Direktori : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/google-site-kit/includes/Core/Util/ |
Current File : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/google-site-kit/includes/Core/Util/Entity_Factory.php |
<?php /** * Class Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util\Entity_Factory * * @package Google\Site_Kit * @copyright 2021 Google LLC * @license https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache License 2.0 * @link https://sitekit.withgoogle.com */ namespace Google\Site_Kit\Core\Util; use Google\Site_Kit\Plugin; use WP_Query; use WP_Post; use WP_Term; use WP_User; use WP_Post_Type; use WP_Screen; /** * Class providing access to entities. * * This class entirely relies on WordPress core behavior and is technically decoupled from Site Kit. For example, * entities returned by this factory rely on the regular WordPress home URL and ignore Site Kit-specific details, such * as an alternative "reference site URL". * * Instead of relying on this class directly, use {@see Context::get_reference_entity()} or * {@see Context::get_reference_entity_from_url()}. * * @since 1.15.0 * @access private * @ignore */ final class Entity_Factory { /** * Gets the entity for the current WordPress context, if available. * * @since 1.15.0 * * @return Entity|null The entity for the current context, or null if none could be determined. */ public static function from_context() { global $wp_the_query; // If currently in WP admin, run admin-specific checks. if ( is_admin() ) { $screen = get_current_screen(); if ( ! $screen instanceof WP_Screen || 'post' !== $screen->base ) { return null; } $post = get_post(); if ( $post instanceof WP_Post && self::is_post_public( $post ) ) { return self::create_entity_for_post( $post, 1 ); } return null; } // Otherwise, run frontend-specific `WP_Query` logic. if ( $wp_the_query instanceof WP_Query ) { $entity = self::from_wp_query( $wp_the_query ); $request_uri = Plugin::instance()->context()->input()->filter( INPUT_SERVER, 'REQUEST_URI' ); return self::maybe_convert_to_amp_entity( $request_uri, $entity ); } return null; } /** * Gets the entity for the given URL, if available. * * Calling this method is expensive, so it should only be used in certain admin contexts where this is acceptable. * * @since 1.15.0 * * @param string $url URL to determine the entity from. * @return Entity|null The entity for the URL, or null if none could be determined. */ public static function from_url( $url ) { $query = WP_Query_Factory::from_url( $url ); if ( ! $query ) { return null; } $query->get_posts(); $entity = self::from_wp_query( $query ); return self::maybe_convert_to_amp_entity( $url, $entity ); } /** * Gets the entity for the given `WP_Query` object, if available. * * @since 1.15.0 * * @param WP_Query $query WordPress query object. Must already have run the actual database query. * @return Entity|null The entity for the query, or null if none could be determined. */ public static function from_wp_query( WP_Query $query ) { // A singular post (possibly the static front page). if ( $query->is_singular() ) { $post = $query->get_queried_object(); if ( $post instanceof WP_Post && self::is_post_public( $post ) ) { return self::create_entity_for_post( $post, self::get_query_pagenum( $query, 'page' ) ); } return null; } $page = self::get_query_pagenum( $query ); // The blog. if ( $query->is_home() ) { // The blog is either the front page... if ( $query->is_front_page() ) { return self::create_entity_for_front_blog( $page ); } // ...or it is a separate post assigned as 'page_for_posts'. return self::create_entity_for_posts_blog( $page ); } // A taxonomy term archive. if ( $query->is_category() || $query->is_tag() || $query->is_tax() ) { $term = $query->get_queried_object(); if ( $term instanceof WP_Term ) { return self::create_entity_for_term( $term, $page ); } } // An author archive. if ( $query->is_author() ) { $user = $query->get_queried_object(); if ( $user instanceof WP_User ) { return self::create_entity_for_author( $user, $page ); } } // A post type archive. if ( $query->is_post_type_archive() ) { $post_type = $query->get( 'post_type' ); if ( is_array( $post_type ) ) { $post_type = reset( $post_type ); } $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); if ( $post_type_object instanceof WP_Post_Type ) { return self::create_entity_for_post_type( $post_type_object, $page ); } } // A date-based archive. if ( $query->is_date() ) { $queried_post = self::get_first_query_post( $query ); if ( ! $queried_post ) { return null; } if ( $query->is_year() ) { return self::create_entity_for_date( $queried_post, 'year', $page ); } if ( $query->is_month() ) { return