Direktori : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/complianz-gdpr/cookie/ |
Current File : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/complianz-gdpr/cookie/class-cookie.php |
<?php defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( "you do not have access to this page!" ); if ( ! class_exists( "CMPLZ_COOKIE" ) ) { /** * All properties are public, because otherwise the empty check on a property fails, and requires an intermediate variable assignment. * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16918973/php-emptystring-return-true-but-string-is-not-empty */ class CMPLZ_COOKIE { public $ID = false; public $object = false; public $name; /** * Sync should the cookie stay in sync or not * * @var bool */ public $sync = true; /** * Retention period * * @var string */ public $retention; public $type; public $service; public $serviceID; public $collectedPersonalData; public $cookieFunction; public $purpose; public $isTranslationFrom; public $lastUpdatedDate; public $lastAddDate; public $firstAddDate; public $synced; public $complete; public $slug = ''; public $old; public $domain; public $isOwnDomainCookie = false; /** * in CDB, we can mark a cookie as not relevant to users. * * @var int */ private $ignored; /** * we do not actually delete it , otherwise it would be found on next run again * * @var */ public $deleted; /** * give user the possibility to hide a cookie * * @var bool */ public $showOnPolicy = true; public $isMembersOnly; private $languages; public $language; function __construct( $name = false, $language = 'en', $service_name = false ) { if ( is_object($name) ){ $this->name = $name->name; $this->ID = $name->ID; //after the sync, we are still missing the purpose in the objects. We load the cookie from the database to get the purpose. if ( !empty($name->purpose) ) { $this->object = $name; } } else if ( is_numeric( $name ) ) { $this->ID = (int) $name; } else { $this->name = $this->sanitize_cookie( $name ); } $this->language = cmplz_sanitize_language( $language ); if ( $service_name ) { $this->service = $service_name; } if ( $this->name !== false ) { //initialize the cookie with this id. $this->get(); } } /** * Add a new cookie for each passed language. * * @param $name * @param array $languages * @param string|bool $return_language * @param bool $service_name * @param bool $sync_on * * @return bool|int cookie_id */ public function add( $name, $languages = array( 'en' ), $return_language = false, $service_name = false, bool $sync_on = true ) { //don't add cookies with the site url in the name if ( strpos($name, site_url())!==false ) { return false; } if ( !cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { return 0; } $this->name = $this->sanitize_cookie( $name ); //the parent cookie gets "en" as default language $this->language = 'en'; $return_id = 0; $this->languages = cmplz_sanitize_languages( $languages ); //check if there is a parent cookie for this name $this->get( true ); //if no ID is found, insert in the database if ( ! $this->ID ) { $this->service = $service_name; $this->sync = $sync_on; $this->showOnPolicy = true; } //we save, to update previous, but also to make sure last add date is saved. $this->lastAddDate = time(); $this->save(); //we now should have an ID, which will be the parent item $parent_ID = $this->ID; if ( $return_language === 'en' ) { $return_id = $this->ID; } //make sure each language is available foreach ( $this->languages as $language ) { if ( $language === 'en' ) { continue; } $translated_cookie = new CMPLZ_COOKIE( $name, $language, $service_name ); if ( ! $translated_cookie->ID ) { $translated_cookie->sync = $sync_on; $translated_cookie->showOnPolicy = true; } $translated_cookie->domain = $this->domain; $translated_cookie->isTranslationFrom = $parent_ID; $translated_cookie->service = $service_name; $translated_cookie->lastAddDate = time(); $translated_cookie->save(); if ( $return_language && $language === $return_language ) { $return_id = $translated_cookie->ID; } } return $return_id; } public function __get( $property ) { if ( property_exists( $this, $property ) ) { return $this->$property; } } public function __set( $property, $value ) { if ( property_exists( $this, $property ) ) { $this->$property = $value; } return $this; } /** * Delete this cookie, and all translations linked to it. */ public function delete($permanently=false) { if ( ! cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { return; } if ( ! $this->ID ) { return; } $translations = $this->get_translations(); global $wpdb; foreach ( $translations as $ID ) { if ($permanently){ $wpdb->delete($wpdb->prefix . 'cmplz_cookies', array('ID' => $ID)); } else { $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . 'cmplz_cookies', array( 'deleted' => true ), array( 'ID' => $ID ) ); } } } /** * Restore a deleted cookie */ public function restore() { if ( ! cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { return; } if ( ! $this->ID ) { return; } $translations = $this->get_translations(); global $wpdb; foreach ( $translations as $ID ) { $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . 'cmplz_cookies', array( 'deleted' => false ), array( 'ID' => $ID ) ); } } public function get_translations() { global $wpdb; //check if this cookie is a parent if ( ! $this->isTranslationFrom ) { //is parent. Get all cookies where translationfrom = this id $parent_id = $this->ID; } else { //not parent. $parent_id = $this->isTranslationFrom; } $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "select * from {$wpdb->prefix}cmplz_cookies where isTranslationFrom = %s", $parent_id ); $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql ); $translations = wp_list_pluck( $results, 'ID' ); //add the parent id $translations[] = $parent_id; return $translations; } /** * Retrieve the cookie data from the table * * @param bool $parent get only the parent cookie, not a translation */ private function get( bool $parent = false ) { global $wpdb; if ( ! $this->name && ! $this->ID ) { return; } $sql = ''; if ( $parent ) { $sql = " AND isTranslationFrom = FALSE"; } //if the service is set, we check within the service as well. if ( $this->service ) { $service = new CMPLZ_SERVICE($this->service, $this->language ); if ($service->ID) { $sql .= $wpdb->prepare(" AND serviceID = %s", $service->ID); } } if ($this->object){ $cookie = $this->object; } else if ( $this->ID ) { $cookie = wp_cache_get('cmplz_cookie_'.$this->ID, 'complianz'); if ( !$cookie ) { $cookie = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "select * from {$wpdb->prefix}cmplz_cookies where ID = %s ", $this->ID ) ); wp_cache_set('cmplz_cookie_'.$this->ID, $cookie, 'complianz', HOUR_IN_SECONDS); } } else { $cookie = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "select * from {$wpdb->prefix}cmplz_cookies where name = %s and language = %s $sql", $this->name, $this->language ) ); //if not found with service, try without service. if ( !$cookie ) { $cookie = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "select * from {$wpdb->prefix}cmplz_cookies where name = %s and language = %s", $this->name, $this->language ) ); } } //if there's still no match, try to do a fuzzy match if ( ! $cookie ) { $cookies = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "select * from {$wpdb->prefix}cmplz_cookies where language = %s $sql", $this->language ) ); $cookies = wp_list_pluck( $cookies, 'name', 'ID' ); $cookie_id = $this->get_fuzzy_match( $cookies, $this->name ); //if no cookie_id found yet, try without service if ( !