Direktori : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/facebook-for-woocommerce/includes/ |
Current File : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/facebook-for-woocommerce/includes/fbproduct.php |
<?php // phpcs:ignoreFile /** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved * * This source code is licensed under the license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @package FacebookCommerce */ require_once __DIR__ . '/fbutils.php'; use WooCommerce\Facebook\Framework\Helper; use WooCommerce\Facebook\Products; defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; /** * Custom FB Product proxy class */ class WC_Facebook_Product { // Used for the background sync const PRODUCT_PREP_TYPE_ITEMS_BATCH = 'items_batch'; // Used for the background feed upload const PRODUCT_PREP_TYPE_FEED = 'feed'; // Used for direct update and create calls const PRODUCT_PREP_TYPE_NORMAL = 'normal'; // Should match facebook-commerce.php while we migrate that code over // to this object. const FB_PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION = 'fb_product_description'; const FB_PRODUCT_PRICE = 'fb_product_price'; const FB_PRODUCT_IMAGE = 'fb_product_image'; const FB_VARIANT_IMAGE = 'fb_image'; const FB_VISIBILITY = 'fb_visibility'; const FB_REMOVE_FROM_SYNC = 'fb_remove_from_sync'; const MIN_DATE_1 = '1970-01-29'; const MIN_DATE_2 = '1970-01-30'; const MAX_DATE = '2038-01-17'; const MAX_TIME = 'T23:59+00:00'; const MIN_TIME = 'T00:00+00:00'; static $use_checkout_url = array( 'simple' => 1, 'variable' => 1, 'variation' => 1, ); /** * @var int WC_Product ID. */ public $id; /** * @var WC_Product */ public $woo_product; /** * @var string Facebook Product Description. */ private $fb_description; /** * @var array Gallery URLs. */ private $gallery_urls; /** * @var bool Use parent image for variable products. */ private $fb_use_parent_image; /** * @var string Product Description. */ private $main_description; /** * @var bool Sync short description. */ private $sync_short_description; /** * @var bool Product visibility on Facebook. */ public $fb_visibility; public function __construct( $wpid, $parent_product = null ) { if ( $wpid instanceof WC_Product ) { $this->id = $wpid->get_id(); $this->woo_product = $wpid; } else { $this->id = $wpid; $this->woo_product = wc_get_product( $wpid ); } $this->fb_description = ''; $this->gallery_urls = null; $this->fb_use_parent_image = null; $this->main_description = ''; $this->sync_short_description = \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION_MODE_SHORT === facebook_for_woocommerce()->get_integration()->get_product_description_mode(); if ( $meta = get_post_meta( $this->id, self::FB_VISIBILITY, true ) ) { $this->fb_visibility = wc_string_to_bool( $meta ); } else { $this->fb_visibility = ''; // for products that haven't synced yet } // Variable products should use some data from the parent_product // For performance reasons, that data shouldn't be regenerated every time. if ( $parent_product ) { $this->gallery_urls = $parent_product->get_gallery_urls(); $this->fb_use_parent_image = $parent_product->get_use_parent_image(); $this->main_description = $parent_product->get_fb_description(); } } /** * __get method for backward compatibility. * * @param string $key property name * @return mixed * @since 3.0.32 */ public function __get( $key ) { // Add warning for private properties. if ( in_array( $key, array( 'fb_description', 'gallery_urls', 'fb_use_parent_image', 'main_description', 'sync_short_description' ), true ) ) { /* translators: %s property name. */ _doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, sprintf( esc_html__( 'The %s property is private and should not be accessed outside its class.', 'facebook-for-woocommerce' ), esc_html( $key ) ), '3.0.32' ); return $this->$key; } return null; } public function exists() { return ( $this->woo_product !== null && $this->woo_product !