blocker'. * This function will convert the value to equivalent value in the related field. * @param $options * @param $value * @param $field * * @return int|mixed|string */ function cmplz_maybe_add_source_option($options, $value, $field){ if (!isset($field['source_id'])) { return $options; } //convert value to mapped source value $source_mapping = array_flip($field['source_mapping']); if ( !isset($source_mapping[$value]) ) { return $options; } $mapped_value = $source_mapping[$value]; //get the source field, and update the value in that field. $config_fields = COMPLIANZ::$config->fields;; $config_ids = array_column($config_fields, 'id'); $source_field_index = array_search( $field['source_id'], $config_ids, true ); $source_field = $config_fields[$source_field_index]; $options[$source_field['id']] = $mapped_value; return $options; } /** * Get the rest api fields * @return array */ function cmplz_rest_api_fields_get(): array { if ( !cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { return []; } $nonce = $_GET['nonce'] ?? false; if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'cmplz_react' ) ) { return []; } if ( !COMPLIANZ::$wizard->wizard_is_locked() || COMPLIANZ::$wizard->get_lock_user() === get_current_user_id() ) { COMPLIANZ::$wizard->lock_wizard(); } delete_option('cmplz_ajax_fallback_active' ); $output = array(); $fields = cmplz_fields(); $output['fields'] = $fields; $output['field_notices'] = cmplz_field_notices(); $output['request_success'] = true; $output['locked_by'] = COMPLIANZ::$wizard->get_lock_user() ? COMPLIANZ::$wizard->get_lock_user() : get_current_user_id(); if ( ob_get_length() ) { ob_clean(); } return apply_filters('cmplz_rest_api_fields_get', $output); } /** * Sanitize a field * * @param mixed $value * @param string $type * @oaram string $id * * @return array|bool|int|string|void */ function cmplz_sanitize_field( $value, string $type, string $id ) { switch ( $type ) { case 'checkbox': case 'number': return (int) $value; case 'hidden': return sanitize_title($value); case 'document': return in_array($value, ['generated','custom','url','none']) ? $value : false; case 'url': return esc_url_raw($value); case 'license': return $value; case 'multicheckbox': if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { $value = empty($value) ? [] : [$value => 1]; } return array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $value ); case 'password': return cmplz_encode_password($value); case 'email': return sanitize_email( $value ); case 'processors': return cmplz_sanitize_processors($value); case 'thirdparties': return cmplz_sanitize_thirdparties($value); case 'editor': return wp_kses_post($value); case 'colorpicker': return cmplz_sanitize_color_picker($value); case 'textarea': return wp_kses_post($value); case 'select': case 'text': default: return sanitize_text_field( $value ); } } function cmplz_sanitize_color_picker($value) { if ( !is_array($value)) { return false; } foreach ( $value as $key => $color ) { $value[sanitize_text_field($key)] = sanitize_hex_color($color); } return $value; } /** * Sanizite a processors field * @param array $processors * * @return array */ function cmplz_sanitize_processors($processors) { if ( !is_array($processors) ) { $processors = []; } $defaults = [ 'name' => '', 'processing_agreement' => false, 'country' => false, 'purpose' => '', 'data' => '', 'saved_by_user' => false, ]; foreach ( $processors as $index => $processor ) { $processor = wp_parse_args($processor, $defaults); $processor['name'] = sanitize_text_field($processor['name']); $processor['processing_agreement'] = (int) $processor['processing_agreement']; $processor['country'] = sanitize_text_field($processor['country']); $processor['purpose'] = sanitize_text_field($processor['purpose']); $processor['data'] = sanitize_text_field($processor['data']); $processor['saved_by_user'] = (bool) $processor['saved_by_user']; $processors[$index] = $processor; } return $processors; } /** * Sanizite a processors field * * @param array $thirdparties * * @return array */ function cmplz_sanitize_thirdparties( $thirdparties ): array { if (!is_array($thirdparties)) { $thirdparties = []; } $defaults = [ 'name' => '', 'country' => false, 'purpose' => '', 'data' => '', 'saved_by_user' => false, ]; foreach ( $thirdparties as $index => $thirdparty ) { $thirdparty = wp_parse_args($thirdparty, $defaults); $thirdparty['name'] = sanitize_text_field($thirdparty['name']); $thirdparty['country'] = sanitize_text_field($thirdparty['country']); $thirdparty['purpose'] = sanitize_text_field($thirdparty['purpose']); $thirdparty['data'] = sanitize_text_field($thirdparty['data']); $thirdparty['saved_by_user'] = (bool) $thirdparty['saved_by_user']; $thirdparty[$index] = $thirdparty; } return $thirdparties; } /** * Sanitize and encode a password * * @param $password * * @return mixed|string */ function cmplz_encode_password($password) { if (!cmplz_user_can_manage()) { return $password; } if ( strlen(trim($password)) === 0 ) { return $password; } $password = sanitize_text_field($password); if (strpos( $password , 'cmplz_') !== FALSE ) { return $password; } $key = get_site_option('cmplz_key'); if ( !$key ) { update_site_option( 'cmplz_key' , time() ); $key = get_site_option('cmplz_key'); } $ivlength = openssl_cipher_iv_length('aes-256-cbc'); $iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($ivlength); $ciphertext_raw = openssl_encrypt($password, 'aes-256-cbc', $key, 0, $iv); $key = base64_encode( $iv.$ciphertext_raw ); return 'cmplz_'.$key; } /** * Check if the server side conditions apply * * @param array $conditions * * @return bool */ function cmplz_conditions_apply( array $conditions ){ if (!cmplz_user_can_manage()) { return false; } $defaults = ['relation' => 'AND']; $conditions = wp_parse_args($conditions, $defaults); $relation = $conditions['relation'] === 'AND' ? 'AND' : 'OR'; unset($conditions['relation']); $condition_applies = true; foreach ( $conditions as $condition => $condition_value ) { $invert = substr($condition, 1)==='!'; $condition = ltrim($condition, '!'); if ( is_array($condition_value)) { $this_condition_applies = cmplz_conditions_apply($condition_value); } else { //check if it's a function if (substr($condition, -2) === '()'){ $func = $condition; if ( preg_match( '/(.*)\:\:(.*)->(.*)/i', $func, $matches)) { $class = $matches[2]; $func = $matches[3]; $func = str_replace('()', '', $func); $this_condition_applies = COMPLIANZ::${$class}->$func() === $condition_value; } else { $func = str_replace('()', '', $func); $this_condition_applies = $func() === $condition_value; } } else { $this_condition_applies = cmplz_get_option($condition) === $condition_value; } if ( $invert ){ $this_condition_applies = !$this_condition_applies; } } if ($relation === 'AND') { $condition_applies = $condition_applies && $this_condition_applies; } else { $condition_applies = $condition_applies || $this_condition_applies; } } return $condition_applies; }