Direktori : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/complianz-gdpr/gutenberg/ |
Current File : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/complianz-gdpr/gutenberg/block.php |
<?php // Exit if accessed directly. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * Enqueue Gutenberg block assets for backend editor. * * @since 1.0.0 */ function cmplz_editor_assets() { $asset_file = include( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'build/index.asset.php'); wp_enqueue_script( 'cmplz-block', plugins_url( 'gutenberg/build/index.js', dirname( __FILE__ ) ), $asset_file['dependencies'], $asset_file['version'], true ); wp_localize_script( 'cmplz-block', 'complianz', array( 'site_url' => get_rest_url(), 'cmplz_preview' => cmplz_url. 'assets/images/gutenberg-preview.png', 'user_can_unfiltered_html' => current_user_can('unfiltered_html'), ) ); wp_set_script_translations( 'cmplz-block', 'complianz-gdpr' , cmplz_path . '/languages'); $load_css = cmplz_get_option('use_document_css', true ); if ($load_css) { $v = filemtime(cmplz_path . "assets/css/document.min.css"); wp_enqueue_style( 'cmplz-block', // Handle. cmplz_url . "assets/css/document.min.css", array( 'wp-edit-blocks' ), $v ); } else { $v = filemtime(cmplz_path . "assets/css/document-grid.min.css"); wp_enqueue_style( 'cmplz-block', // Handle. cmplz_url . "assets/css/document-grid.min.css", array( 'wp-edit-blocks' ), $v ); } } add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'cmplz_editor_assets' ); register_block_type('complianz/document', array( 'render_callback' => 'cmplz_render_document_block', )); register_block_type('complianz/consent-area', array( 'render_callback' => 'cmplz_render_consent_area_block', )); /** * Handles the front end rendering of the complianz consent area block * * @param array $attributes * @param string $content * @return string */ function cmplz_render_consent_area_block($attributes, $content) { $category = isset($attributes['category']) ? cmplz_sanitize_category( $attributes['category'] ) : 'marketing'; $service = isset($attributes['service']) ? COMPLIANZ::$cookie_blocker->sanitize_service_name( $attributes['service'] ) : 'general'; $post_id = (int) $attributes['postId']; $block_id = sanitize_title($attributes['blockId']); $placholder_content = $attributes['placeholderContent'] ?? ''; ob_start(); ?><div class="cmplz-consent-area cmplz-placeholder" data-post_id="<?php echo esc_attr($post_id)?>" data-block_id="<?php echo esc_attr($block_id)?>" data-category="<?php echo esc_attr($category); ?>" data-service="<?php echo esc_attr($service); ?>"> <?php echo wp_kses_post($placholder_content) ?> </div><?php return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Handles the front end rendering of the complianz block * * @param $attributes * @param $content * @return string */ function cmplz_render_document_block($attributes, $content): string { $html = ''; if (isset($attributes['selectedDocument'])) { if (isset($attributes['documentSyncStatus']) && $attributes['documentSyncStatus']==='unlink' && isset($attributes['customDocument'])){ $html = $attributes['customDocument']; } else { $type = $attributes['selectedDocument']; $region = cmplz_get_region_from_legacy_type($type); if ($region){ $type = str_replace('-'.$region, '', $type); } $html = COMPLIANZ::$document->get_document_html($type, $region); } } return $html; }