== false ); } // Fall back to calling method on $woo_product public function __call( $function, $args ) { if ( $this->woo_product ) { return call_user_func_array( array( $this->woo_product, $function ), $args ); } else { $e = new Exception(); $backtrace = var_export( $e->getTraceAsString(), true ); WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::fblog( "Calling $function on Null Woo Object. Trace:\n" . $backtrace, array(), true ); return null; } } public function get_gallery_urls() { if ( $this->gallery_urls === null ) { if ( is_callable( array( $this, 'get_gallery_image_ids' ) ) ) { $image_ids = $this->get_gallery_image_ids(); } else { $image_ids = $this->get_gallery_attachment_ids(); } $gallery_urls = array(); foreach ( $image_ids as $image_id ) { $image_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $image_id ); if ( ! empty( $image_url ) ) { array_push( $gallery_urls, WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::make_url( $image_url ) ); } } $this->gallery_urls = array_filter( $gallery_urls ); } return $this->gallery_urls; } public function get_post_data() { if ( is_callable( 'get_post' ) ) { return get_post( $this->id ); } else { return $this->get_post_data(); } } public function get_fb_price( $for_items_batch = false ) { $product_price = Products::get_product_price( $this->woo_product ); return $for_items_batch ? self::format_price_for_fb_items_batch( $product_price ) : $product_price; } private static function format_price_for_fb_items_batch( $price ) { // items_batch endpoint requires a string and a currency code $formatted = ( $price / 100.0 ) . ' ' . get_woocommerce_currency(); return $formatted; } /** * Determines whether the current product is a WooCommerce Bookings product. * * TODO: add an integration that filters the Facebook price instead {WV 2020-07-22} * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return bool */ private function is_bookable_product() { return facebook_for_woocommerce()->is_plugin_active( 'woocommerce-bookings.php' ) && class_exists( 'WC_Product_Booking' ) && is_callable( 'is_wc_booking_product' ) && is_wc_booking_product( $this ); } /** * Gets a list of image URLs to use for this product in Facebook sync. * * @return array */ public function get_all_image_urls() { $image_urls = array(); /** * Filters the FB product image size. * * @since 3.0.34 * * @param string $size The image size. e.g. 'full', 'medium', 'thumbnail'. */ $image_size = apply_filters( 'facebook_for_woocommerce_fb_product_image_size', 'full' ); $product_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_url( $this->woo_product->get_image_id(), $image_size ); ; $parent_product_image_url = null; $custom_image_url = $this->woo_product->get_meta( self::FB_PRODUCT_IMAGE ); if ( $this->woo_product->is_type( 'variation' ) ) { if ( $parent_product = wc_get_product( $this->woo_product->get_parent_id() ) ) { $parent_product_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_url( $parent_product->get_image_id(), $image_size ); } } switch ( $this->woo_product->get_meta( Products::PRODUCT_IMAGE_SOURCE_META_KEY ) ) { case Products::PRODUCT_IMAGE_SOURCE_CUSTOM: $image_urls = array( $custom_image_url, $product_image_url, $parent_product_image_url ); break; case Products::PRODUCT_IMAGE_SOURCE_PARENT_PRODUCT: $image_urls = array( $parent_product_image_url, $product_image_url ); break; case Products::PRODUCT_IMAGE_SOURCE_PRODUCT: default: $image_urls = array( $product_image_url, $parent_product_image_url ); break; } $image_urls = array_merge( $image_urls, $this->get_gallery_urls() ); $image_urls = array_filter( array_unique( $image_urls ) ); // Regenerate $image_url PHP array indexes after filtering. // The array_filter does not touches indexes so if something gets removed we may end up with gaps. // Later parts of the code expect something to exist under the 0 index. $image_urls = array_values( $image_urls ); if ( empty( $image_urls ) ) { $image_urls[] = wc_placeholder_img_src(); } return $image_urls; } /** * Gets a list of video URLs to use for this product in Facebook sync. * * @return array */ public function get_all_video_urls() { $video_urls = array(); $attached_videos = get_attached_media( 'video', $this->id ); if ( empty( $attached_videos ) ) { return $video_urls; } foreach ( $attached_videos as $video ) { $url = wp_get_attachment_url( $video->ID ); if ( $url ) { array_push( $video_urls, array( 'url' => $url, ) ); } } return $video_urls; } /** * Gets the list of additional image URLs for the product from the complete list of image URLs. * * It assumes the first URL will be used as the product image. * It returns 20 or less image URLs because Facebook doesn't allow more items on the additional_image_urls field. * * @since 2.0.2 * * @param array $image_urls all image URLs for the product. * @return array */ private function get_additional_image_urls( $image_urls ) { return array_slice( $image_urls, 1, 20 ); } // Returns the parent image id for variable products only. public function get_parent_image_id() { if ( WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::is_variation_type( $this->woo_product->get_type() ) ) { $parent_data = $this->get_parent_data(); return $parent_data['image_id']; } return null; } public function set_description( $description ) { $description = stripslashes( WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::clean_string( $description ) ); $this->fb_description = $description; update_post_meta( $this->id, self::FB_PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION, $description ); } public function set_product_image( $image ) { if ( $image !