Direktori : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/really-simple-ssl/onboarding/ |
Current File : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/really-simple-ssl/onboarding/class-onboarding.php |
<?php defined('ABSPATH') or die(); require_once(rsssl_path . 'class-installer.php'); require_once rsssl_path . 'lib/admin/class-encryption.php'; use RSSSL\lib\admin\Encryption; class rsssl_onboarding { use Encryption; private static $_this; function __construct() { if ( isset( self::$_this ) ) { wp_die( sprintf( __( '%s is a singleton class and you cannot create a second instance.', 'really-simple-ssl' ), get_class( $this ) ) ); } self::$_this = $this; add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'maybe_redirect_to_settings_page'), 40); add_filter("rsssl_run_test", array($this, 'handle_onboarding_request'), 10, 3); add_filter("rsssl_do_action", array($this, 'handle_onboarding_action'), 10, 3); } static function this() { return self::$_this; } public function handle_onboarding_request($response, $test, $data){ if ( ! rsssl_user_can_manage() ) { return []; } switch( $test ){ case 'activate_ssl': $data['is_rest_request'] = true; $response = RSSSL()->admin->activate_ssl($data); break; case 'activate_ssl_networkwide': $response = RSSSL()->multisite->process_ssl_activation_step(); break; default: return $response; } return $response; } /** * @param $response * @param $action * @param $data * * @return array|bool[]|false|mixed */ public function handle_onboarding_action($response, $action, $data){ if ( ! rsssl_user_can_manage() ) { return false; } $error = false; $next_action = 'none'; switch( $action ){ case 'onboarding_data': $response = $this->onboarding_data($data); break; case 'get_modal_status': $response = ["dismissed" => !$this->show_onboarding_modal()]; break; case 'dismiss_modal': $this->dismiss_modal($data); break; case 'override_ssl_detection': $response = $this->override_ssl_detection($data); break; case 'install_plugin': require_once(rsssl_path . 'class-installer.php'); $plugin = new rsssl_installer(sanitize_title($data['id'])); $success = $plugin->download_plugin(); $response = [ 'next_action' => 'activate', 'success' => $success ]; break; case 'activate': require_once(rsssl_path . 'class-installer.php'); $plugin = new rsssl_installer(sanitize_title($data['id'])); $success = $plugin->activate_plugin(); $response = [ 'next_action' => 'completed', 'success' => $success ]; break; case 'update_email': $email = sanitize_email($data['email']); if (is_email($email )) { rsssl_update_option('notifications_email_address', $email ); rsssl_update_option('send_notifications_email', 1 ); if ( $data['includeTips'] ) { $this->signup_for_mailinglist( $email ); } $mailer = new rsssl_mailer(); $mailer->send_verification_mail( $email ); } $response = [ 'success' => true, ]; break; case 'activate_setting': $id = isset($data['id']) ? sanitize_title($data['id']) : false; if ($id==='hardening') { $recommended_ids = $this->get_hardening_fields(); foreach ($recommended_ids as $h ){ rsssl_update_option($h, 1); } } if ($id === 'vulnerability_detection') { rsssl_update_option('enable_vulnerability_scanner', 1); } if ($id === 'two_fa_enabled_roles_totp') { rsssl_update_option('two_fa_enabled_roles_totp', ['administrator']); } $response = [ 'next_action' => 'completed', 'success' => true, ]; break; } $response['request_success'] = true; return $response; } /** * Signup for Tips & Tricks from Really Simple Security * * @param string $email * * @return void */ public function signup_for_mailinglist( string $email): void { $license_key = ''; if ( defined('rsssl_pro') ) { $license_key = RSSSL()->licensing->license_key(); $license_key = $this->decrypt_if_prefixed( $license_key , 'really_simple_ssl_'); } $api_params = array( 'has_premium' => defined('rsssl_pro'), 'license' => $license_key, 'email' => sanitize_email($email), 'domain' => esc_url_raw( site_url() ), ); wp_remote_post( 'https://mailinglist.really-simple-ssl.com', array( 'timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => true, 'body' => $api_params ) ); } /** * Two possibilities: * - a new install: show activation notice, and process onboarding * - an upgrade to 6. Only show new features. * * @param WP_REST_Request $request * * @return array */ public function onboarding_data( $data ): array { // "warning", // yellow dot // "error", // red dot // "active" // green