$cookie_id ) { $cookies = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "select * from {$wpdb->prefix}cmplz_cookies where language = %s", $this->language ) ); $cookies = wp_list_pluck( $cookies, 'name', 'ID' ); $cookie_id = $this->get_fuzzy_match( $cookies, $this->name ); } if ( $cookie_id ) { $cookie = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "select * from {$wpdb->prefix}cmplz_cookies where ID = %s", $cookie_id ) ); } } if ( $cookie ) { $this->ID = $cookie->ID; $this->name = substr($cookie->name, 0, 200); //maximize cookie name length $this->serviceID = $cookie->serviceID; $this->sync = (bool) $cookie->sync; $this->language = $cookie->language; $this->ignored = (bool) $cookie->ignored; $this->deleted = (bool) $cookie->deleted; $this->retention = $cookie->retention; $this->type = $cookie->type; $this->isOwnDomainCookie = (bool) $cookie->isOwnDomainCookie; $this->domain = $cookie->domain; $this->cookieFunction = $cookie->cookieFunction; $this->purpose = html_entity_decode($cookie->purpose); $this->isMembersOnly = $cookie->isMembersOnly && cmplz_get_option('wp_admin_access_users') === 'yes'; $this->collectedPersonalData = $cookie->collectedPersonalData; $this->isTranslationFrom = $cookie->isTranslationFrom; $this->showOnPolicy = (bool) $cookie->showOnPolicy; $this->lastUpdatedDate = $cookie->lastUpdatedDate; $this->lastAddDate = $cookie->lastAddDate; $this->firstAddDate = $cookie->firstAddDate; $this->slug = $cookie->slug; $this->synced = $cookie->lastUpdatedDate > 0; $this->old = $cookie->lastAddDate < strtotime( '-3 months' ) && $cookie->lastAddDate > 0; } //legacy, upgrade data if ( empty($this->domain) ) { if ( $this->isOwnDomainCookie) { $this->domain = 'self'; } else { $this->domain = 'thirdparty'; } } /** * Don't translate purpose with Polylang, as polylang does not use the fieldname to translate. This causes mixed up strings when context differs. * To prevent newly added cookies from getting translated, only translate when not in admin or cron, leaving front-end, where cookies aren't saved. */ if ( $this->language !== 'en' && !is_admin() && !wp_doing_cron() ) { if ( !defined('POLYLANG_VERSION') || !$this->sync ) { if (!empty($this->purpose) ) $this->purpose = cmplz_translate($this->purpose, 'cookie_purpose'); } if (!empty( $this->retention ) ) $this->retention = cmplz_translate( $this->retention, 'cookie_retention' ); if (!empty( $this->cookieFunction) ) $this->cookieFunction = cmplz_translate($this->cookieFunction, 'cookie_function'); if (!empty( $this->collectedPersonalData) ) $this->collectedPersonalData = cmplz_translate($this->collectedPersonalData, 'cookie_collected_personal_data'); } /** * complianz cookie retention can be retrieved form this site */ if ( !empty( $this->name) ) { if ( strpos( $this->name, 'cmplz' ) !== false || strpos( $this->name, 'complianz' ) !== false ) { $this->retention = cmplz_sprintf( __( "%s days", "complianz-gdpr" ), cmplz_get_option( 'cookie_expiry' ) ); } } //get serviceid from service name if ( $this->serviceID ) { $service = new CMPLZ_SERVICE( $this->serviceID, $this->language ); $this->service = $service->name; } $this->complete = ( !empty( $this->name ) && !empty( $this->purpose ) && !empty( $this->retention ) && !empty( $this->service ) ); } /** * - opslaan service ID met ID uit CDB * - Als SERVICE ID er nog niet is, toevoegen in tabel * - Synce services met CDB */ /** * Saves the data for a given Cookie, or creates a new one if no ID was passed. * * @param bool $updateAllLanguages */ public function save( $updateAllLanguages = false ) { if ( !cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { return; } //let's skip cookies with this site url in the name if ( strpos($this->name, site_url())!==false ) { return; } //don't save empty items. if ( empty( $this->name ) ) { return; } //get serviceid from service name if ( !empty( $this->service ) ) { $service = new CMPLZ_SERVICE( $this->service, $this->language ); if ( ! $service->ID ) { $languages = $this->get_used_languages(); $this->serviceID = $service->add( $this->service, $languages, $this->language ); } else { $this->serviceID = $service->ID; } } /** * complianz cookie retention can be retrieved from this site */ if ( strpos( $this->name, 'cmplz' ) !== false || strpos( $this->name, 'complianz' ) !