Direktori : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/profile-builder/admin/ |
Current File : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/profile-builder/admin/admin-functions.php |
<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly /** * Function which returns the same field-format over and over again. * * @since v.2.0 * * @param string $field * @param string $field_title * * @return string */ function wppb_field_format ( $field_title, $field ){ return trim( $field_title ).' ( '.trim( $field ).' )'; } /** * Add a notification for either the Username or the Email field letting the user know that, even though it is there, it won't do anything * * @since v.2.0 * * @param string $form * @param integer $id * @param string $value * * @return string $form */ function wppb_manage_fields_display_field_title_slug( $form ){ // add a notice to fields global $wppb_results_field; switch ($wppb_results_field){ case 'Default - Username': $wppb_generalSettings = get_option( 'wppb_general_settings', 'not_found' ); if ( $wppb_generalSettings != 'not_found' && $wppb_generalSettings['loginWith'] == 'email' ) { $form .= '<div id="wppb-login-email-nag" class="wppb-backend-notice">' . sprintf(__('Login is set to be done using the Email. This field will NOT appear in the front-end! ( you can change these settings under the "%s" tab )', 'profile-builder'), '<a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=profile-builder-general-settings') . '" target="_blank">' . __('General Settings', 'profile-builder') . '</a>') . '</div>'; } break; case 'Default - Display name publicly as': $form .= '<div id="wppb-display-name-nag" class="wppb-backend-notice">' . __( 'Display name publicly as - only appears on the Edit Profile page!', 'profile-builder' ) . '</div>'; break; case 'Default - Blog Details': $form .= '<div id="wppb-blog-details-nag" class="wppb-backend-notice">' . __( 'Blog Details - only appears on the Registration page!', 'profile-builder' ) . '</div>'; break; } return $form; } add_filter( 'wck_after_content_element', 'wppb_manage_fields_display_field_title_slug' ); /** * Check if field type is 'Default - Display name publicly as' so we can add a notification for it * * @since v.2.2 * * @param string $wck_element_class * @param string $meta * @param array $results * @param integer $element_id * */ function wppb_manage_fields_display_name_notice( $wck_element_class, $meta, $results, $element_id ) { global $wppb_results_field; $wppb_results_field = $results[$element_id]['field']; } add_filter( 'wck_element_class_wppb_manage_fields', 'wppb_manage_fields_display_name_notice', 10, 4 ); /** * Function that adds a custom class to the existing container * * @since v.2.0 * * @param string $update_container_class - the new class name * @param string $meta - the name of the meta * @param array $results * @param integer $element_id - the ID of the element * * @return string */ function wppb_update_container_class( $update_container_class, $meta, $results, $element_id ) { $wppb_element_type = Wordpress_Creation_Kit_PB::wck_generate_slug( $results[$element_id]["field"] ); return "class='wck_update_container update_container_$meta update_container_$wppb_element_type element_type_$wppb_element_type'"; } add_filter( 'wck_update_container_class_wppb_manage_fields', 'wppb_update_container_class', 10, 4 ); /** * Function that adds a custom class to the existing element * * @since v.2.0 * * @param string $element_class - the new class name * @param string $meta - the name of the meta * @param array $results * @param integer $element_id - the ID of the element * * @return string */ function wppb_element_class( $element_class, $meta, $results, $element_id ){ $wppb_element_type = Wordpress_Creation_Kit_PB::wck_generate_slug( $results[$element_id]["field"] ); return "class='element_type_$wppb_element_type added_fields_list'"; } add_filter( 'wck_element_class_wppb_manage_fields', 'wppb_element_class', 10, 4 ); /** * Functions to check password length and strength * * @since v.2.0 */ /* on add user and update profile from WP admin area */ add_action( 'user_profile_update_errors', 'wppb_password_check_on_profile_update', 0, 3 ); function wppb_password_check_on_profile_update( $errors, $update, $user ){ wppb_password_check_extra_conditions( $errors, $user ); } /* on reset password */ add_action( 'validate_password_reset', 'wppb_password_check_extra_conditions', 10, 2 ); function wppb_password_check_extra_conditions( $errors, $user ){ $password = ( isset( $_POST[ 'pass1' ] ) && trim( $_POST[ 'pass1' ] ) ) ? $_POST[ 'pass1' ] : false; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized, WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.MissingUnslash if( $password && ( !isset( $_POST['pw_weak'] ) || $_POST['pw_weak'] != 'on' ) ){ $wppb_generalSettings = get_option( 'wppb_general_settings' ); if( !empty( $wppb_generalSettings['minimum_password_length'] ) ){ if( strlen( $password ) < $wppb_generalSettings['minimum_password_length'] ) $errors->add( 'pass', sprintf( __( '<strong>ERROR:</strong> The password must have the minimum length of %s characters', 'profile-builder' ), $wppb_generalSettings['minimum_password_length'] ) ); } if( isset( $_POST['wppb_password_strength'] ) && !empty( $wppb_generalSettings['minimum_password_strength'] ) ){ $password_strength_array = array( 'short' => 0, 'bad' => 1, 'good' => 2, 'strong' => 3 ); $password_strength_text = array( 'short' => __( 'Very weak', 'profile-builder' ), 'bad' => __( 'Weak', 'profile-builder' ), 'good' => __( 'Medium', 'profile-builder' ), 'strong' => __( 'Strong', 'profile-builder' ) ); foreach( $password_strength_text as $psr_key => $psr_text ){ if( $psr_text == sanitize_text_field( $_POST['wppb_password_strength'] ) ){ $password_strength_result_slug = $psr_key; break; } } if( !empty( $password_strength_result_slug ) ){ if( $password_strength_array[$password_strength_result_slug] < $password_strength_array[$wppb_generalSettings['minimum_password_strength']] ) $errors->add( 'pass', sprintf( __( '<strong>ERROR:</strong> The password must have a minimum strength of %s', 'profile-builder' ), $password_strength_text[$wppb_generalSettings['minimum_password_strength']] ) ); } } } return $errors; } /* we need to create a hidden field that contains the results of the password strength from the js strength tester */ add_action( 'admin_footer', 'wppb_add_hidden_password_strength_on_backend' ); add_action( 'login_footer', 'wppb_add_hidden_password_strength_on_backend' ); function wppb_add_hidden_password_strength_on_backend(){ if( $GLOBALS['pagenow'] == 'profile.php' || $GLOBALS['pagenow'] == 'user-new.php' || ( $GLOBALS['pagenow'] == 'wp-login.php' && isset( $_GET['action'] ) && ( $_GET['action'] === 'rp' || $_GET['action'] === 'resetpass' ) ) ){ $wppb_generalSettings = get_option( 'wppb_general_settings' ); if( !empty( $wppb_generalSettings['minimum_password_strength'] ) ){ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery( document ).ready( function() { var passswordStrengthResult = jQuery( '#pass-strength-result' ); // Check for password strength meter if ( passswordStrengthResult.length ) { // Attach submit event to form passswordStrengthResult.parents( 'form' ).on( 'submit', function() { // Store check results in hidden field jQuery( this ).append( '<input type="hidden" name="wppb_password_strength" value="' + passswordStrengthResult.text() + '">' ); }); } }); </script> <?php } } } /* Modify the Add Entry buttons for WCK metaboxes according to context */ add_filter( 