Direktori : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/complianz-gdpr/integrations/plugins/ |
Current File : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/complianz-gdpr/integrations/plugins/contact-form-7.php |
<?php defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( "you do not have access to this page!" ); function cmplz_cf7_initDomContentLoaded() { if (defined('WPCF7_VERSION') && version_compare(WPCF7_VERSION, 5.4, '>=')) return; if (class_exists('IQFix_WPCF7_Deity')) return; $service = WPCF7_RECAPTCHA::get_instance(); if ( $service->is_active() ) { ob_start(); if (version_compare(WPCF7_VERSION, 5.2, '>=') ) { ?> <script> document.addEventListener("cmplz_run_after_all_scripts", cmplz_cf7_fire_domContentLoadedEvent); function cmplz_cf7_fire_domContentLoadedEvent() { wpcf7_recaptcha.execute = function (action) { grecaptcha.execute( wpcf7_recaptcha.sitekey, {action: action} ).then(function (token) { var event = new CustomEvent('wpcf7grecaptchaexecuted', { detail: { action: action, token: token, }, }); document.dispatchEvent(event); }); }; wpcf7_recaptcha.execute_on_homepage = function () { wpcf7_recaptcha.execute(wpcf7_recaptcha.actions['homepage']); }; wpcf7_recaptcha.execute_on_contactform = function () { wpcf7_recaptcha.execute(wpcf7_recaptcha.actions['contactform']); }; grecaptcha.ready( wpcf7_recaptcha.execute_on_homepage ); document.addEventListener('change', wpcf7_recaptcha.execute_on_contactform ); document.addEventListener('wpcf7submit', wpcf7_recaptcha.execute_on_homepage ); } </script> <?php } else {?> <script> document.addEventListener("cmplz_run_after_all_scripts", cmplz_cf7_fire_domContentLoadedEvent); function cmplz_cf7_fire_domContentLoadedEvent() { //fire a DomContentLoaded event, so the Contact Form 7 reCaptcha integration will work window.document.dispatchEvent(new Event("DOMContentLoaded", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true })); } </script> <?php } $script = ob_get_clean(); $script = str_replace(array('<script>', '</script>'), '', $script); wp_add_inline_script( 'cmplz-cookiebanner', $script); } } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'cmplz_cf7_initDomContentLoaded', PHP_INT_MAX ); /** * Customize the error message on submission of the form before consent * * @param $message * @param $status * * @return string */ function cmplz_contactform7_errormessage( $message, $status ) { if (defined('WPCF7_VERSION') && version_compare(WPCF7_VERSION, 5.4, '>=')) return $message; if ( $status === 'spam' ) { if ( version_compare(WPCF7_VERSION, 5.4, '<') ) { $message = apply_filters( 'cmplz_accept_cookies_contactform7', __( 'Click to accept marketing cookies and enable this form', 'complianz-gdpr' ) ); $message = '<span class="cmplz-blocked-content-notice cmplz-accept-marketing"><a href="#" role="button">' . $message . '</a></span>'; } else { $message = apply_filters( 'cmplz_accept_cookies_contactform7', __( 'Please accept marketing cookies to enable this form', 'complianz-gdpr' ) ); } } return $message; } add_filter( 'wpcf7_display_message', 'cmplz_contactform7_errormessage', 20, 2 ); /** * Add the CF7 form type * * @param $formtypes * * @return mixed */ function cmplz_contactform7_form_types( $formtypes ) { $formtypes['cf7_'] = 'contact-form-7'; return $formtypes; } add_filter( 'cmplz_form_types', 'cmplz_contactform7_form_types' ); /** * Conditionally add the dependency from the CF 7 inline script to the .js file */ add_filter( 'cmplz_dependencies', 'cmplz_contactform7_dependencies' ); function cmplz_contactform7_dependencies( $tags ) { if (defined('WPCF7_VERSION') && version_compare(WPCF7_VERSION, 5.4, '>=')) return $tags; if (class_exists('IQFix_WPCF7_Deity')) return $tags; $service = WPCF7_RECAPTCHA::get_instance(); if (cmplz_get_option('block_recaptcha_service') === 'yes'){ if ( $service->is_active() ) { if (version_compare(WPCF7_VERSION, 5.2, '>=')){ $tags['recaptcha/api.js'] = 'modules/recaptcha/script.js'; } else { $tags['recaptcha/api.js'] = 'grecaptcha'; } } } return $tags; } add_filter( 'cmplz_known_script_tags', 