== null && strlen( $image ) !== 0 ) { $image = WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::clean_string( $image ); $image = WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::make_url( $image ); update_post_meta( $this->id, self::FB_PRODUCT_IMAGE, $image ); } } public function set_price( $price ) { if ( is_numeric( $price ) ) { update_post_meta( $this->id, self::FB_PRODUCT_PRICE, $price ); } else { delete_post_meta( $this->id, self::FB_PRODUCT_PRICE ); } } public function get_use_parent_image() { if ( $this->fb_use_parent_image === null ) { $variant_image_setting = get_post_meta( $this->id, self::FB_VARIANT_IMAGE, true ); $this->fb_use_parent_image = ( $variant_image_setting ) ? true : false; } return $this->fb_use_parent_image; } public function set_use_parent_image( $setting ) { $this->fb_use_parent_image = ( $setting == 'yes' ); update_post_meta( $this->id, self::FB_VARIANT_IMAGE, $this->fb_use_parent_image ); } public function get_fb_description() { $description = ''; if ( $this->fb_description ) { $description = $this->fb_description; } if ( empty( $description ) ) { // Try to get description from post meta $description = get_post_meta( $this->id, self::FB_PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION, true ); } // Check if the product type is a variation and no description is found yet if ( empty( $description ) && WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::is_variation_type( $this->woo_product->get_type() ) ) { $description = WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::clean_string( $this->woo_product->get_description() ); // Fallback to main description if ( empty( $description ) && $this->main_description ) { $description = $this->main_description; } } // If no description is found from meta or variation, get from post if ( empty( $description ) ) { $post = $this->get_post_data(); $post_content = WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::clean_string( $post->post_content ); $post_excerpt = WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::clean_string( $post->post_excerpt ); $post_title = WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::clean_string( $post->post_title ); // Prioritize content, then excerpt, then title if ( ! empty( $post_content ) ) { $description = $post_content; } if ( $this->sync_short_description || ( empty( $description ) && ! empty( $post_excerpt ) ) ) { $description = $post_excerpt; } if ( empty( $description ) ) { $description = $post_title; } } /** * Filters the FB product description. * * @since 3.2.6 * * @param string $description Facebook product description. * @param int $id WooCommerce Product ID. */ return apply_filters( 'facebook_for_woocommerce_fb_product_description', $description, $this->id ); } /** * @param array $product_data * @param bool $for_items_batch * * @return array */ public function add_sale_price( $product_data, $for_items_batch = false ) { $sale_price = $this->woo_product->get_sale_price(); $sale_price_effective_date = ''; $sale_start = ( $date = $this->woo_product->get_date_on_sale_from() ) ? date_i18n( WC_DateTime::ATOM, $date->getOffsetTimestamp() ) : self::MIN_DATE_1 . self::MIN_TIME; $sale_end = ( $date = $this->woo_product->get_date_on_sale_to() ) ? date_i18n( WC_DateTime::ATOM, $date->getOffsetTimestamp() ) : self::MAX_DATE . self::MAX_TIME; // check if sale exist if ( is_numeric( $sale_price ) && $sale_price > 0 ) { $sale_price_effective_date = $sale_start . '/' . $sale_end; $sale_price = intval( round( $this->get_price_plus_tax( $sale_price ) * 100 ) ); } // check if sale is expired and sale time range is valid if ( $for_items_batch ) { $product_data['sale_price_effective_date'] = $sale_price_effective_date; $product_data['sale_price'] = is_numeric( $sale_price ) ? self::format_price_for_fb_items_batch( $sale_price ) : ""; } else { $product_data['sale_price_start_date'] = $sale_start; $product_data['sale_price_end_date'] = $sale_end; $product_data['sale_price'] = is_numeric( $sale_price ) ? $sale_price : 0; } return $product_data; } public function get_price_plus_tax( $price ) { $woo_product = $this->woo_product; // // wc_get_price_including_tax exist for Woo > 2.7 if ( function_exists( 'wc_get_price_including_tax' ) ) { $args = array( 'qty' => 1, 'price' => $price, ); return get_option( 'woocommerce_tax_display_shop' ) === 'incl' ? wc_get_price_including_tax( $woo_product, $args ) : wc_get_price_excluding_tax( $woo_product, $args ); } else { return get_option( 'woocommerce_tax_display_shop' ) === 'incl' ? $woo_product->get_price_including_tax( 1, $price ) : $woo_product->get_price_excluding_tax( 1, $price ); } } public function get_grouped_product_option_names( $key, $option_values ) { // Convert all slug_names in $option_values into the visible names that // advertisers have set to be the display names for a given attribute value $terms = get_the_terms( $this->id, $key ); return ! is_array( $terms ) ? array() : array_map( function ( $slug_name ) use ( $terms ) { foreach ( $terms as $term ) { if ( $term->slug === $slug_name ) { return $term->name; } } return $slug_name; }, $option_values ); } public function update_visibility( $is_product_page, $visible_box_checked ) { $visibility = get_post_meta( $this->id, self::FB_VISIBILITY, true ); if ( $visibility && ! $is_product_page ) { // If the product was previously set to visible, keep it as visible // (unless we're on the product page) $this->fb_visibility = $visibility; } else { // If the product is not visible OR we're on the product page, // then update the visibility as needed. $this->fb_visibility = $visible_box_checked ? true : false; update_post_meta( $this->id, self::FB_VISIBILITY, $this->fb_visibility ); } } // wrapper function to find item_id for default variation function find_matching_product_variation() { if ( is_callable( array( $this, 'get_default_attributes' ) ) ) { $default_attributes = $this->get_default_attributes(); } else { $default_attributes = $this->get_variation_default_attributes(); } if ( ! $default_attributes ) { return; } foreach ( $default_attributes as $key => $value ) { if ( strncmp( $key, 'attribute_', strlen( 'attribute_' ) ) === 0 ) { continue; } unset( $default_attributes[ $key ] ); $default_attributes[ sprintf( 'attribute_%s', $key ) ] = $value; } if ( class_exists( 'WC_Data_Store' ) ) { // for >= woo 3.0.0 $data_store = WC_Data_Store::load( 'product' ); return $data_store->find_matching_product_variation( $this, $default_attributes ); } else { return $this->get_matching_variation( $default_attributes ); } } private function build_checkout_url( $product_url ) { // Use product_url for external/bundle product setting. $product_type = $this->get_type(); if ( ! $product_type || ! isset( self::$use_checkout_url[ $product_type ] ) ) { $checkout_url = $product_url; } elseif ( wc_get_cart_url() ) { $char = '?'; // Some merchant cart pages are actually a querystring if ( strpos( wc_get_cart_url(), '?' ) !== false ) { $char = '&'; } $checkout_url = WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::make_url( wc_get_cart_url() . $char ); if ( WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::is_variation_type( $this->get_type() ) ) { $query_data = array( 'add-to-cart' => $this->get_parent_id(), 'variation_id' => $this->get_id(), ); $query_data = array_merge( $query_data, $this->get_variation_attributes() ); } else { $query_data = array( 'add-to-cart' => $this->get_id(), ); } $checkout_url = $checkout_url . http_build_query( $query_data ); } else { $checkout_url = null; }//end if } /** * Gets product data to send to Facebook. * * @param string $retailer_id the retailer ID of the product * @param string $type_to_prepare_for whether the data is going to be used in a feed upload, an items_batch update or a direct api call * @return array */ public function prepare_product( $retailer_id = null, $type_to_prepare_for = self::PRODUCT_PREP_TYPE_NORMAL ) { if ( ! $retailer_id ) { $retailer_id = WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::get_fb_retailer_id( $this ); } $image_urls = $this->get_all_image_urls(); $video_urls = $this->get_all_video_urls(); // Replace WordPress sanitization's ampersand with a real ampersand. $product_url = str_replace( '&%3B', '&', html_entity_decode( $this->get_permalink() ) ); $id = $this->get_id(); if ( WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::is_variation_type( $this->get_type() ) ) { $id = $this->get_parent_id(); } $categories = WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::get_product_categories( $id ); // Get brand attribute. $brand = get_post_meta( $id, Products::ENHANCED_CATALOG_ATTRIBUTES_META_KEY_PREFIX . 