'wck_add_entry_button', 'wppb_change_add_entry_button', 10, 2 ); function wppb_change_add_entry_button( $string, $meta ){ if( $meta == 'wppb_manage_fields' || $meta == 'wppb_epf_fields' || $meta == 'wppb_rf_fields' ){ return __( "Add Field", 'profile-builder' ); }elseif( $meta == 'wppb_epf_page_settings' || $meta == 'wppb_rf_page_settings' || $meta == 'wppb_ul_page_settings' ){ return __( "Save Settings", 'profile-builder' ); } return $string; } /** * add links on plugin page */ add_filter( 'plugin_action_links', 'wppb_plugin_action_links', 10, 2 ); function wppb_plugin_action_links( $links, $file ) { if ( $file != WPPB_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) { return $links; } if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return $links; } $settings_link = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>', menu_page_url( 'profile-builder-general-settings', false ), esc_html( __( 'Settings', 'profile-builder' ) ) ); array_unshift( $links, $settings_link ); return $links; } /** * add links on plugin page */ add_filter( 'plugin_row_meta', 'wppb_plugin_row_meta', 10, 2 ); function wppb_plugin_row_meta( $links, $file ) { if ( WPPB_PLUGIN_BASENAME == $file ) { $row_meta = array( 'docs' => '<a href="' . esc_url( 'https://www.cozmoslabs.com/docs/profile-builder/' ) . '" target="_blank" aria-label="' . esc_attr__( 'View Profile Builder documentation', 'profile-builder' ) . '">' . esc_html__( 'Docs', 'profile-builder' ) . '</a>', ); return array_merge( $links, $row_meta ); } return (array) $links; } /* In plugin notifications */ // add_action( 'admin_init', 'wppb_add_plugin_notifications' ); // function wppb_add_plugin_notifications() { // /* initiate the plugin notifications class */ // $notifications = WPPB_Plugin_Notifications::get_instance(); // /* this must be unique */ // // $notification_id = 'wppb_migrated_free_add_ons'; // // $message = '<p style="margin-top: 16px; font-size: 15px;">' . __( 'All the free add-ons have been migrated to the main plugin. Their old individual plugins have been disabled and you can delete them from your site if you were using them: <ul><li>Profile Builder - Custom CSS Classes on fields</li><li>Profile Builder - Customization Toolbox Add-On</li><li>Profile Builder - Email Confirmation Field</li><li>Profile Builder - GDPR Communication Preferences</li><li>Profile Builder - Import and Export Add-On</li><li>Profile Builder - Labels Edit Add-On</li><li>Profile Builder - Maximum Character Length Add-On</li><li>Profile Builder - Multiple Admin E-mails Add-On</li><li>Profile Builder - Placeholder Labels Add-On</li></ul>', 'profile-builder' ) . '</p>'; // // // be careful to use wppb_dismiss_admin_notification as query arg // // $message .= '<p><a href="https://www.cozmoslabs.com/277540-profile-builder-enhancements-free-addons-now-part-of-main-plugin/" target="_blank" class="button-primary">' . __( 'See details', 'profile-builder' ) . '</a></p>'; // // $message .= '<a href="' . add_query_arg( array( 'wppb_dismiss_admin_notification' => $notification_id ) ) . '" type="button" class="notice-dismiss"><span class="screen-reader-text">' . __( 'Dismiss this notice.', 'profile-builder' ) . '</span></a>'; // // $notifications->add_notification( $notification_id, $message, 'wppb-notice notice notice-info', false ); // if ( did_action( 'elementor/loaded' ) ) { // $notification_id = 'wppb_elementor_styling_notice'; // $message = '<img style="float: left; margin: 10px 12px 10px 0; max-width: 100px;" src="'.WPPB_PLUGIN_URL.'assets/images/elementor_logo.png" alt="Elementor Logo"/>'; // $message .