dot $refresh = isset( $data['forceRefresh'] ) && $data['forceRefresh'] === true; $nonce = $data['nonce'] ?? false; if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'rsssl_nonce' ) ) { return []; } $steps = [ [ "id" => 'activate_ssl', "title" => __( "Welcome to Really Simple Security", 'really-simple-ssl' ), "subtitle" => __( "The onboarding wizard will help to configure essential security features in 1 minute! Select your hosting provider to start.", "really-simple-ssl" ), "items" => $this->activate_ssl(), ], [ "id" => 'email', "title" => __( "Verify your email", 'really-simple-ssl' ), "subtitle" => __( "Really Simple Security will send email notifications and security warnings from your server. We will send a test email to confirm that email is correctly configured on your site. Look for the confirmation button in the email.", "really-simple-ssl" ), "button" => __( "Save and continue", "really-simple-ssl" ), ], [ "id" => 'features', "title" => __( "Essential security", 'really-simple-ssl' ), "subtitle" => $this->features_subtitle(), "items" => $this->recommended_features(), "button" => __( "Enable", "really-simple-ssl" ), ], [ "id" => 'activate_license', "title" => __( "Activate your license key", 'really-simple-ssl' ), "subtitle" => '', "items" => [ 'type' => 'license', ], "button" => __( "Activate", "really-simple-ssl" ), "value" => '', ], [ "id" => 'plugins', "title" => __( "We think you will like this", "really-simple-ssl" ), "subtitle" => __( "Really Simple Plugins is also the author of the below privacy-focused plugins, including consent management, legal documents and analytics!", "really-simple-ssl" ), "items" => $this->plugins(), "button" => __( "Install", "really-simple-ssl" ), ], [ "id" => 'pro', "title" => __( "Really Simple Security Pro", "really-simple-ssl" ), "subtitle" => __( "Heavyweight security features, in a lightweight performant plugin from Really Simple Plugins. Get started with below features and get the latest and greatest updates for peace of mind!", "really-simple-ssl" ), "items" => $this->pro_features(), "button" => __( "Install", "really-simple-ssl" ), ], ]; // Only add activate_license field when rsssl_pro is defined if ( ! defined( 'rsssl_pro' ) ) { $steps = array_filter( $steps, static function ( $step ) { return ! in_array( $step['id'], [ 'activate_license' ] ); } ); } else if ( get_option( "rsssl_upgraded_from_free" ) ) { $steps = array_filter( $steps, static function ( $step ) { return ! in_array( $step['id'], [ 'activate_ssl', 'features', 'email', 'plugins' ] ); } ); } // Re-order keys to prevent issues after array_filter $steps = array_values( $steps ); //if the user called with a refresh action, clear the cache if ( $refresh ) { delete_transient( 'rsssl_certinfo' ); } $data_to_return = [ "request_success" => true, "steps" => $steps, "ssl_enabled" => rsssl_get_option( "ssl_enabled" ), "ssl_detection_overridden" => get_option( 'rsssl_ssl_detection_overridden' ), 'certificate_valid' => RSSSL()->certificate->is_valid(), "networkwide" => is_multisite() && rsssl_is_networkwide_active(), "network_activation_status" => get_site_option( 'rsssl_network_activation_status' ), 'rsssl_upgraded_from_free' => get_option( "rsssl_upgraded_from_free" ), ]; if ( get_option('rsssl_upgraded_from_free' ) ) { delete_option('rsssl_upgraded_from_free' ); } return $data_to_return; } /** * Return onboarding items for fresh installs * @return array[] */ function activate_ssl (): array { $items = []; //if the site url is not yet https, the user may need to login again if ( strpos( site_url(), 'https://') === false ) { $items[] = [ "title" => __("You may need to login in again, have your credentials prepared.", "really-simple-ssl"), "status" => "inactive", "id" => "login", ]; } if ( RSSSL()->certificate->is_valid() ) { $items[] = [ "title" => __("An SSL certificate has been detected", "really-simple-ssl"), "status" => "success", "id" => "certificate", ]; } else if ( RSSSL()->certificate->detection_failed() ) { $items[] = [ "title" => __("Could not test certificate", "really-simple-ssl") . " " . __("Automatic certificate detection is not possible on your server.", "really-simple-ssl"), "status" => "error", "id" => "certificate", ]; } else { $items[] = [ "title" => __("No SSL certificate has been detected.", "really-simple-ssl") . " " . __("Please refresh the SSL status if a certificate has been installed