Direktori : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/theplus_elementor_addon/assets/js/extra/ |
Current File : /home/t/r/a/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/theplus_elementor_addon/assets/js/extra/peeljs.js |
/*peeljs*/ (function(win) { // Constants var PRECISION = 1e2; // 2 decimals var VENDOR_PREFIXES = ['webkit','moz', '']; var SVG_NAMESPACE = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; var CSS_PREFIX = 'peel-'; var clipProperty, transformProperty, boxShadowProperty, filterProperty; var backgroundGradientSupport; var docEl = document.documentElement; var style = docEl.style; // Support function getCssProperty(name) { var prefix, str; for (var i = 0; i < VENDOR_PREFIXES.length; i++) { prefix = VENDOR_PREFIXES[i]; str = prefix ? prefix + capitalize(name) : name; if (str in style) { return str; } } } function setCssProperties() { clipProperty = getCssProperty('clipPath'); transformProperty = getCssProperty('transform'); boxShadowProperty = getCssProperty('boxShadow'); filterProperty = getCssProperty('filter'); setBackgroundGradientSupport(); Peel.supported = !!(clipProperty && transformProperty); Peel.effectsSupported = backgroundGradientSupport; } function setBackgroundGradientSupport() { var el = document.createElement('div'); var style = el.style; style.cssText = 'background:linear-gradient(45deg,#9f9,white);'; backgroundGradientSupport = (style.backgroundImage || '').indexOf('gradient') > -1; } // General helpers function round(n) { return Math.round(n * PRECISION) / PRECISION; } // Clamps the number to be between 0 and 1. function clamp(n) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, n)); } function normalize(n, min, max) { return (n - min) / (max - min); } // Distributes a number between 0 and 1 along a bell curve. function distribute(t, mult) { return (mult || 1) * 2 * (.5 - Math.abs(t - .5)); } function capitalize(str) { return str.slice(0,1).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } function camelize(str) { return str.replace(/-(\w)/g, function(a, b) { return b.toUpperCase(); }); } function prefix(str) { return CSS_PREFIX + str; } // CSS Helpers function setCSSClip(el, clip) { el.style[clipProperty] = clip; } function setTransform(el, t) { el.style[transformProperty] = t; } function setBoxShadow(el, x, y, blur, spread, intensity) { el.style[boxShadowProperty] = getShadowCss(x, y, blur, spread, intensity); } function setDropShadow(el, x, y, blur, intensity) { el.style[filterProperty] = 'drop-shadow(' + getShadowCss(x, y, blur, null, intensity) + ')'; } function getShadowCss(x, y, blur, spread, intensity) { return round(x) + 'px ' + round(y) + 'px ' + round(blur) + 'px ' + (spread ? round(spread) + 'px ' : '') + 'rgba(0,0,0,' + round(intensity) + ')'; } function setOpacity(el, t) { el.style.opacity = t; } function setBackgroundGradient(el, rotation, stops) { if (!backgroundGradientSupport) return; var css; if (stops.length === 0) { css = 'none'; } else { css = 'linear-gradient(' + round(rotation) + 'deg,' + stops.join(',') + ')'; } el.style.backgroundImage = css; } // Event Helpers function addEvent(el, type, fn) { el.addEventListener(type, fn) } function removeEvent(el, type, fn) { el.removeEventListener(type, fn); } function getEventCoordinates(evt, el) { var pos = evt.changedTouches ? evt.changedTouches[0] : evt; return { 'x': pos.clientX - el.offsetLeft + window.scrollX, 'y': pos.clientY - el.offsetTop + window.scrollY } } function bindWithEvent(fn, scope, arg1, arg2) { return function(evt) { fn.call(scope, evt, arg1, arg2); } } // Color Helpers function getBlackStop(a, pos) { return getColorStop(0, 0, 0, a, pos); } function getWhiteStop(a, pos) { return getColorStop(255, 255, 255, a, pos); } function getColorStop(r, g, b, a, pos) { a = round(clamp(a)); return 'rgba('+ r +','+ g +','+ b +','+ a +') ' + round(pos * 100) + '%'; } // DOM Element Helpers function getElement(obj, node) { if (typeof obj === 'string') { obj = (node || document).querySelector(obj); } return obj; } function createElement(parent, className) { var el = document.createElement('div'); addClass(el, className); parent.appendChild(el); return el; } function removeClass(el, str) { el.classList.remove(str); } function addClass(el, str) { el.classList.add(str); } function getZIndex(el) { return el.style.zIndex; } function setZIndex(el, index) { el.style.zIndex = index; } // SVG Helpers function createSVGElement(tag, parent, attributes) { parent = parent || docEl; var el = document.createElementNS(SVG_NAMESPACE, tag); parent.appendChild(el); for (var key in attributes) { if (!attributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; setSVGAttribute(el, key, attributes[key]); } return el; } function setSVGAttribute(el, key, value) { el.setAttributeNS(null, key, value); } /** * Main class that controls the peeling effect. * @param {HTMLElement|string} el The main container element (can be query). * @param {object} options Options for the effect. * @constructor * @public */ function Peel (el, opt) { this.setOptions(opt); this.el = getElement(el, docEl); this.constraints = []; this.events = []; this.setupLayers(); this.setupDimensions(); this.setCorner(this.getOption('corner')); this.setMode(this.getOption('mode')); this.init(); } /** * Four constants representing the corners of the element from which peeling can occur. * @constant * @public */ Peel.Corners = { TOP_LEFT: 0x0, TOP_RIGHT: 0x1, BOTTOM_LEFT: 0x2, BOTTOM_RIGHT: 0x3 } /** * Defaults * @constant */ Peel.Defaults = { 'topShadow': true, 'topShadowBlur': 5, 'topShadowAlpha': .5, 'topShadowOffsetX': 0, 'topShadowOffsetY': 1, 'topShadowCreatesShape': true, 'backReflection': false, 'backReflectionSize': .02, 'backReflectionOffset': 0, 'backReflectionAlpha': .15, 'backReflectionDistribute': true, 'backShadow': true, 'backShadowSize': .04, 'backShadowOffset': 0, 'backShadowAlpha': .1, 'backShadowDistribute': true, 'bottomShadow': true, 'bottomShadowSize': 1.5, 'bottomShadowOffset': 0, 'bottomShadowDarkAlpha': .7, 'bottomShadowLightAlpha': .1, 'bottomShadowDistribute': true, 'setPeelOnInit': true, 'clippingBoxScale': 4, 'flipConstraintOffset': 5, 'dragPreventsDefault': true } /** * Sets the corner for the peel effect to happen from (default is bottom right). * @param {Mixed} [...] Either x,y or a corner id. * @public */ Peel.prototype.setCorner = function() { var args = arguments; if (args[0] === undefined) { args = [Peel.Corners.BOTTOM_RIGHT]; } else if (args[0].length) { args = args[0]; } this.corner = this.getPointOrCorner(args); } /** * Sets a pre-defined "mode". * @param {string} mode The mode to set. * @public */ Peel.prototype.setMode = function(mode) { if (mode === 'book') { // The order of constraints is important here so that the peel line // approaches the horizontal smoothly without jumping. this.addPeelConstraint(Peel.Corners.BOTTOM_LEFT); this.addPeelConstraint(Peel.Corners.TOP_LEFT); // Removing effect distribution will make the book still have some // depth to the effect while fully open. this.setOption('backReflection', false); this.setOption('backShadowDistribute', false); this.setOption('bottomShadowDistribute', false); } else if (mode === 'calendar') { this.addPeelConstraint(Peel.Corners.TOP_RIGHT); this.addPeelConstraint(Peel.Corners.TOP_LEFT); } } /** * Sets a path along which the peel will follow. * Can be a flat line segment or a bezier curve. * @param {...number} x/y Points along the path. 4 arguments indicates a * linear path along 2 points (p1 to p2), while 8 arguments indicates a * bezier curve from p1 to p2 using control points c1 and c2. The first * and last two arguments represent p1 and p2, respectively. * @public */ Peel.prototype.setPeelPath = function(x1, y1) { var args = arguments, p1, p2, c1, c2; p1 = new Point(x1, y1); if (args.length === 4) { p2 = new Point(args[2], args[3]); this.path = new LineSegment(p1, p2); } else if (args.length === 8) { c1 = new Point(args[2], args[3]); c2 = new Point(args[4], args[5]); p2 = new Point(args[6], args[7]); this.path = new BezierCurve(p1, c1, c2, p2); } } /** * Sets a function to be called when the user drags, either with a mouse or * with a finger (touch events). * @param {Function} fn The function to be called on drag. This function will * be called with the Peel instance as the "this" keyword, the original * event as the first argument, and the x, y coordinates of the drag as * the 2nd and 3rd arguments, respectively. * @param {HTMLElement} el The element to initiate the drag on mouse/touch start. * If not passed, this will be the element associated with the Peel * instance. Allowing this to be passed lets another element serve as a * "hit area" that can be larger than the element itself. * @public */ Peel.prototype.handleDrag = function(fn, el) { this.dragHandler = fn; this.setupDragEvents(el); } /** * Sets a function to be called when the user either clicks with a mouse or * taps with a finger (touch events). * @param {Function} fn The function to be called on press. This function will * be called with the Peel instance as the "this" keyword, the original * event as the first argument, and the x, y coordinates of the event as * the 2nd and 3rd arguments, respectively. * @param {HTMLElement} el The element to initiate the event. * If not passed, this will be the element associated with the Peel * instance. Allowing this to be passed lets another element serve as a * "hit area" that can be larger than the element itself. * @public */ Peel.prototype.handlePress = function(fn, el) { this.pressHandler = fn; this.setupDragEvents(el); } /** * Sets up the drag events needed for both drag and press handlers. * @param {HTMLElement} el The element to initiate the dragStart event on. * @private */ Peel.prototype.setupDragEvents = function(el) { var self = this, isDragging, moveName, endName; if (this.dragEventsSetup) { return; } el = el || this.el; function dragStart (touch, evt) { if (self.getOption('dragPreventsDefault')) { evt.preventDefault(); } moveName = touch ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove'; endName = touch ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup'; addEvent(docEl, moveName, dragMove); addEvent(docEl, endName, dragEnd); isDragging = false; } function dragMove (evt) { if (self.dragHandler) { callHandler(self.dragHandler, evt); } isDragging = true; } function dragEnd(evt) { if (!isDragging && self.pressHandler) { callHandler(self.pressHandler, evt); } removeEvent(docEl, moveName, dragMove); removeEvent(docEl, endName, dragEnd); } function callHandler(fn, evt) { var coords = getEventCoordinates(evt, self.el); fn.call(self, evt, coords.x, coords.y); } this.addEvent(el, 'mousedown', dragStart.bind(this, false)); this.addEvent(el, 'touchstart', dragStart.bind(this, true)); this.dragEventsSetup = true; } /** * Remove all event handlers previously added to the instance. * @public */ Peel.prototype.removeEvents = function() { this.events.forEach(function(e, i) { removeEvent(e.el, e.type, e.handler); }); this.events = []; } /** * Sets the peel effect to a point in time along a previously * specified path. Will throw an error if no path exists. * @param {number} n The time value (between 0 and 1). * @public */ Peel.prototype.setTimeAlongPath = function(t) { t = clamp(t); var point = this.path.getPointForTime(t); this.timeAlongPath = t; this.setPeelPosition(point.x, point.y); } /** * Sets a threshold above which the top layer (including the backside) layer * will begin to fade out. This is calculated based on the visible clipped * area of the polygon. If a peel path is set, it will use the progress along * the path instead. * @param {number} n A point between 0 and 1. * @public */ Peel.prototype.setFadeThreshold = function(n) { this.fadeThreshold = n; } /** * Sets the position of the peel effect. This point is the position * of the corner that is being peeled back. * @param {Mixed} [...] Either x,y or a corner id. * @public */ Peel.prototype.setPeelPosition = function() { var pos = this.getPointOrCorner(arguments); pos = this.getConstrainedPeelPosition(pos); if (!pos) { return; } this.peelLineSegment = this.getPeelLineSegment(pos); this.peelLineRotation = this.peelLineSegment.getAngle(); this.setClipping(); this.setBackTransform(pos); this.setEffects(); } /** * Sets a constraint on the distance of the peel. This can be thought of as a * point on the layers that are connected and cannot be torn apart. Typically * this only makes sense as a point on the outer edge, such as the left edge * of an open book, or the top edge of a calendar. In this case, simply using * 2 constraint points (top-left/bottom-left for a book, etc) will create the * desired effect. An arbitrary point can also be used with an effect like a * thumbtack holding the pages together. * @param {Mixed} [...] Either x,y or a corner id. * @public */ /** * Sets the corner for the peel effect to happen from. * @public */ Peel.prototype.addPeelConstraint = function() { var p = this.getPointOrCorner(arguments); var radius = this.corner.subtract(p).getLength(); this.constraints.push(new Circle(p, radius)); this.calculateFlipConstraint(); } /** * Sets an option to use for the effect. * @param {string} key The option to set. * @param {Mixed} value The value for the option. * @public */ Peel.prototype.setOption = function(key, value) { this.options[key] = value; } /** * Gets an option set by the user. * @param {string} key The key of the option to get. * @returns {Mixed} * @public */ Peel.prototype.getOption = function(key) { return this.options[camelize(key)]; } /** * Gets the ratio of the area of the clipped top layer to the total area. * @returns {number} A value between 0 and 1. * @public */ Peel.prototype.getAmountClipped = function() { var topArea = this.getTopClipArea(); var totalArea = this.width * this.height; return normalize(topArea, totalArea, 0); } /** * Adds an event listener to the element and keeps track of it for later * removal. * @param {Element} el The element to add the handler to. * @param {string} type The event type. * @param {Function} fn The handler function. * @private */ Peel.prototype.addEvent = function(el, type, fn) { addEvent(el, type, fn); this.events.push({ el: el, type: type, handler: fn }); return fn; } /** * Gets the area of the clipped top layer. * @returns {number} * @private */ Peel.prototype.getTopClipArea = function() { var top = new Polygon(); this.elementBox.forEach(function(side) { this.distributeLineByPeelLine(side, top); }, this); return Polygon.getArea(top.getPoints()); } /** * Determines which of the constraints should be used as the flip constraint * by checking which has a y value closes to the corner (because the * constraint operates relative to the vertical midline). Only one constraint * should be required - changing the order of the constraints can help to * achieve the proper effect and more than one will interfere with each other. * @private */ Peel.prototype.calculateFlipConstraint = function() { var corner = this.corner, arr = this.constraints.concat(); this.flipConstraint = arr.sort(function(a, b) { var aY = corner.y - a.center.y; var bY = corner.y - b.center.y; return a - b; })[0]; } /** * Called when the drag event starts. * @param {Event} evt The original DOM event. * @param {string} type The event type, "mouse" or "touch". * @param {Function} fn The handler function to be called on drag. * @private */ Peel.prototype.dragStart = function(evt, type, fn) { } /** * Calls an event handler using the coordinates of the event. * @param {Event} evt The original event. * @param {Function} fn The handler to call. * @private */ Peel.prototype.fireHandler = function(evt, fn) { var coords = getEventCoordinates(evt, this.el); fn.call(this, evt, coords.x, coords.y); } /** * Sets the clipping points of the top and back layers based on a line * segment that represents the peel line. * @private */ Peel.prototype.setClipping = function() { var top = new Polygon(); var back = new Polygon(); this.clippingBox.forEach(function(side) { this.distributeLineByPeelLine(side, top, back); }, this); this.topClip.setPoints(top.getPoints()); this.backClip.setPoints(back.getPoints()); } /** * Distributes the first point in the given line segment and its intersect * with the peel line, if there is one. * @param {LineSegment} seg The line segment to check against. * @param {Polygon} poly1 The first polygon. * @param {Polygon} [poly2] The second polygon. * @private */ Peel.prototype.distributeLineByPeelLine = function(seg, poly1, poly2) { var intersect = this.peelLineSegment.getIntersectPoint(seg); this.distributePointByPeelLine(seg.p1, poly1, poly2); this.distributePointByPeelLine(intersect, poly1, poly2); } /** * Distributes the given point to one of two polygons based on which side of * the peel line it falls upon (if it falls directly on the line segment * it is added to both). * @param {Point} p The point to be distributed. * @param {Polygon} poly1 The first polygon. * @param {Polygon} [poly2] The second polygon. * @private */ Peel.prototype.distributePointByPeelLine = function(p, poly1, poly2) { if (!p) return; var d = this.peelLineSegment.getPointDeterminant(p); if (d <= 0) { poly1.addPoint(p); } if (d >= 0 && poly2) { poly2.addPoint(this.flipPointHorizontally(p)); } } /** * Sets the options for the effect, merging in defaults. * @param {Object} opt User options. * @private */ Peel.prototype.setOptions = function(opt) { var options = opt || {}, defaults = Peel.Defaults; for (var key in defaults) { if (!defaults.hasOwnProperty(key) || key in options) { continue; } options[key] = defaults[key]; } this.options = options; } /** * Finds or creates a layer in the dom. * @param {string} id The internal id of the element to be found or created. * @param {HTMLElement} parent The parent if the element needs to be created. * @param {numer} zIndex The z index of the layer. * @returns {HTMLElement} * @private */ Peel.prototype.findOrCreateLayer = function(id, parent, zIndex) { var optId = id + '-element'; var domId = prefix(id); var el = getElement(this.getOption(optId) || '.' + domId, parent); if (!el) { el = createElement(parent, domId); } addClass(el, prefix('layer')); setZIndex(el, zIndex); return el; } /** * Returns either a point created from 2 arguments (x/y) or a corner point * created from the first argument as a corner id. * @param {Arguments} args The arguments object from the original function. * @returns {Point} * @private */ Peel.prototype.getPointOrCorner = function(args) { if (args.length === 2) { return new Point(args[0], args[1]); } else if(typeof args[0] === 'number') { return this.getCornerPoint(args[0]); } return args[0]; } /** * Returns a corner point based on an id defined in Peel.Corners. * @param {number} id The id of the corner. * @private */ Peel.prototype.getCornerPoint = function(id) { var x = +!!(id & 1) * this.width; var y = +!!(id & 2) * this.height; return new Point(x, y); } /** * Gets an optional clipping shape that may be set by the user. * @returns {Object} * @private */ Peel.prototype.getOptionalShape = function() { var shapes = ['rect', 'polygon', 'path', 'circle'], found; shapes.some(function(type) { var attr = this.getOption(type), obj; if (attr) { obj = {}; obj.attributes = attr; obj.type = type; found = obj; } return found; }, this); return found; } /** * Sets up the main layers used for the effect that may include a possible * subclip shape. * @private */ Peel.prototype.setupLayers = function() { var shape = this.getOptionalShape(); // The inner layers may be wrapped later, so keep a reference to them here. var topInnerLayer = this.topLayer = this.findOrCreateLayer('top', this.el, 2); var backInnerLayer = this.backLayer = this.findOrCreateLayer('back', this.el, 3); this.bottomLayer = this.findOrCreateLayer('bottom', this.el, 1); if (shape) { // If there is an SVG shape specified in the options, then this needs to // be a separate clipped element because Safari/Mobile Safari can't handle // nested clip-paths. The current top/back element will become the shape // clip, so wrap them with an "outer" clip element that will become the // new layer for the peel effect. The bottom layer does not require this // effect, so the shape clip can be set directly on it. this.topLayer = this.wrapShapeLayer(this.topLayer, 'top-outer-clip'); this.backLayer = this.wrapShapeLayer(this.backLayer, 'back-outer-clip'); this.topShapeClip = new SVGClip(topInnerLayer, shape); this.backShapeClip = new SVGClip(backInnerLayer, shape); this.bottomShapeClip = new SVGClip(this.bottomLayer, shape); if (this.getOption('topShadowCreatesShape')) { this.topShadowElement = this.setupDropShadow(shape, topInnerLayer); } } else { this.topShadowElement = this.findOrCreateLayer('top-shadow', topInnerLayer, 1); } this.topClip = new SVGClip(this.topLayer); this.backClip = new SVGClip(this.backLayer); this.backShadowElement = this.findOrCreateLayer('back-shadow', backInnerLayer, 1); this.backReflectionElement = this.findOrCreateLayer('back-reflection', backInnerLayer, 2); this.bottomShadowElement = this.findOrCreateLayer('bottom-shadow', this.bottomLayer, 1); this.usesBoxShadow = !shape; } /** * Creates an inline SVG element to be used as a layer for a drop shadow filter * effect. Note that drop shadow filters currently have some odd quirks in * Blink such as blur radius changing depending on rotation, etc. * @param {Object} shape A shape describing the SVG element to be used. * @param {HTMLElement} parent The parent element where the layer will be added. * @returns {SVGElement} * @private */ Peel.prototype.setupDropShadow = function(shape, parent) { var svg = createSVGElement('svg', parent, { 'class': prefix('layer') }); createSVGElement(shape.type, svg, shape.attributes); return svg; } /** * Wraps the passed element in another layer, preserving its z-index. Also * add a "shape-layer" class to the layer which now becomes a shape clip. * @param {HTMLElement} el The element to become the wrapped shape layer. * @param {string} id The identifier for the new layer that will wrap the element. * @returns {HTMLElement} The new element that wraps the shape layer. * @private */ Peel.prototype.wrapShapeLayer = function(el, id) { var zIndex = getZIndex(el); addClass(el, prefix('shape-layer')); var outerLayer = this.findOrCreateLayer(id, this.el, zIndex); outerLayer.appendChild(el); return outerLayer; } /** * Sets up the dimensions of the element box and clipping box that area used * in the effect. * @private */ Peel.prototype.setupDimensions = function() { this.width = this.el.offsetWidth; this.height = this.el.offsetHeight; this.center = new Point(this.width / 2, this.height / 2); this.elementBox = this.getScaledBox(1); this.clippingBox = this.getScaledBox(this.getOption('clippingBoxScale')); } /** * Gets a box defined by 4 line segments that is at a scale of the main * element. * @param {number} scale The scale for the box to be. * @private */ Peel.prototype.getScaledBox = function(scale) { // Box scale is equal to: // 1 * the bottom/right scale // 0 * the top/left scale. var brScale = scale; var tlScale = scale - 1; var tl = new Point(-this.width * tlScale, -this.height * tlScale); var tr = new Point( this.width * brScale, -this.height * tlScale); var br = new Point( this.width * brScale, this.height * brScale); var bl = new Point(-this.width * tlScale, this.height * brScale); return [ new LineSegment(tl, tr), new LineSegment(tr, br), new LineSegment(br, bl), new LineSegment(bl, tl) ]; } /** * Returns the peel position adjusted by constraints, if there are any. * @param {Point} point The peel position to be constrained. * @returns {Point} * @private */ Peel.prototype.getConstrainedPeelPosition = function(pos) { this.constraints.forEach(function(area) { var offset = this.getFlipConstraintOffset(area, pos); if (offset) { area = new Circle(area.center, area.radius - offset); } pos = area.constrainPoint(pos); }, this); return pos; } /** * Returns an offset to "pull" a corner in to prevent the peel effect from * suddenly flipping around its axis. This offset is intended to be applied * on the Y axis when dragging away from the center. * @param {Circle} area The constraint to check against. * @param {Point} point The peel position to be constrained. * @returns {number|undefined} * @private */ Peel.prototype.getFlipConstraintOffset = function(area, pos) { var offset = this.getOption('flipConstraintOffset'); if (area === this.flipConstraint && offset) { var cornerToCenter = this.corner.subtract(this.center); var cornerToConstraint = this.corner.subtract(area.center); var baseAngle = cornerToConstraint.getAngle(); // Normalized angles are rotated to be in the same space relative // to the constraint. var nCornerToConstraint = cornerToConstraint.rotate(-baseAngle); var nPosToConstraint = pos.subtract(area.center).rotate(-baseAngle); // Flip the vector vertically if the corner is in the bottom left or top // right relative to the center, as the effect should always pull away // from the vertical midline. if (cornerToCenter.x * cornerToCenter.y < 0) { nPosToConstraint.y *= -1; } if (nPosToConstraint.x > 0 && nPosToConstraint.y > 0) { return normalize(nPosToConstraint.getAngle(), 45, 0) * offset; } } } /** * Gets the line segment that represents the current peel line. * @param {Point} point The position of the peel corner. * @returns {LineSegment} * @private */ Peel.prototype.getPeelLineSegment = function(point) { // The point midway between the peel position and the corner. var halfToCorner = this.corner.subtract(point).scale(.5); var midpoint = point.add(halfToCorner); if (halfToCorner.x === 0 && halfToCorner.y === 0) { // If the corner is the same as the point, then set half to corner // to be the center, and keep the midpoint where it is. This will // ensure a non-zero peel line. halfToCorner = point.subtract(this.center); } var l = halfToCorner.getLength() var mult = (Math.max(this.width, this.height) / l) * 10; var half = halfToCorner.rotate(-90).scale(mult); var p1 = midpoint.add(half); var p2 = midpoint.subtract(half); return new LineSegment(p1, p2); } /** * Sets the transform of the back layer. * @param {Point} pos The position of the peeling corner. * @private */ Peel.prototype.setBackTransform = function(pos) { var mirroredCorner = this.flipPointHorizontally(this.corner); var r = (this.peelLineRotation - 90) * 2; var t = pos.subtract(mirroredCorner.rotate(r)); var css = 'translate('+ round(t.x) +'px, '+ round(t.y) +'px) rotate('+ round(r) +'deg)'; setTransform(this.backLayer, css); // Set the top shadow element here as well, as the // position and rotation matches that of the back layer. setTransform(this.topShadowElement, css); } /** * Gets the distance of the peel line along an imaginary line that runs * between the corners that it "faces". For example, if the peel line * is rotated 45 degrees, then it can be considered to be between the top left * and bottom right corners. This function will return how far the peel line * has advanced along that line. * @returns {number} A position >= 0. * @private */ Peel.prototype.getPeelLineDistance = function() { var cornerId, opposingCornerId, corner, opposingCorner; if (this.peelLineRotation < 90) { cornerId = Peel.Corners.TOP_RIGHT; opposingCornerId = Peel.Corners.BOTTOM_LEFT; } else if (this.peelLineRotation < 180) { cornerId = Peel.Corners.BOTTOM_RIGHT; opposingCornerId = Peel.Corners.TOP_LEFT; } else if (this.peelLineRotation < 270) { cornerId = Peel.Corners.BOTTOM_LEFT; opposingCornerId = Peel.Corners.TOP_RIGHT; } else if (this.peelLineRotation < 360) { cornerId = Peel.Corners.TOP_LEFT; opposingCornerId = Peel.Corners.BOTTOM_RIGHT; } corner = this.getCornerPoint(cornerId); opposingCorner = this.getCornerPoint(opposingCornerId); // Scale the line segment past the original corners so that the effects // can have a nice fadeout even past 1. var cornerToCorner = new LineSegment(corner, opposingCorner).scale(2); var intersect = this.peelLineSegment.getIntersectPoint(cornerToCorner); if (!intersect) { // If there is no intersect, then assume that it has run past the opposing // corner and set the distance to well past the full distance. return 2; } var distanceToPeelLine = corner.subtract(intersect).getLength(); var totalDistance = corner.subtract(opposingCorner).getLength(); return (distanceToPeelLine / totalDistance); } /** * Sets shadows and fade effects. * @private */ Peel.prototype.setEffects = function() { var t = this.getPeelLineDistance(); this.setTopShadow(t); this.setBackShadow(t); this.setBackReflection(t); this.setBottomShadow(t); this.setFade(); } /** * Sets the top shadow as either a box-shadow or a drop-shadow filter. * @param {number} t Position of the peel line from corner to corner. * @private */ Peel.prototype.setTopShadow = function(t) { if (!this.getOption('topShadow')) { return; } var sBlur = this.getOption('topShadowBlur'); var sX = this.getOption('topShadowOffsetX'); var sY = this.getOption('topShadowOffsetY'); var alpha = this.getOption('topShadowAlpha'); var sAlpha = this.exponential(t, 5, alpha); if (this.usesBoxShadow) { setBoxShadow(this.topShadowElement, sX, sY, sBlur, 0, sAlpha); } else { setDropShadow(this.topShadowElement, sX, sY, sBlur, sAlpha); } } /** * Gets a number either distributed along a bell curve or increasing linearly. * @param {number} n The number to transform. * @param {boolean} dist Whether or not to use distribution. * @param {number} mult A multiplier for the result. * @returns {number} * @private */ Peel.prototype.distributeOrLinear = function(n, dist, mult) { if (dist) { return distribute(n, mult); } else { return n * mult; } } /** * Gets a number either distributed exponentially, clamped to a range between * 0 and 1, and multiplied by a multiplier. * @param {number} n The number to transform. * @param {number} exp The exponent to be used. * @param {number} mult A multiplier for the result. * @returns {number} * @private */ Peel.prototype.exponential = function(n, exp, mult) { return mult * clamp(Math.pow(1 + n, exp) - 1); } /** * Sets reflection of the back face as a linear gradient. * @param {number} t Position of the peel line from corner to corner. * @private */ Peel.prototype.setBackReflection = function(t) { var stops = []; if (this.canSetLinearEffect('backReflection', t)) { var rDistribute = this.getOption('backReflectionDistribute'); var rSize = this.getOption('backReflectionSize'); var rOffset = this.getOption('backReflectionOffset'); var rAlpha = this.getOption('backReflectionAlpha'); var reflectionSize = this.distributeOrLinear(t, rDistribute, rSize); var rStop = t - rOffset; var rMid = rStop - reflectionSize; var rStart = rMid - reflectionSize; stops.push(getWhiteStop(0, 0)); stops.push(getWhiteStop(0, rStart)); stops.push(getWhiteStop(rAlpha, rMid)); stops.push(getWhiteStop(0, rStop)); } setBackgroundGradient(this.backReflectionElement, 180 - this.peelLineRotation, stops); } /** * Sets shadow of the back face as a linear gradient. * @param {number} t Position of the peel line from corner to corner. * @private */ Peel.prototype.setBackShadow = function(t) { var stops = []; if (this.canSetLinearEffect('backShadow', t)) { var sSize = this.getOption('backShadowSize'); var sOffset = this.getOption('backShadowOffset'); var sAlpha = this.getOption('backShadowAlpha'); var sDistribute = this.getOption('backShadowDistribute'); var shadowSize = this.distributeOrLinear(t, sDistribute, sSize); var shadowStop = t - sOffset; var shadowMid = shadowStop - shadowSize; var shadowStart = shadowMid - shadowSize; stops.push(getBlackStop(0, 0)); stops.push(getBlackStop(0, shadowStart)); stops.push(getBlackStop(sAlpha, shadowMid)); stops.push(getBlackStop(sAlpha, shadowStop)); } setBackgroundGradient(this.backShadowElement, 180 - this.peelLineRotation, stops); } /** * Sets the bottom shadow as a linear gradient. * @param {number} t Position of the peel line from corner to corner. * @private */ Peel.prototype.setBottomShadow = function(t) { var stops = []; if (this.canSetLinearEffect('bottomShadow', t)) { // Options var sSize = this.getOption('bottomShadowSize'); var offset = this.getOption('bottomShadowOffset'); var darkAlpha = this.getOption('bottomShadowDarkAlpha'); var lightAlpha = this.getOption('bottomShadowLightAlpha'); var sDistribute = this.getOption('bottomShadowDistribute'); var darkShadowStart = t - (.025 - offset); var midShadowStart = darkShadowStart - (this.distributeOrLinear(t, sDistribute, .03) * sSize) - offset; var lightShadowStart = midShadowStart - ((.02 * sSize) - offset); stops = [ getBlackStop(0, 0), getBlackStop(0, lightShadowStart), getBlackStop(lightAlpha, midShadowStart), getBlackStop(lightAlpha, darkShadowStart), getBlackStop(darkAlpha, t) ]; } setBackgroundGradient(this.bottomShadowElement, this.peelLineRotation + 180, stops); } /** * Whether a linear effect can be set. * @param {string} name Name of the effect * @param {number} t Current position of the linear effect line. * @returns {boolean} * @private */ Peel.prototype.canSetLinearEffect = function(name, t) { return this.getOption(name) && t > 0; } /** * Sets the fading effect of the top layer, if a threshold is set. * @private */ Peel.prototype.setFade = function() { var threshold = this.fadeThreshold, opacity = 1, n; if (threshold) { if (this.timeAlongPath !