== false ) { $this->retention = cmplz_sprintf( __( "%s days", "complianz-gdpr" ), cmplz_get_option( 'cookie_expiry' ) ); } /** * Don't translate with Polylang, as polylang does not use the fieldname to translate. This causes mixed up strings when context differs. */ if ( $this->language === 'en' ) { if ( ! defined( 'POLYLANG_VERSION' ) || ! $this->sync ) { cmplz_register_translation( $this->purpose, 'cookie_purpose' ); } cmplz_register_translation( $this->retention, 'cookie_retention' ); cmplz_register_translation( $this->cookieFunction, 'cookie_function' ); cmplz_register_translation( $this->collectedPersonalData, 'cookie_collected_personal_data' ); } //update legacy data if ( empty($this->domain) ) { if ( $this->isOwnDomainCookie ) { $this->domain = 'self'; } else { $this->domain = 'thirdparty'; } } $update_array = array( 'name' => sanitize_text_field( $this->name ), 'retention' => sanitize_text_field( $this->retention ), 'type' => sanitize_text_field( $this->type ), 'isOwnDomainCookie' => (bool) $this->isOwnDomainCookie, 'serviceID' => (int) $this->serviceID, 'domain' => sanitize_text_field( $this->domain ), 'cookieFunction' => sanitize_text_field( $this->cookieFunction ), 'purpose' => sanitize_text_field( $this->purpose ), 'isMembersOnly' => (bool) $this->isMembersOnly, 'collectedPersonalData' => sanitize_text_field( $this->collectedPersonalData ), 'sync' => $this->sync, 'ignored' => (bool) $this->ignored, 'deleted' => (bool) $this->deleted, 'language' => cmplz_sanitize_language( $this->language ), 'isTranslationFrom' => (int) $this->isTranslationFrom, 'showOnPolicy' => $this->showOnPolicy, 'lastUpdatedDate' => (int) $this->lastUpdatedDate, 'lastAddDate' => (int) $this->lastAddDate, 'slug' => empty($this->slug) ? '' : sanitize_title( $this->slug ), ); if ( empty( $this->firstAddDate) ) { $update_array['firstAddDate'] = time(); } global $wpdb; //if we have an ID, we update the existing value if ( $this->ID ) { $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . 'cmplz_cookies', $update_array, array( 'ID' => $this->ID ) ); } else { $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->prefix . 'cmplz_cookies', $update_array ); $this->ID = $wpdb->insert_id; } if ( $updateAllLanguages ) { //keep all translations in sync $translationIDS = $this->get_translations(); foreach ( $translationIDS as $translationID ) { if ( $this->ID == $translationID ) { continue; } $translation = new CMPLZ_COOKIE( $translationID ); $translation->name = $this->name; $translation->serviceID = $this->serviceID; $translation->sync = $this->sync; $translation->isMembersOnly = $this->isMembersOnly; $translation->slug = $this->slug; $translation->showOnPolicy = $this->showOnPolicy; $translation->deleted = $this->deleted; $translation->ignored = $this->ignored; $translation->domain = $this->domain; $translation->save(); } } cmplz_delete_transient('cmplz_cookie_shredder_list'); wp_cache_delete('cmplz_cookie_'.$this->ID, 'complianz'); } private function get_used_languages() { global $wpdb; $sql = "SELECT language FROM {$wpdb->prefix}cmplz_cookies group by language"; $languages = $wpdb->get_results( $sql ); $languages = wp_list_pluck( $languages, 'language' ); return $languages; } /** * Validate a cookie string * * @param $cookie * * @return string|bool */ private function sanitize_cookie( $cookie ) { if ( ! $this->is_valid_cookie( $cookie ) ) { return false; } $cookie = sanitize_text_field( $cookie ); //100 characters max $cookie = substr($cookie, 0, 100); //remove whitespace $cookie = trim( $cookie ); //strip double and single quotes $cookie = str_replace( '"', '', $cookie ); return str_replace( "'", '', $cookie ); } /** * Check if a cookie is of a valid cookie structure * * @param $id * * @return bool */ private function is_valid_cookie( $id ) { if ( ! is_string( $id ) || empty($id) ) { return false; } $pattern = '/[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\*]/i'; return (bool) preg_match( $pattern, $id ); } private function get_fuzzy_match( $cookies, $search ) { //to prevent match from wp_comment_123 on wp_* //we keep track of all matches, and only return the longest match, which is the closest match. $match = false; $new_match = false; $match_length = 0; $new_match_length = 