= '<p style="margin: 16px 16px 0; font-size: 14px;">' . sprintf( __( 'You can now style %s forms from the %s interface. To get started, add a form widget to a page through %s and go to the <strong>Style</strong> tab.', 'profile-builder' ), '<strong>Profile Builder</strong>', '<strong>Elementor</strong>', '<strong>Elementor</strong>') . '</p>'; // // be careful to use wppb_dismiss_admin_notification as query arg // $message .= '<p><a href="https://www.cozmoslabs.com/docs/profile-builder/integration-with-elementor/" target="_blank" class="button-primary">' . __( 'See details', 'profile-builder' ) . '</a></p>'; // $message .= '<a href="' . add_query_arg( array( 'wppb_dismiss_admin_notification' => $notification_id ) ) . '" type="button" class="notice-dismiss"><span class="screen-reader-text">' . __( 'Dismiss this notice.', 'profile-builder' ) . '</span></a>'; // $notifications->add_notification( $notification_id, $message, 'wppb-notice notice notice-info', false ); // } // } /* hook to create pages for out forms when a user press the create pages/setup button */ add_action( 'admin_init', 'wppb_create_form_pages' ); function wppb_create_form_pages(){ if( !isset( $_GET['page'] ) || $_GET['page'] != 'profile-builder-basic-info' || !isset( $_GET['wppb_create_pages'] ) || $_GET['wppb_create_pages'] != 'true' ) return; if( !isset( $_GET['_wpnonce'] ) || !wp_verify_nonce( sanitize_text_field( $_GET['_wpnonce'] ), 'wppb_create_pages' ) ) return; if( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) return; $wppb_pages_created = get_option( 'wppb_pages_created' ); if( empty( $wppb_pages_created ) || ( isset( $_GET['wppb_force_create_pages'] ) && $_GET['wppb_force_create_pages'] === 'true' ) ) { $register_page = array( 'post_title' => 'Register', 'post_content' => '[wppb-register]', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => 'page' ); $register_id = wp_insert_post($register_page); $edit_page = array( 'post_title' => 'Edit Profile', 'post_content' => '[wppb-edit-profile]', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => 'page' ); $edit_id = wp_insert_post($edit_page); $login_page = array( 'post_title' => 'Log In', 'post_content' => '[wppb-login]', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => 'page' ); $login_id = wp_insert_post($login_page); update_option('wppb_pages_created', 'true' ); wp_safe_redirect( admin_url('edit.php?s=%5Bwppb-&post_status=all&post_type=page&action=-1&m=0&paged=1&action2=-1') ); } } /** * Function that prepares labels to pass to the WCK api...we have a quirk in wck api that labels are wrapped * in %label%...so if we want to have % inside the label for example 25% off...we will have a bad time * @param string $label * @return string|string[] */ function wppb_prepare_wck_labels( $label ){ return trim( str_replace( '%', '%', $label ) ); } /** * Function that returns the reserved meta name list */ function wppb_get_reserved_meta_name_list( $all_fields, $posted_values ){ $unique_meta_name_list = array( 'first_name', 'last_name', 'nickname', 'description' ); // Default contact methods were removed in WP 3.6. A filter dictates contact methods. if ( apply_filters( 'wppb_remove_default_contact_methods', get_site_option( 'initial_db_version' ) < 23588 ) ){ $unique_meta_name_list[] = 'aim'; $unique_meta_name_list[] = 'yim'; $unique_meta_name_list[] = 'jabber'; } $add_reserved = true; $reserved_meta_names = array( 'attachment', 'attachment_id', 'author', 'author_name', 'calendar', 'cat', 'category', 'category__and', 'category__in', 'category__not_in', 'category_name', 'comments_per_page', 'comments_popup', 'custom', 'customize_messenger_channel', 'customized', 'cpage', 'day', 'debug', 'embed', 'error', 'exact', 'feed', 'hour', 'link_category', 'm', 'map', 'minute', 'monthnum', 'more', 'name', 'nav_menu', 'nonce', 'nopaging', 'offset', 'order', 'orderby', 'p', 'page', 'page_id', 'paged', 'pagename', 'pb', 'perm', 'post', 'post__in', 'post__not_in', 'post_format', 