Direktori : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/Ereferer/lib/titan-framework/lib/ |
Current File : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/Ereferer/lib/titan-framework/lib/class-admin-page.php |
<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } class TitanFrameworkAdminPage { private $defaultSettings = array( 'name' => '', // Name of the menu item 'menu_title' => '', // Title of the menu item 'title' => '', // Title displayed on the top of the admin panel 'parent' => null, // id of parent, if blank, then this is a top level menu 'id' => '', // Unique ID of the menu item 'capability' => 'manage_options', // User role 'icon' => 'dashicons-admin-generic', // Menu icon for top level menus only http://melchoyce.github.io/dashicons/ 'position' => null, // Menu position. Can be used for both top and sub level menus 'use_form' => true, // If false, options will not be wrapped in a form 'desc' => '', // Description displayed below the title ); public $settings; public $options = array(); public $tabs = array(); public $owner; public $panelID; private $activeTab = null; private static $idsUsed = array(); function __construct( $settings, $owner ) { $this->owner = $owner; if ( ! is_admin() ) { return; } $this->settings = array_merge( $this->defaultSettings, $settings ); // $this->options = $options; if ( empty( $this->settings['name'] ) ) { return; } if ( empty( $this->settings['title'] ) ) { $this->settings['title'] = $this->settings['name']; } if ( empty( $this->settings['menu_title'] ) ) { $this->settings['menu_title'] = $this->settings['title']; } if ( empty( $this->settings['id'] ) ) { $prefix = ''; if ( ! empty( $this->settings['parent'] ) ) { $prefix = str_replace( ' ', '-', trim( strtolower( $this->settings['parent'] ) ) ) . '-'; } $this->settings['id'] = $prefix . str_replace( ' ', '-', trim( strtolower( $this->settings['name'] ) ) ); $this->settings['id'] = str_replace( '&', '-', $this->settings['id'] ); } // make sure all our IDs are unique $suffix = ''; while ( in_array( $this->settings['id'] . $suffix, self::$idsUsed ) ) { if ( $suffix == '' ) { $suffix = 2; } else { $suffix++; } } $this->settings['id'] .= $suffix; // keep track of all IDs used self::$idsUsed[] = $this->settings['id']; $priority = -1; if ( $this->settings['parent'] ) { $priority = intval( $this->settings['position'] ); } add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'register' ), $priority ); } public function createAdminPanel( $settings ) { $settings['parent'] = $this->settings['id']; return $this->owner->createAdminPanel( $settings ); } public function createSampleContentPage( $settings ) { $settings['parent'] = $this->settings['id']; return $this->owner->createSampleContentPage( $settings ); } public function register() { // Parent menu if ( empty( $this->settings['parent'] ) ) { $this->panelID = add_menu_page( $this->settings['name'], $this->settings['menu_title'], $this->settings['capability'], $this->settings['id'], array( $this, 'createAdminPage' ), $this->settings['icon'], $this->settings['position'] ); // Sub menu } else { $this->panelID = add_submenu_page( $this->settings['parent'], $this->settings['name'], $this->settings['menu_title'], $this->settings['capability'], $this->settings['id'], array( $this, 'createAdminPage' ) ); } add_action( 'load-' . $this->panelID, array( $this, 'saveOptions' ) ); add_action( 'load-' . $this->panelID, array( $this, 'addTitanCredit' ) ); } public function addTitanCredit() { add_filter( 'admin_footer_text', array( $this, 'addTitanCreditText' ) ); } public function addTitanCreditText() { return __( "<em>Options Page Created with <a href='http://titanframework.net?utm_source=admin&utm_medium=admin footer'>Titan Framework</a></em>", TF_I18NDOMAIN ); } public function