'cmplz_contactform7_script' ); function cmplz_contactform7_script( $tags ) { if (defined('WPCF7_VERSION') && version_compare(WPCF7_VERSION, 5.4, '>=')) return $tags; $service = WPCF7_RECAPTCHA::get_instance(); if (cmplz_get_option('block_recaptcha_service') === 'yes'){ if ( $service->is_active() ) { $tags[] = 'modules/recaptcha/script.js'; $tags[] = 'recaptcha/index.js'; $tags[] = 'recaptcha/api.js'; } } return $tags; } /** * Get list of CF7 contact forms * * @param $input_forms * * @return mixed */ function cmplz_contactform7_get_plugin_forms( $input_forms ) { $forms = get_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'wpcf7_contact_form' ) ); $forms = wp_list_pluck( $forms, "post_title", "ID" ); foreach ( $forms as $id => $title ) { $input_forms[ 'cf7_' . $id ] = $title . " " . '(Contact form 7)'; } return $input_forms; } add_filter( 'cmplz_get_forms', 'cmplz_contactform7_get_plugin_forms' ); /** * Add consent checkbox to CF 7 * * @param $form_id */ function cmplz_contactform7_add_consent_checkbox( $form_id ) { $form_id = str_replace( 'cf7_', '', $form_id ); $warning = 'acceptance_as_validation: on'; $label = cmplz_sprintf( __( 'To submit this form, you need to accept our %sPrivacy Statement%s', 'complianz-gdpr' ), '<a href="' . COMPLIANZ::$document->get_permalink( 'privacy-statement', 'eu', true ) . '">', '</a>' ); $tag = "\n" . '[acceptance cmplz-acceptance]' . $label . '[/acceptance]' . "\n\n"; $contact_form = wpcf7_contact_form( $form_id ); if ( ! $contact_form ) { return; } $properties = $contact_form->get_properties(); $title = $contact_form->title(); $locale = $contact_form->locale(); //check if it's already there if ( strpos( $properties['form'], '[acceptance' ) === false ) { $properties['form'] = str_replace( '[submit', $tag . '[submit', $properties['form'] ); } if ( strpos( $properties['additional_settings'], $warning ) === false ) { $properties['additional_settings'] .= "\n" . $warning; } //replace [submit $args = array( 'id' => $form_id, 'title' => $title, 'locale' => $locale, 'form' => $properties['form'], 'mail' => $properties['mail'], 'mail_2' => $properties['mail_2'], 'messages' => $properties['messages'], 'additional_settings' => $properties['additional_settings'], ); remove_action( 'wpcf7_after_save', 'wpcf7_mch_save_mailchimp' ); wpcf7_save_contact_form( $args ); } add_action( "cmplz_add_consent_box_contact-form-7", 'cmplz_contactform7_add_consent_checkbox' ); /** * Add services to the list of detected items, so it will get set as default, and will be added to the notice about it * * @param $services * * @return array */ function cmplz_contactform7_detected_services( $services ) { if (defined('WPCF7_VERSION') && version_compare(WPCF7_VERSION, 5.4, '>=')) return $services; $recaptcha = WPCF7_RECAPTCHA::get_instance(); if ( $recaptcha->is_active() && ! in_array( 'google-recaptcha', $services ) ) { $services[] = 'google-recaptcha'; } return $services; } add_filter( 'cmplz_detected_services', 'cmplz_contactform7_detected_services' ); /** * Add a warning that we're dropping support for further Contact Form 7 changes * * @param array $warnings * * @return array */ function cmplz_cf7_warnings_types($warnings) { $warnings['contact-form-7'] = array( 'plus_one' => true, 'warning_condition' => '_true_', 'open' => __( 'Due to continuous breaking changes in Contact Form 7 we are dropping the CF7 integration as of CF7 5.4. We have concluded that the only viable solution is for Contact Form 7 to integrate with the WP Consent API.', 'complianz-gdpr' ), 'url' => 'https://complianz.io/why-the-wp-consent-api-is-important-a-case-study-with-cf7-and-recaptcha/', ); return $warnings; } add_filter('cmplz_warning_types', 'cmplz_cf7_warnings_types'); /** * Check if cf7 recaptch activate for >5.4 versions. * @return bool */ function cmplz_cf7_recaptcha_active(){ //it works before 5.4. if (defined('WPCF7_VERSION') && version_compare(WPCF7_VERSION, 5.4, '<')) { return false; } $recaptcha = WPCF7_RECAPTCHA::get_instance(); if ( $recaptcha->is_active() ) { return true; } return false; }