recently.", "really-simple-ssl"), "status" => "error", "id" => "certificate", ]; } return $items; } public function plugins(): array { $items = []; $plugins_to_install = [ [ "slug" => "burst-statistics", 'constant_premium' => 'burst_pro', "title" => "Burst Statistics", "description" => __("Privacy-friendly analytics tool.", "really-simple-ssl"), ], [ "slug" => "complianz-gdpr", 'constant_premium' => 'cmplz_premium', "title" => "Complianz", "description" => __("Consent Management as it should be.", "really-simple-ssl"), ], [ "slug" => "complianz-terms-conditions", 'constant_premium' => false, "title" => "Complianz Terms & Conditions", "description" => __("Terms & Conditions", "really-simple-ssl"), ] ]; foreach ($plugins_to_install as $plugin_info) { require_once(rsssl_path . 'class-installer.php'); $plugin = new rsssl_installer($plugin_info["slug"]); $premium_active = $plugin_info['constant_premium'] && defined($plugin_info['constant_premium']); $free_active = $plugin->plugin_is_downloaded() && $plugin->plugin_is_activated(); if( $premium_active || $free_active ) { $action = "none"; } else if( !$plugin->plugin_is_downloaded() ){ $action = "install_plugin"; } else if ( $plugin->plugin_is_downloaded() && !$plugin->plugin_is_activated() ) { $action = "activate"; } else { $action = "none"; } $items[] = [ "id" => $plugin_info['slug'], "title" => $plugin_info["title"], "description" => $plugin_info["description"], "action" => $action, "activated" => true, "current_action" => "none", ]; } return $items; } /** * Returns onboarding items if user upgraded plugin to 6.0 or SSL is detected * @return array */ public function recommended_features(): array { $features = [ [ "title" => __( "Vulnerability scan", "really-simple-ssl" ), "id" => "vulnerability_detection", "options" => [ "enable_vulnerability_scanner" ], "activated" => true, ], [ "title" => __( "Essential WordPress hardening", "really-simple-ssl" ), "id" => "hardening", "options" => $this->get_hardening_fields(), "activated" => true, ], [ "title" => __( "E-mail login", "really-simple-ssl" ), "id" => "two_fa", "options" => [ "login_protection_enabled" ], "activated" => true, ], [ "title" => __( "Mixed Content Fixer", "really-simple-ssl" ), "id" => "mixed_content_fixer", "options" => [ "mixed_content_fixer" ], "activated" => true, ], ]; if ( ! defined( 'rsssl_pro' ) ) { $features += [ [ "title" => __( "Firewall", "really-simple-ssl" ), "id" => "firewall", "premium" => true, "options" => [ "enable_firewall" ], "activated" => true, ], [ "title" => __( "Two-Factor Authentication", "really-simple-ssl" ), "id" => "two_fa", "premium" => true, "options" => [ 'login_protection_enabled'], "activated" => true, ], [ "title" => __( "Limit Login Attempts", "really-simple-ssl" ), "id" => "limit_login_attempts", "premium" => true, "options" => [ 'enable_limited_login_attempts' ], "activated" => true, ], [ "title" => __( "Security Headers", "really-simple-ssl" ), "id" => "advanced_headers", "premium" => true, "options" => [], "activated" => true, ], ]; } return $features; } /** * Returns onboarding items if user upgraded plugin to 6.0 or SSL is detected * @return array */ public function pro_features (): array { return [ [ "title" => __("Firewall", "really-simple-ssl"), "id" => "firewall", "premium" => true, "options" => ['enable_firewall'], "activated" => true, ], [ "title" => __("Two-Factor Authentication", "really-simple-ssl"), "id" => "two_fa", "premium" => true, "options" => ['two_fa_enabled_roles_totp'], "value" => ['administrator'], "activated" => true, ], [ "title" => __("Limit Login Attempts", "really-simple-ssl"), "id" => "limit_login_attempts", "premium" => true, "options" => ['enable_limited_login_attempts'], "activated" => true, ], [ "title" => __("Security Headers", "really-simple-ssl"), "id" => "advanced_headers", "premium" => true, "options" => [ 'upgrade_insecure_requests', 'x_content_type_options', 'hsts', ['x_xss_protection' => 'zero'], 'x_content_type_options', ['x_frame_options' => 'SAMEORIGIN'], ['referrer_policy' => 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'], ['csp_frame_ancestors' => 'self'], ], "activated" => true, ], [ "title" => __("Vulnerability Measures", "really-simple-ssl"), "id" => "vulnerability_measures", "options" => ["enable_vulnerability_scanner", "measures_enabled"], "activated" => true, ], [ "title" => __("Advanced WordPress