self::create_entity_for_date( $queried_post, 'month', $page ); } if ( $query->is_day() ) { return self::create_entity_for_date( $queried_post, 'day', $page ); } // Time archives are not covered for now. While they can theoretically be used in WordPress, they // aren't fully supported, and WordPress does not link to them anywhere. return null; } return null; } /** * Creates the entity for a given post object. * * @since 1.15.0 * @since 1.68.0 Method access modifier changed to public. * * @param WP_Post $post A WordPress post object. * @param int $page Page number. * @return Entity The entity for the post. */ public static function create_entity_for_post( WP_Post $post, $page ) { $url = self::paginate_post_url( get_permalink( $post ), $post, $page ); return new Entity( urldecode( $url ), array( 'type' => 'post', 'title' => $post->post_title, 'id' => $post->ID, ) ); } /** * Creates the entity for the posts page blog archive. * * This method should only be used when the blog is handled via a separate page, i.e. when 'show_on_front' is set * to 'page' and the 'page_for_posts' option is set. In this case the blog is technically a post itself, therefore * its entity also includes an ID. * * @since 1.15.0 * * @param int $page Page number. * @return Entity|null The entity for the posts blog archive, or null if not set. */ private static function create_entity_for_posts_blog( $page ) { $post_id = (int) get_option( 'page_for_posts' ); if ( ! $post_id ) { return null; } $post = get_post( $post_id ); if ( ! $post ) { return null; } return new Entity( self::paginate_entity_url( get_permalink( $post ), $page ), array( 'type' => 'blog', 'title' => $post->post_title, 'id' => $post->ID, ) ); } /** * Creates the entity for the front page blog archive. * * This method should only be used when the front page is set to display the * blog archive, i.e. is not technically a post itself. * * @since 1.15.0 * * @param int $page Page number. * @return Entity The entity for the front blog archive. */ private static function create_entity_for_front_blog( $page ) { // The translation string intentionally omits the 'google-site-kit' text domain since it should use // WordPress core translations. return new Entity( self::paginate_entity_url( user_trailingslashit( home_url() ), $page ), array( 'type' => 'blog', 'title' => __( 'Home', 'default' ), ) ); } /** * Creates the entity for a given term object, i.e. for a taxonomy term archive. * * @since 1.15.0 * * @param WP_Term $term A WordPress term object. * @param int $page Page number. * @return Entity The entity for the term. */ private static function create_entity_for_term( WP_Term $term, $page ) { // See WordPress's `get_the_archive_title()` function for this behavior. The strings here intentionally omit // the 'google-site-kit' text domain since they should use WordPress core translations. switch ( $term->taxonomy ) { case 'category': $title = $term->name; $prefix = _x( 'Category:', 'category archive title prefix', 'default' ); break; case 'post_tag': $title = $term->name; $prefix = _x( 'Tag:', 'tag archive title prefix', 'default' ); break; case 'post_format': $prefix = ''; switch ( $term->slug ) { case 'post-format-aside': $title = _x( 'Asides', 'post format archive title', 'default' ); break; case 'post-format-gallery': $title = _x( 'Galleries', 'post format archive title', 'default' ); break; case 'post-format-image': $title = _x( 'Images', 'post format archive title', 'default' ); break; case 'post-format-video': $title = _x( 'Videos', 'post format archive title', 'default' ); break; case 'post-format-quote': $title = _x( 'Quotes', 'post format archive title', 'default' ); break; case 'post-format-link': $title = _x( 'Links', 'post format archive title', 'default' ); break; case 'post-format-status': $title = _x( 'Statuses', 'post format archive title', 'default' ); break; case 'post-format-audio': $title = _x( 'Audio', 'post format archive title', 'default' ); break; case 'post-format-chat': $title = _x( 'Chats', 'post format archive title', 'default' ); break; } break; default: $tax = get_taxonomy( $term->taxonomy ); $title = $term->name; $prefix = sprintf( /* translators: %s: Taxonomy singular name. */ _x( '%s:', 'taxonomy term archive title prefix', 'default' ), $tax->labels->singular_name ); } return new Entity( self::paginate_entity_url( get_term_link( $term ), $page ), array( 'type' => 'term', 'title' => self::prefix_title( $title, $prefix ), 'id' => $term->term_id, ) ); } /** * Creates the entity for a given user object, i.e. for an author archive. * * @since 1.15.0 * * @param WP_User $user A WordPress user object. * @param int $page Page number. * @return Entity The entity for the