getOptionNamespace() { return $this->owner->optionNamespace; } public function save_single_option( $option ) { if ( empty( $option->settings['id'] ) ) { return; } if ( isset( $_POST[ $this->getOptionNamespace() . '_' . $option->settings['id'] ] ) ) { $value = $_POST[ $this->getOptionNamespace() . '_' . $option->settings['id'] ]; } else { $value = ''; } $option->setValue( $value ); } public function saveOptions() { if ( ! $this->verifySecurity() ) { return; } $message = ''; $activeTab = $this->getActiveTab(); /* * Save */ if ( $_POST['action'] == 'save' ) { // we are in a tab if ( ! empty( $activeTab ) ) { foreach ( $activeTab->options as $option ) { $this->save_single_option( $option ); if ( ! empty( $option->options ) ) { foreach ( $option->options as $group_option ) { $this->save_single_option( $group_option ); } } } } foreach ( $this->options as $option ) { $this->save_single_option( $option ); if ( ! empty( $option->options ) ) { foreach ( $option->options as $group_option ) { $this->save_single_option( $group_option ); } } } // Hook 'tf_pre_save_options_{namespace}' - action pre-saving /** * Fired right before options are saved. * * @since 1.0 * * @param TitanFrameworkAdminPage|TitanFrameworkCustomizer|TitanFrameworkMetaBox $this The container currently being saved. */ $namespace = $this->getOptionNamespace(); do_action( "tf_pre_save_options_{$namespace}", $this ); do_action( "tf_pre_save_admin_{$namespace}", $this, $activeTab, $this->options ); $this->owner->saveInternalAdminPageOptions(); do_action( 'tf_save_admin_' . $this->getOptionNamespace(), $this, $activeTab, $this->options ); $message = 'saved'; /* * Reset */ } else if ( $_POST['action'] == 'reset' ) { // we are in a tab if ( ! empty( $activeTab ) ) { foreach ( $activeTab->options as $option ) { if ( ! empty( $option->options ) ) { foreach ( $option->options as $group_option ) { if ( ! empty( $group_option->settings['id'] ) ) { $group_option->setValue( $group_option->settings['default'] ); } } } if ( empty( $option->settings['id'] ) ) { continue; } $option->setValue( $option->settings['default'] ); } } foreach ( $this->options as $option ) { if ( ! empty( $option->options ) ) { foreach ( $option->options as $group_option ) { if ( ! empty( $group_option->settings['id'] ) ) { $group_option->setValue( $group_option->settings['default'] ); } } } if ( empty( $option->settings['id'] ) ) { continue; } $option->setValue( $option->settings['default'] ); } // Hook 'tf_pre_reset_options_{namespace}' - action pre-saving do_action( 'tf_pre_reset_options_' . $this->getOptionNamespace(), $this ); do_action( 'tf_pre_reset_admin_' . $this->getOptionNamespace(), $this, $activeTab, $this->options ); $this->owner->saveInternalAdminPageOptions(); do_action( 'tf_reset_admin_' . $this->getOptionNamespace(), $this, $activeTab, $this->options ); $message = 'reset'; } /* * Redirect to prevent refresh saving */ // urlencode to allow special characters in the url $url = wp_get_referer(); $activeTab = $this->getActiveTab(); $url = add_query_arg( 'page', urlencode( $this->settings['id'] ), $url ); if ( ! empty( $activeTab ) ) { $url = add_query_arg( 'tab', urlencode( $activeTab->settings['id'] ), $url ); } if ( ! empty( $message ) ) { $url = add_query_arg( 'message', $message, $url ); } do_action( 'tf_admin_options_saved_' . $this->getOptionNamespace() ); wp_redirect( esc_url_raw( $url ) ); } private function verifySecurity() { if ( empty( $_POST ) || empty( $_POST['action'] ) ) { return false; } $screen = get_current_screen(); if ( $screen->id != $this->panelID ) { return false; } if ( ! current_user_can( $this->settings['capability'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! check_admin_referer( $this->settings['id'], TF . '_nonce' ) ) { return false; } return true; } public function getActiveTab() { if ( ! count( $this->tabs ) ) { return ''; } if ( ! empty( $this->activeTab ) ) { return $this->activeTab; } if ( empty( $_GET['tab'] ) ) { $this->activeTab = $this->tabs[0]; return $this->activeTab; } foreach ( $this->tabs as $tab ) { if ( $tab->settings['id'] == $_GET['tab'] ) { $this->activeTab = $tab; return $this->activeTab; } } $this->activeTab = $this->tabs[0]; return $this->activeTab; } public function createAdminPage() { do_action( 'tf_admin_page_before' ); do_action( 'tf_admin_page_before_' . $this->getOptionNamespace() ); ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2><?php echo $this->settings['title'] ?></h2> <?php if ( ! empty( $this->settings['desc'] ) ) { ?><p class='description'><?php echo $this->settings['desc'] ?></p><?php } ?> <div class='titan-framework-panel-wrap'> <?php do_action( 'tf_admin_page_start' ); do_action( 'tf_admin_page_start_' . $this->getOptionNamespace() ); if ( count( $this->tabs ) ) : ?> <h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper"> <?php do_action( 'tf_admin_page_tab_start' ); do_action( 'tf_admin_page_tab_start_' . $this->getOptionNamespace() ); foreach ( $this->tabs as $tab ) { $tab->displayTab(); } do_action( 'tf_admin_page_tab_end' ); do_action( 'tf_admin_page_tab_end_' . $this->getOptionNamespace() ); ?> </h2> <?php endif; ?> <div class='options-container'> <?php // Display notification if we did something if ( ! empty( $_GET['message'] ) ) { if ( $_GET['message'] == 'saved' ) { echo TitanFrameworkAdminNotification::formNotification( __( 'Settings saved.', TF_I18NDOMAIN ), esc_html( $_GET['message'] ) ); } else if ( $_GET['message'] == 'reset' ) { echo TitanFrameworkAdminNotification::formNotification( __( 'Settings reset to default.', TF_I18NDOMAIN ), esc_html( $_GET['message'] ) ); } } if ( $this->settings['use_form'] ) : ?> <form method='post'> <?php endif; if ( $this->settings['use_form'] ) { // security wp_nonce_field( $this->settings['id'], TF . '_nonce' ); } ?> <table class='form-table'> <tbody> <?php do_action( 'tf_admin_page_table_start' ); do_action( 'tf_admin_page_table_start_' . $this->getOptionNamespace() ); $activeTab = $this->getActiveTab(); if ( ! empty( $activeTab ) ) { if ( ! empty( $activeTab->settings['desc'] ) ) { ?><p class='description'><?php echo $activeTab->settings['desc'] ?></p><?php } $activeTab->displayOptions(); } foreach ( $this->options as $option ) { $option->display(); } do_action( 'tf_admin_page_table_end' ); do_action( 'tf_admin_page_table_end_' . $this->getOptionNamespace() ); ?> </tbody> </table> <?php if ( $this->settings['use_form'] ) : ?> </form> <?php endif; // Reset form. We use JS to trigger a reset from other buttons within the main form // This is used by class-option-save.php if ( $this->settings['use_form'] ) : ?> <form method='post' id='tf-reset-form'> <?php // security wp_nonce_field( $this->settings['id'], TF . '_nonce' ); ?> <input type='hidden' name='action' value='reset'/> </form> <?php endif; do_action( 'tf_admin_page_end' ); do_action( 'tf_admin_page_end_' . $this->getOptionNamespace() ); ?> <div class='options-container'> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php do_action( 'tf_admin_page_after' ); do_action( 'tf_admin_page_after_' . $this->getOptionNamespace() ); } public function createTab( $settings ) { $obj = new TitanFrameworkAdminTab( $settings, $this ); $this->tabs[] = $obj; do_action( 'tf_admin_tab_created_' . $this->getOptionNamespace(), $obj ); return $obj; } public function createOption( $settings ) { if ( ! apply_filters( 'tf_create_option_continue_' . $this->getOptionNamespace(), true, $settings ) ) { return null; } $obj = TitanFrameworkOption::factory( $settings, $this ); $this->options[] = $obj; do_action( 'tf_create_option_' . $this->getOptionNamespace(), $obj ); return $obj; } }