0; $partial = '*'; //clear up items without any match possibility foreach ( $cookies as $post_id => $cookie_name ) { if ( strpos( $cookie_name, $partial ) === false ) { unset( $cookies[ $post_id ] ); } } foreach ( $cookies as $post_id => $compare_cookie_name ) { //check if the string "partial" is in the comparison cookie name //check if it has an underscore before or after the partial. If so, take it into account //get the substring before or after the partial $str1 = substr( $compare_cookie_name, 0, strpos( $compare_cookie_name, $partial ) ); $str2 = substr( $compare_cookie_name, strpos( $compare_cookie_name, $partial ) + strlen( $partial ) ); //a partial match is enough on this type //$str2: match should end with this string if ( strlen( $str1 ) === 0 ) { $len = strlen( $search ); //"*test" : 5 $pos = strpos( $search, $str2 ); //"*test" : 1 $sub_len = strlen( $str2 ); // 4 if ( $pos !== false && ( $len - $sub_len == $pos ) ) { $new_match_length = strlen( $str1 ) + strlen( $str2 ); $new_match = $post_id; } //match should start with this string } elseif ( strlen( $str2 ) === 0 ) { $pos = strpos( $search, $str1 ); if ( $pos === 0 ) { $new_match_length = strlen( $str1 ) + strlen( $str2 ); $new_match = $post_id; } } else { $len2 = strlen( $search ); //"*test" : 5 $pos2 = strpos( $search, $str2 ); //"*test" : 1 $sub_len2 = strlen( $str2 ); // 4 if ( strpos( $search, $str1 ) === 0 && strpos( $search, $str2 ) !== false && ( $len2 - $sub_len2 == $pos2 ) ) { $new_match_length = strlen( $str1 ) + strlen( $str2 ); $new_match = $post_id; } } if ( $new_match_length > $match_length ) { $match_length = $new_match_length; $match = $new_match; } } return $match; } } } /** * Install cookies table * */ add_action( 'cmplz_install_tables', 'cmplz_install_cookie_table' ); function cmplz_install_cookie_table() { //only load on front-end if it's a cron job if ( !is_admin() && !wp_doing_cron() ) { return; } if (!wp_doing_cron() && !cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { return; } if ( get_option( 'cmplz_cookietable_version' ) != cmplz_version ) { require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' ); global $wpdb; $charset_collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate(); $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'cmplz_cookies'; $sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name ( `ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `slug` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `sync` int(11) NOT NULL, `ignored` int(11) NOT NULL, `retention` text NOT NULL, `type` text NOT NULL, `serviceID` int(11) NOT NULL, `cookieFunction` text NOT NULL, `collectedPersonalData` text NOT NULL, `purpose` text NOT NULL, `language` varchar(6) NOT NULL, `isTranslationFrom` int(11) NOT NULL, `isOwnDomainCookie` int(11) NOT NULL, `domain` text NOT NULL, `deleted` int(11) NOT NULL, `isMembersOnly` int(11) NOT NULL, `showOnPolicy` int(11) NOT NULL, `lastUpdatedDate` int(11) NOT NULL, `lastAddDate` int(11) NOT NULL, `firstAddDate` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ID) ) $charset_collate;"; dbDelta( $sql ); /** * Services */ $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'cmplz_services'; $sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name ( `ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `slug` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `serviceType` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `category` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `thirdParty` int(11) NOT NULL, `sharesData` int(11) NOT NULL, `secondParty` int(11) NOT NULL, `privacyStatementURL` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `language` varchar(6) NOT NULL, `isTranslationFrom` int(11) NOT NULL, `sync` int(11) NOT NULL, `lastUpdatedDate` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ID) ) $charset_collate;"; dbDelta( $sql ); //don't set to preload false, as we need this one in the get_cookies function. update_option( 'cmplz_cookietable_version', cmplz_version ); } }