'post_mime_type', 'post_status', 'post_tag', 'post_type', 'posts', 'posts_per_archive_page', 'posts_per_page', 'preview', 'robots', 's', 'search', 'second', 'sentence', 'showposts', 'static', 'status', 'subpost', 'subpost_id', 'tag', 'tag__and', 'tag__in', 'tag__not_in', 'tag_id', 'tag_slug__and', 'tag_slug__in', 'taxonomy', 'tb', 'term', 'terms', 'theme', 'title', 'type', 'w', 'withcomments', 'withoutcomments', 'year' ); $args = array( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => true ); $post_types = get_post_types( $args, 'names', 'or' ); $taxonomies = get_taxonomies( $args, 'names', 'or' ); /*reserved meta names were added in PB 3.1.2 so to avoid the situation where someone updates an already existing field with a reserved name and gets an error check if it is an update or new field */ if( !empty( $all_fields ) && !empty($posted_values['id'] ) && !empty($posted_values['meta-name']) ){ foreach( $all_fields as $field ){ if( $field['id'] === $posted_values['id'] && $field['meta-name'] === $posted_values['meta-name'] ){//it is an update $add_reserved = false; } } } if( $add_reserved ) $unique_meta_name_list = array_merge( $unique_meta_name_list, $reserved_meta_names, $post_types, $taxonomies ); return apply_filters ( 'wppb_unique_meta_name_list', $unique_meta_name_list ); } /** * Function that adds an admin notification about the PB Form Design Styles * */ function wppb_form_design_new_styles_notification() { if( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) return; /* initiate the plugin notifications class */ $notifications = WPPB_Plugin_Notifications::get_instance(); /* this must be unique */ $notification_id = 'wppb_form_design_new_styles'; if ( defined( 'WPPB_PAID_PLUGIN_DIR' ) && file_exists( WPPB_PAID_PLUGIN_DIR.'/features/form-designs/form-designs.php' ) ) $notification_message = '<p style="font-size: 15px; margin-top:4px;">' . sprintf( __( 'You can now beautify your Forms using new %1$sForm Styles%2$s by selecting and activating the one you like in %3$sProfile Builder -> Settings%4$s.', 'profile-builder' ), '<strong>', '</strong>', '<a href="'. get_site_url() .'/wp-admin/admin.php?page=profile-builder-general-settings#wppb-form_desings">', '</a>') . '</p>'; else $notification_message = '<p style="font-size: 15px; margin-top:4px;">' . sprintf( __( 'You can now beautify your Forms using %1$sForm Styles%2$s. Have a look at the new Styles in %3$sProfile Builder -> Settings%4$s.', 'profile-builder' ), '<strong>', '</strong>', '<a href="'. get_site_url() .'/wp-admin/admin.php?page=profile-builder-general-settings#wppb-form_desings">', '</a>') . '</p>'; $ul_icon_url = ( file_exists( WPPB_PLUGIN_DIR . 'assets/images/pb-logo.svg' )) ? WPPB_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/images/pb-logo.svg' : ''; $ul_icon = ( !empty($ul_icon_url)) ? '<img src="'. $ul_icon_url .'" width="64" height="64" style="float: left; margin: 15px 12px 15px 0; max-width: 100px;" alt="Profile Builder - Form Designs">' : ''; $message = $ul_icon; $message .= '<h3 style="margin-bottom: 0;">Profile Builder PRO - Form Designs</h3>'; $message .= $notification_message; $message .= '<a href="' . wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array( 'wppb_dismiss_admin_notification' => $notification_id ) ), 'wppb_plugin_notice_dismiss' ) . '" type="button" class="notice-dismiss"><span class="screen-reader-text">' . __( 'Dismiss this notice.', 'profile-builder' ) . '</span></a>'; $notifications->add_notification( $notification_id, $message, 'wppb-notice notice notice-info', false ); } add_action( 'admin_init', 'wppb_form_design_new_styles_notification' ); /** * Get the Profile Builder Page or Post slug * */ function wppb_get_pb_page_post_slug() { if ( isset( $_GET['post_type'] ) ) $post_type = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['post_type'] ); elseif ( isset( $_GET['post'] ) ) $post_type = get_post_type( (int)$_GET['post'] ); elseif ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) ) $post_type = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['page'] ); else $post_type = ''; $possible_slugs = array( 'pb', 'wppb', 'profile-builder', 'user-email-customizer', 'admin-email-customizer', 'manage-fields', 'custom-redirects' ); if ( !empty( $post_type ) ) { foreach ( $possible_slugs as $slug ) { if ( ($post_type === $slug || strpos( $post_type, $slug ) === 0) && strpos($post_type, 'pb_backupbuddy') === false ) { return $post_type; } } } return ''; } /** * Insert the PB Admin area Header Banner * */ function wppb_insert_page_banner() { $pb_slug = wppb_get_pb_page_post_slug(); if ( $pb_slug === 'profile-builder-dashboard' && isset( $_GET['subpage'] ) && $_GET['subpage'] === 'wppb-setup' ) return; $page_name = ''; if ( $pb_slug == 'profile-builder-add-ons' ) $page_name = ' Add-Ons'; if ( !empty( $pb_slug ) ) wppb_output_page_banner($page_name); } add_action( 'in_admin_header', 'wppb_insert_page_banner' ); /** * Output the PB Admin area Header Banner content * */ function wppb_output_page_banner( $page_name ) { $upgrade_button = '<a class="cozmoslabs-banner-link cozmoslabs-upgrade-link" href="https://www.cozmoslabs.com/wordpress-profile-builder/?utm_source=wpbackend&utm_medium=clientsite&utm_content=upgrade-link&utm_campaign=PBFree#pricing" target="_blank"> <img src="'. esc_url(WPPB_PLUGIN_URL) . 'assets/images/upgrade-link-icon.svg" alt=""> Upgrade to PRO </a>'; $upgrade_button_basic = '<a class="cozmoslabs-banner-link cozmoslabs-upgrade-link" href="https://www.cozmoslabs.com/wordpress-profile-builder/?utm_source=wpbackend&utm_medium=clientsite&utm_content=upgrade-link&utm_campaign=PBBasic#pricing" target="_blank"> <img src="'. esc_url(WPPB_PLUGIN_URL) . 'assets/images/upgrade-link-icon.svg" alt=""> Upgrade to PRO </a>'; $support_url = 'https://www.cozmoslabs.com/support/?utm_source=wpbackend&utm_medium=pb-support&utm_campaign=PBSupport'; if ( !defined( 'WPPB_PAID_PLUGIN_DIR' ) ) $support_url = 'https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/profile-builder/'; $output = '<div class="cozmoslabs-banner"> <div class="cozmoslabs-banner-title"> <img src="'. esc_url(WPPB_PLUGIN_URL) . 'assets/images/pb-logo.svg" alt=""> <h4>Profile Builder'. $page_name .'</h4> </div> <div class="cozmoslabs-banner-buttons"> <a class="cozmoslabs-banner-link cozmoslabs-support-link" href="'. $support_url .'" target="_blank"> <img src="'. esc_url(WPPB_PLUGIN_URL) . 'assets/images/support-link-icon.svg" alt=""> Support </a> <a class="cozmoslabs-banner-link cozmoslabs-documentation-link" href="https://www.cozmoslabs.com/docs/profile-builder/?utm_source=wpbackend&utm_medium=pb-documentation&utm_campaign=PBDocs" target="_blank"> <img src="'. esc_url(WPPB_PLUGIN_URL) . 'assets/images/docs-link-icon.svg" alt=""> Documentation </a>'; if ( !defined( 'WPPB_PAID_PLUGIN_DIR' ) || ( defined( 'PROFILE_BUILDER_PAID_VERSION' ) && PROFILE_BUILDER_PAID_VERSION === 'dev' ) ) $output .= $upgrade_button; // Add Basic version upgrade button (not to account, to plugin purchase page) if( defined( 'PROFILE_BUILDER' ) && PROFILE_BUILDER == 'Profile Builder Basic' ){ $output .= $upgrade_button_basic; } $output .= ' </div> </div>'; echo $output; //phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } /** * Remove PMS Styles from PB Pages and Posts * */ function wppb_maybe_remove_pms_styles() { if ( !empty( wppb_get_pb_page_post_slug() ) && wp_style_is('pms-style-back-end', 'enqueued') ) { wp_dequeue_style('pms-style-back-end'); } } add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'wppb_maybe_remove_pms_styles', 100);