== undefined) { n = this.timeAlongPath; } else { n = this.getAmountClipped(); } if (n > threshold) { opacity = (1 - n) / (1 - threshold); } setOpacity(this.topLayer, opacity); setOpacity(this.backLayer, opacity); setOpacity(this.bottomShadowElement, opacity); } } /** * Flips a point along an imaginary vertical midpoint. * @param {Array} points The points to be flipped. * @returns {Array} * @private */ Peel.prototype.flipPointHorizontally = function(p) { return new Point(p.x - ((p.x - this.center.x) * 2), p.y); } /** * Post setup initialization. * @private */ Peel.prototype.init = function() { if (this.getOption('setPeelOnInit')) { this.setPeelPosition(this.corner); } addClass(this.el, prefix('ready')); } /** * Class that clips an HTMLElement by an SVG path. * @param {HTMLElement} el The element to be clipped. * @param {Object} [shape] An object defining the SVG element to use in the new * clip path. Defaults to a polygon. * @constructor */ function SVGClip (el, shape) { this.el = el; this.shape = SVGClip.createClipPath(el, shape || { 'type': 'polygon' }); // Chrome needs this for some reason for the clipping to work. setTransform(this.el, 'translate(0px,0px)'); } /** * Sets up the global SVG element and its nested defs object to use for new * clip paths. * @returns {SVGElement} * @public */ SVGClip.getDefs = function() { if (!this.defs) { this.svg = createSVGElement('svg', null, { 'class': prefix('svg-clip-element') }); this.defs = createSVGElement('defs', this.svg); } return this.defs; } /** * Creates a new <clipPath> SVG element and sets the passed html element to be * clipped by it. * @param {HTMLElement} el The html element to be clipped. * @param {Object} obj An object defining the SVG element to be used in the * clip path. * @returns {SVGElement} * @public */ SVGClip.createClipPath = function(el, obj) { var id = SVGClip.getId(); var clipPath = createSVGElement('clipPath', this.getDefs()); var svgEl = createSVGElement(obj.type, clipPath, obj.attributes); setSVGAttribute(clipPath, 'id', id); setCSSClip(el, 'url(#' + id + ')'); return svgEl; } /** * Gets the next svg clipping id. * @public */ SVGClip.getId = function() { if (!SVGClip.id) { SVGClip.id = 1; } return 'svg-clip-' + SVGClip.id++; } /** * Sets the "points" attribute of the clip path shape. This only makes sense * for polygon shapes. * @param {Array} points The points to be used. * @public */ SVGClip.prototype.setPoints = function(points) { var str = points.map(function(p) { return round(p.x) + ',' + round(p.y); }).join(' '); setSVGAttribute(this.shape, 'points', str); } /** * A class that represents a circle. * @param {Point} center The center point. * @param {Point} radius The radius. * @constructor */ function Circle (center, radius) { this.center = center; this.radius = radius; } /** * Determines whether a point is contained within the circle. * @param {Point} p The point. * @returns {boolean} * @public */ Circle.prototype.containsPoint = function(p) { if(this.boundingRectContainsPoint(p)) { var dx = this.center.x - p.x; var dy = this.center.y - p.y; dx *= dx; dy *= dy; var distanceSquared = dx + dy; var radiusSquared = this.radius * this.radius; return distanceSquared <= radiusSquared; } return false; } /** * Determines whether a point is contained within the bounding box of the circle. * @param {Point} p The point. * @returns {boolean} * @private */ Circle.prototype.boundingRectContainsPoint = function(p) { return p.x >= this.center.x - this.radius && p.x <= this.center.x + this.radius && p.y >= this.center.y - this.radius && p.y <= this.center.y + this.radius; } /** * Moves a point outside the circle to the closest point on the circumference. * Rotated angle from the center point should be the same. * @param {Point} p The point. * @returns {boolean} * @public */ Circle.prototype.constrainPoint = function(p) { if (!this.containsPoint(p)) { var rotation = p.subtract(this.center).getAngle(); p = this.center.add(new Point(this.radius, 0).rotate(rotation)); } return p; } /** * A class that represents a polygon. * @constructor */ function Polygon() { this.points = []; } /** * Gets the area of the polygon. * @param {Array} points The points describing the polygon. * @public */ Polygon.getArea = function(points) { var sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0; points.forEach(function(p, i, arr) { var next = arr[(i + 1) % arr.length]; sum1 += (p.x * next.y); sum2 += (p.y * next.x); }); return (sum1 - sum2) / 2; } /** * Adds a point to the polygon. * @param {Point} point * @public */ Polygon.prototype.addPoint = function(point) { this.points.push(point); } /** * Gets the points of the polygon as an array. * @returns {Array} * @public */ Polygon.prototype.getPoints = function() { return this.points; } /** * A class representing a bezier curve. * @param {Point} p1 The starting point. * @param {Point} c1 The control point of p1. * @param {Point} c2 The control point of p2. * @param {Point} p2 The ending point. * @constructor */ function BezierCurve (p1, c1, c2, p2) { this.p1 = p1; this.c1 = c1; this.p2 = p2; this.c2 = c2; } /** * Gets a point along the line segment for a given time. * @param {number} t The time along