Hardening", "really-simple-ssl"), "id" => "advanced_hardening", "premium" => true, "options" => [ 'change_debug_log_location', 'disable_http_methods' ], "activated" => true, ], // [ // "title" => __("File Change Detection", "really-simple-ssl"), // "id" => "file_change_detection", // "options" => ['file_change_detection'], // "activated" => true, // ], [ "title" => __("Strong Password policy", "really-simple-ssl"), "id" => "password_security", "options" => ['enforce_password_security_enabled', 'enable_hibp_check'], "activated" => true, ], ]; } /** * Toggle modal status * * @param array $data * * @return void */ public function dismiss_modal($data): void { if (!rsssl_user_can_manage()) return; $dismiss = $data['dismiss'] ?? false; update_option("rsssl_onboarding_dismissed", (bool) $dismiss, false); } public function maybe_redirect_to_settings_page(): void { if ( get_transient('rsssl_redirect_to_settings_page' ) ) { delete_transient('rsssl_redirect_to_settings_page' ); if ( !RSSSL()->admin->is_settings_page() ) { wp_redirect( add_query_arg(array('page' => 'really-simple-security'), rsssl_admin_url() ) ); exit; } } } /** * Check if any of the recommended features has been disabled * @return bool */ public function all_recommended_hardening_features_enabled(){ $recommended_ids = $this->get_hardening_fields(); foreach ($recommended_ids as $h ){ if ( rsssl_get_option($h)!=1 ) { return false; } } return true; } private function get_hardening_fields(): array { $fields = rsssl_fields(false); //get all fields that are recommended $recommended = array_filter($fields, function($field){ return isset($field['recommended']) && $field['recommended']; }); //get all id's from this array return array_map( static function($field){ return $field['id']; }, $recommended); } public function onboarding_rest_route() { register_rest_route( 'reallysimplessl/v1', 'onboarding', array( 'methods' => 'GET', 'callback' => array($this, 'onboarding_data'), 'permission_callback' => function () { return rsssl_user_can_manage(); } ) ); } /** * Update SSL detection overridden option */ public function override_ssl_detection($data) { if ( ! rsssl_user_can_manage() ) { return false; } $override_ssl = isset($data['overrideSSL']) ? $data['overrideSSL']===true : false; if ($override_ssl) { update_option('rsssl_ssl_detection_overridden', true, false ); } else { delete_option('rsssl_ssl_detection_overridden' ); } return ['success'=>true]; } /** * Logic if the activation notice should be shown */ public function show_onboarding_modal(): bool { if ( get_option("rsssl_onboarding_dismissed") ) { return false; } //ensure the checks have been run if ( !RSSSL()->admin->configuration_loaded ) { RSSSL()->admin->detect_configuration(); } if ( RSSSL()->admin->do_wpconfig_loadbalancer_fix() && !RSSSL()->admin->wpconfig_has_fixes() ) { return false; } //for multisite environments, we check if the activation process was started but not completed. if ( is_multisite() && RSSSL()->multisite->ssl_activation_started_but_not_completed() ){ return true; } $is_upgrade = get_option('rsssl_show_onboarding'); if ( rsssl_get_option('ssl_enabled') && !$is_upgrade ) { return false; } if ( defined( "RSSSL_DISMISS_ACTIVATE_SSL_NOTICE" ) && RSSSL_DISMISS_ACTIVATE_SSL_NOTICE ) { return false; } //don't show in our Let's Encrypt wizard if ( isset( $_GET['letsencrypt'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! RSSSL()->admin->wpconfig_ok() ) { return false; } if ( ! rsssl_user_can_manage() ) { return false; } return true; } /** * @return void * * Maybe reset onboarding modal */ public function reset_onboarding(): void { //ensure onboarding triggers again so user gets to enter the license on reload. update_option( "rsssl_show_onboarding", true, false ); update_option( "rsssl_onboarding_dismissed", false, false ); update_option( "rsssl_upgraded_from_free", true, false ); } /** * @return string|null * * Generate notice based on Pro being installed or not */ public function features_subtitle(): ?string { $notice = __( "Instantly configure these essential features.", "really-simple-ssl" ); if ( ! defined('rsssl_pro') ) { $notice .= ' ' . sprintf( __( "Please %sconsider upgrading to Pro%s to enjoy all simple and performant security features.", "really-simple-ssl" ), '<a href="https://really-simple-ssl.com/pro?mtm_campaign=security&mtm_source=free&mtm_content=upgrade" target="_blank">', '</a>' ); } return $notice; } }