'brand', true ); $brand_taxonomy = get_the_term_list( $id, 'product_brand', '', ', ' ); if ( $brand ) { $brand = WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::clean_string( $brand ); } elseif ( !is_wp_error( $brand_taxonomy ) && $brand_taxonomy ) { $brand = WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::clean_string( $brand_taxonomy ); } else { $brand = wp_strip_all_tags( WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::get_store_name() ); } if ( self::PRODUCT_PREP_TYPE_ITEMS_BATCH === $type_to_prepare_for ) { $product_data = array( 'title' => WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::clean_string( $this->get_title() ), 'description' => $this->get_fb_description(), 'image_link' => $image_urls[0], 'additional_image_link' => $this->get_additional_image_urls( $image_urls ), 'link' => $product_url, 'product_type' => $categories['categories'], 'brand' => Helper::str_truncate( $brand, 100 ), 'retailer_id' => $retailer_id, 'price' => $this->get_fb_price( true ), 'availability' => $this->is_in_stock() ? 'in stock' : 'out of stock', 'visibility' => Products::is_product_visible( $this->woo_product ) ? \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::FB_SHOP_PRODUCT_VISIBLE : \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::FB_SHOP_PRODUCT_HIDDEN, ); $product_data = $this->add_sale_price( $product_data, true ); $gpc_field_name = 'google_product_category'; if ( ! empty( $video_urls ) ) { $product_data['video'] = $video_urls; } } else { $product_data = array( 'name' => WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::clean_string( $this->get_title() ), 'description' => $this->get_fb_description(), 'image_url' => $image_urls[0], 'additional_image_urls' => $this->get_additional_image_urls( $image_urls ), 'url' => $product_url, /** * 'category' is a required field for creating a ProductItem object when posting to /{product_catalog_id}/products. * This field should have the Google product category for the item. Google product category is not a required field * in the WooCommerce product editor. Hence, we are setting 'category' to Woo product categories by default and overriding * it when a Google product category is set. * * @see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/reference/product-catalog/products/#parameters-2 * @see https://github.com/woocommerce/facebook-for-woocommerce/pull/2575 * @see https://github.com/woocommerce/facebook-for-woocommerce/issues/2593 */ 'category' => $categories['categories'], 'product_type' => $categories['categories'], 'brand' => Helper::str_truncate( $brand, 100 ), 'retailer_id' => $retailer_id, 'price' => $this->get_fb_price(), 'currency' => get_woocommerce_currency(), 'availability' => $this->is_in_stock() ? 'in stock' : 'out of stock', 'visibility' => Products::is_product_visible( $this->woo_product ) ? \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::FB_SHOP_PRODUCT_VISIBLE : \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::FB_SHOP_PRODUCT_HIDDEN, ); if ( self::PRODUCT_PREP_TYPE_NORMAL !== $type_to_prepare_for && ! empty( $video_urls ) ) { $product_data['video'] = $video_urls; } $product_data = $this->add_sale_price( $product_data ); $gpc_field_name = 'category'; }//end if $google_product_category = Products::get_google_product_category_id( $this->woo_product ); if ( $google_product_category ) { $product_data[ $gpc_field_name ] = $google_product_category; } // Currently only items batch and feed support enhanced catalog fields if ( self::PRODUCT_PREP_TYPE_NORMAL !== $type_to_prepare_for && $google_product_category ) { $product_data = $this->apply_enhanced_catalog_fields_from_attributes( $product_data, $google_product_category ); } // add the Commerce values (only stock quantity for the moment) if ( Products::is_product_ready_for_commerce( $this->woo_product ) ) { $product_data['quantity_to_sell_on_facebook'] = (int) max( 0, $this->woo_product->get_stock_quantity() ); } // Only use checkout URLs if they exist. $checkout_url = $this->build_checkout_url( $product_url ); if ( $checkout_url ) { $product_data['checkout_url'] = $checkout_url; } // IF using WPML, set the product to hidden unless it is in the // default language. WPML >= 3.2 Supported. if ( defined( 'ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE' ) ) { if ( class_exists( 'WC_Facebook_WPML_Injector' ) && WC_Facebook_WPML_Injector::should_hide( $id ) ) { $product_data['visibility'] = \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::FB_SHOP_PRODUCT_HIDDEN; } } // Exclude variations that are "virtual" products from export to Facebook && // No Visibility Option for Variations // get_virtual() returns true for "unassembled bundles", so we exclude // bundles from this check. if ( true === $this->get_virtual() && 'bundle' !