the segment, between 0 and 1. * @returns {Point} */ BezierCurve.prototype.getPointForTime = function(t) { var b0 = Math.pow(1 - t, 3); var b1 = 3 * t * Math.pow(1 - t, 2); var b2 = 3 * Math.pow(t, 2) * (1 - t); var b3 = Math.pow(t, 3); var x = (b0 * this.p1.x) + (b1 * this.c1.x) + (b2 * this.c2.x) + (b3 * this.p2.x) var y = (b0 * this.p1.y) + (b1 * this.c1.y) + (b2 * this.c2.y) + (b3 * this.p2.y) return new Point(x, y); } /** * A class that represents a line segment. * @param {Point} p1 The start of the segment. * @param {Point} p2 The end of the segment. * @constructor */ function LineSegment (p1, p2) { this.p1 = p1; this.p2 = p2; } /** * @constant */ LineSegment.EPSILON = 1e-6; /** * Gets a point along the line segment for a given time. * @param {number} t The time along the segment, between 0 and 1. * @returns {Point} * @public */ LineSegment.prototype.getPointForTime = function(t) { return this.p1.add(this.getVector().scale(t)); } /** * Takes a scalar and returns a new scaled line segment. * @param {number} n The amount to scale the segment by. * @returns {LineSegment} * @public */ LineSegment.prototype.scale = function(n) { var half = 1 + (n / 2); var p1 = this.p1.add(this.p2.subtract(this.p1).scale(n)); var p2 = this.p2.add(this.p1.subtract(this.p2).scale(n)); return new LineSegment(p1, p2); } /** * The determinant is a number that indicates which side of a line a point * falls on. A positive number means that the point falls inside the area * "clockwise" of the line, ie. the area that the line would sweep if it were * rotated 180 degrees. A negative number would mean the point is in the area * the line would sweep if it were rotated counter-clockwise, or -180 degrees. * 0 indicates that the point falls exactly on the line. * @param {Point} p The point to test against. * @returns {number} A signed number. * @public */ LineSegment.prototype.getPointDeterminant = function(p) { var d = ((p.x - this.p1.x) * (this.p2.y - this.p1.y)) - ((p.y - this.p1.y) * (this.p2.x - this.p1.x)); // Tolerance for near-zero. if (d > -LineSegment.EPSILON && d < LineSegment.EPSILON) { d = 0; } return d; } /** * Calculates the point at which another line segment intersects, if any. * @param {LineSegment} seg The second line segment. * @returns {Point|null} * @public */ LineSegment.prototype.getIntersectPoint = function(seg2) { var seg1 = this; function crossProduct(p1, p2) { return p1.x * p2.y - p1.y * p2.x; } var r = seg1.p2.subtract(seg1.p1); var s = seg2.p2.subtract(seg2.p1); var uNumerator = crossProduct(seg2.p1.subtract(seg1.p1), r); var denominator = crossProduct(r, s); if (denominator == 0) { // ignoring colinear and parallel return null; } var u = uNumerator / denominator; var t = crossProduct(seg2.p1.subtract(seg1.p1), s) / denominator; if ((t >= 0) && (t <= 1) && (u >= 0) && (u <= 1)) { return seg1.p1.add(r.scale(t)); } return null; } /** * Returns the angle of the line segment in degrees. * @returns {number} * @public */ LineSegment.prototype.getAngle = function() { return this.getVector().getAngle(); } /** * Gets the vector that represents the line segment. * @returns {Point} * @private */ LineSegment.prototype.getVector = function() { if (!this.vector) { this.vector = this.p2.subtract(this.p1); } return this.vector; } /** * A class representing a point or 2D vector. * @param {number} x The x coordinate. * @param {number} y The y coordinate. * @constructor */ function Point (x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } /** * @constant */ Point.DEGREES_IN_RADIANS = 180 / Math.PI; /** * Gets degrees in radians. * @param {number} deg * @returns {number} */ Point.degToRad = function(deg) { return deg / Point.DEGREES_IN_RADIANS; }; /** * Gets radians in degrees. * @param {number} rad * @returns {number} */ Point.radToDeg = function(rad) { var deg = rad * Point.DEGREES_IN_RADIANS; while(deg < 0) deg += 360; return deg; }; /** * Creates a new point given a rotation in degrees and a length. * @param {number} deg The rotation of the vector. * @param {number} len The length of the vector. * @returns {Point} */ Point.vector = function(deg, len) { var rad = Point.degToRad(deg); return new Point(Math.cos(rad) * len, Math.sin(rad) * len); }; /** * Adds a point. * @param {Point} p * @returns {Point} */ Point.prototype.add = function(p) { return new Point(this.x + p.x, this.y + p.y); }; /** * Subtracts a point. * @param {Point} p * @returns {Point} */ Point.prototype.subtract = function(p) { return new Point(this.x - p.x, this.y - p.y); }; /** * Scales a point by a scalar. * @param {number} n * @returns {Point} */ Point.prototype.scale = function(n) { return new Point(this.x * n, this.y * n); }; /** * Gets the length of the distance to the point. * @returns {number} */ Point.prototype.getLength = function() { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.x, 2) + Math.pow(this.y, 2)); }; /** * Gets the angle of the point in degrees. * @returns {number} */ Point.prototype.getAngle = function() { return Point.radToDeg(Math.atan2(this.y, this.x)); }; /** * Returns a new point of the same length with a different angle. * @param {number} deg The angle in degrees. * @returns {Point} */ Point.prototype.setAngle = function(deg) { return Point.vector(deg, this.getLength()); }; /** * Rotates the point. * @param {number} deg The amount to rotate by in degrees. * @returns {Point} */ Point.prototype.rotate = function(deg) { return this.setAngle(this.getAngle() + deg); }; setCssProperties(); win.Peel = Peel; })(window);