== $this->get_type() ) { $product_data['visibility'] = \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::FB_SHOP_PRODUCT_HIDDEN; } if ( self::PRODUCT_PREP_TYPE_FEED !== $type_to_prepare_for ) { $this->prepare_variants_for_item( $product_data ); } elseif ( WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::is_all_caps( $product_data['description'] ) ) { $product_data['description'] = mb_strtolower( $product_data['description'] ); } /** * Filters the generated product data. * * @param int $id Woocommerce product id * @param array $product_data An array of product data */ return apply_filters( 'facebook_for_woocommerce_integration_prepare_product', $product_data, $id ); } /** * Adds enhanced catalog fields to product data array. Separated from * the main function to make it easier to develop and debug, potentially * worth refactoring into main prepare_product function when complete. * * @param array $product_data The preparted product data map. * @param string $google_category_id The Google product category id string. * @return array */ private function apply_enhanced_catalog_fields_from_attributes( $product_data, $google_category_id ) { $category_handler = facebook_for_woocommerce()->get_facebook_category_handler(); if ( empty( $google_category_id ) || ! $category_handler->is_category( $google_category_id ) ) { return $product_data; } $enhanced_data = array(); $category_attrs = $category_handler->get_attributes_with_fallback_to_parent_category( $google_category_id ); $all_attributes = $this->get_matched_attributes_for_product( $this->woo_product, $category_attrs ); foreach ( $all_attributes as $attribute ) { $value = Products::get_enhanced_catalog_attribute( $attribute['key'], $this->woo_product ); $convert_to_array = ( isset( $attribute['can_have_multiple_values'] ) && true === $attribute['can_have_multiple_values'] && 'string' === $attribute['type'] ); if ( ! empty( $value ) && $category_handler->is_valid_value_for_attribute( $google_category_id, $attribute['key'], $value ) ) { if ( $convert_to_array ) { $value = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $value ) ); } $enhanced_data[ $attribute['key'] ] = $value; } } return array_merge( $product_data, $enhanced_data ); } /** * Filters list of attributes to only those available for a given product * * @param \WC_Product $product WooCommerce Product * @param array $all_attributes List of Enhanced Catalog attributes to match * @return array */ public function get_matched_attributes_for_product( $product, $all_attributes ) { $matched_attributes = array(); $sanitized_keys = array_map( function( $key ) { return \WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::sanitize_variant_name( $key, false ); }, array_keys( $product->get_attributes() ) ); $matched_attributes = array_filter( $all_attributes, function( $attribute ) use ( $sanitized_keys ) { return in_array( $attribute['key'], $sanitized_keys ); } ); return $matched_attributes; } /** * Normalizes variant data for Facebook. * * @param array $product_data variation product data * @return array */ public function prepare_variants_for_item( &$product_data ) { /** @var \WC_Product_Variation $product */ $product = $this; if ( ! $product->is_type( 'variation' ) ) { return array(); } $attributes = $product->get_variation_attributes(); if ( ! $attributes ) { return array(); } $variant_names = array_keys( $attributes ); $variant_data = array(); // Loop through variants (size, color, etc) if they exist // For each product field type, pull the single variant foreach ( $variant_names as $original_variant_name ) { // don't handle any attributes that are designated as Commerce attributes if ( in_array( str_replace( 'attribute_', '', strtolower( $original_variant_name ) ), Products::get_distinct_product_attributes( $this->woo_product ), true ) ) { continue; } // Retrieve label name for attribute $label = wc_attribute_label( $original_variant_name, $product ); // Clean up variant name (e.g. pa_color should be color) $new_name = \WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::sanitize_variant_name( $original_variant_name, false ); // Sometimes WC returns an array, sometimes it's an assoc array, depending // on what type of taxonomy it's using. array_values will guarantee we // only get a flat array of values. if ( $options = \WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::get_variant_option_name( $this->id, $label, $attributes[ $original_variant_name ] ) ) { if ( is_array( $options ) ) { $option_values = array_values( $options ); } else { $option_values = array( $options ); // If this attribute has value 'any', options will be empty strings // Redirect to product page to select variants. // Reset checkout url since checkout_url (build from query data will // be invalid in this case. if ( count( $option_values ) === 1 && empty( $option_values[0] ) ) { $option_values[0] = 'any'; $product_data['checkout_url'] = $product_data['url']; } } if ( \WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::FB_VARIANT_GENDER === $new_name && ! isset( $product_data[ \WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::FB_VARIANT_GENDER ] ) ) { // If we can't validate the gender, this will be null. $product_data[ $new_name ] = \WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::validateGender( $option_values[0] ); } switch ( $new_name ) { case \WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::FB_VARIANT_GENDER: // If we can't validate the GENDER field, we'll fall through to the // default case and set the gender into custom data. if ( $product_data[ $new_name ] ) { $variant_data[] = array( 'product_field' => $new_name, 'label' => $label, 'options' => $option_values, ); } break; default: // This is for any custom_data. if ( ! isset( $product_data['custom_data'] ) ) { $product_data['custom_data'] = array(); } $new_name = wc_attribute_label( $new_name, $product ); $product_data['custom_data'][ $new_name ] = urldecode( $option_values[0] ); break; }//end switch } else { \WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::log( $product->get_id() . ': No options for ' . $original_variant_name ); continue; }//end if }//end foreach return $variant_data; } /** * Normalizes variable product variations data for Facebook. * * @param bool $feed_data whether this is used for feed data * @return array */ public function prepare_variants_for_group( $feed_data = false ) { /** @var \WC_Product_Variable $product */ $product = $this; $final_variants = array(); try { if ( ! $product->is_type( 'variable' ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'prepare_variants_for_group called on non-variable product' ); } $variation_attributes = $product->get_variation_attributes(); if ( ! $variation_attributes ) { return array(); } foreach ( array_keys( $product->get_attributes() ) as $name ) { $label = wc_attribute_label( $name, $product ); if ( taxonomy_is_product_attribute( $name ) ) { $key = $name; } else { // variation_attributes keys are labels for custom attrs for some reason $key = $label; } if ( ! $key ) { throw new \Exception( "Critical error: can't get attribute name or label!" ); } if ( isset( $variation_attributes[ $key ] ) ) { // array of the options (e.g. small, medium, large) $option_values = $variation_attributes[ $key ]; } else { // skip variations without valid attribute options \WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::log( $product->get_id() . ': No options for ' . $name ); continue; } // If this is a variable product, check default attribute. // If it's being used, show it as the first option on Facebook. if ( $first_option = $product->get_variation_default_attribute( $key ) ) { $index = array_search( $first_option, $option_values, false ); unset( $option_values[ $index ] ); array_unshift( $option_values, $first_option ); } if ( function_exists( 'taxonomy_is_product_attribute' ) && taxonomy_is_product_attribute( $name ) ) { $option_values = $this->get_grouped_product_option_names( $key, $option_values ); } switch ( $name ) { case Products::get_product_color_attribute( $this->woo_product ): $name = WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::FB_VARIANT_COLOR; break; case Products::get_product_size_attribute( $this->woo_product ): $name = WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::FB_VARIANT_SIZE; break; case Products::get_product_pattern_attribute( $this->woo_product ): $name = WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::FB_VARIANT_PATTERN; break; default: /** * For API approach, product_field need to start with 'custom_data:' * * @link https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/reference/product-variant/ */ $name = \WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::sanitize_variant_name( $name ); }//end switch // for feed uploading, product field should remove prefix 'custom_data:' if ( $feed_data ) { $name = str_replace( 'custom_data:', '', $name ); } $final_variants[] = array( 'product_field' => $name, 'label' => $label, 'options' => $option_values, ); }//end foreach } catch ( \Exception $e ) { \WC_Facebookcommerce_Utils::fblog( $e->getMessage() ); return array(); }//end try return $final_variants; } }