user. */ private static function create_entity_for_author( WP_User $user, $page ) { // See WordPress's `get_the_archive_title()` function for this behavior. The string here intentionally omits // the 'google-site-kit' text domain since it should use WordPress core translations. $title = $user->display_name; $prefix = _x( 'Author:', 'author archive title prefix', 'default' ); return new Entity( self::paginate_entity_url( get_author_posts_url( $user->ID, $user->user_nicename ), $page ), array( 'type' => 'user', 'title' => self::prefix_title( $title, $prefix ), 'id' => $user->ID, ) ); } /** * Creates the entity for a given post type object. * * @since 1.15.0 * * @param WP_Post_Type $post_type A WordPress post type object. * @param int $page Page number. * @return Entity The entity for the post type. */ private static function create_entity_for_post_type( WP_Post_Type $post_type, $page ) { // See WordPress's `get_the_archive_title()` function for this behavior. The string here intentionally omits // the 'google-site-kit' text domain since it should use WordPress core translations. $title = $post_type->labels->name; $prefix = _x( 'Archives:', 'post type archive title prefix', 'default' ); return new Entity( self::paginate_entity_url( get_post_type_archive_link( $post_type->name ), $page ), array( 'type' => 'post_type', 'title' => self::prefix_title( $title, $prefix ), ) ); } /** * Creates the entity for a date-based archive. * * The post specified has to any post from the query, in order to extract the relevant date information. * * @since 1.15.0 * * @param WP_Post $queried_post A WordPress post object from the query. * @param string $type Type of the date-based archive. Either 'year', 'month', or 'day'. * @param int $page Page number. * @return Entity|null The entity for the date archive, or null if unable to parse date. */ private static function create_entity_for_date( WP_Post $queried_post, $type, $page ) { // See WordPress's `get_the_archive_title()` function for this behavior. The strings here intentionally omit // the 'google-site-kit' text domain since they should use WordPress core translations. switch ( $type ) { case 'year': $prefix = _x( 'Year:', 'date archive title prefix', 'default' ); $format = _x( 'Y', 'yearly archives date format', 'default' ); $url_func = 'get_year_link'; $url_func_format = 'Y'; break; case 'month': $prefix = _x( 'Month:', 'date archive title prefix', 'default' ); $format = _x( 'F Y', 'monthly archives date format', 'default' ); $url_func = 'get_month_link'; $url_func_format = 'Y/m'; break; default: $type = 'day'; $prefix = _x( 'Day:', 'date archive title prefix', 'default' ); $format = _x( 'F j, Y', 'daily archives date format', 'default' ); $url_func = 'get_day_link'; $url_func_format = 'Y/m/j'; } $title = get_post_time( $format, false, $queried_post, true ); $url_func_args = get_post_time( $url_func_format, false, $queried_post ); if ( ! $url_func_args ) { return null; // Unable to parse date, likely there is none set. } $url_func_args = array_map( 'absint', explode( '/', $url_func_args ) ); return new Entity( self::paginate_entity_url( call_user_func_array( $url_func, $url_func_args ), $page ), array( 'type' => $type, 'title' => self::prefix_title( $title, $prefix ), ) ); } /** * Checks whether a given post is public, i.e. has a public URL. * * @since 1.15.0 * * @param WP_Post $post A WordPress post object. * @return bool True if the post is public, false otherwise. */ private static function is_post_public( WP_Post $post ) { // If post status isn't 'publish', the post is not public. if ( 'publish' !== get_post_status( $post ) ) { return false; } // If the post type overall is not publicly viewable, the post is not public. if ( ! is_post_type_viewable( $post->post_type ) ) { return false; } // Otherwise, the post is public. return true; } /** * Gets the first post from a WordPress query. * * @since 1.15.0 * * @param WP_Query $query WordPress query object. Must already have run the actual database query. * @return WP_Post|null WordPress post object, or null if none found. */ private static function get_first_query_post( WP_Query $query ) { if ( ! $query->posts ) { return null; } $post = reset( $query->posts ); if ( $post instanceof WP_Post ) { return $post; } if ( is_numeric( $post ) ) { return get_post( $post ); } return null; } /** * Combines an entity title and prefix. * * This is based on the WordPress core function `get_the_archive_title()`. * * @since 1.15.0 * * @param string $title The title. * @param string $prefix The prefix to add, should end in a colon. * @return string Resulting entity title. */ private static function prefix_title( $title, $prefix ) { if ( empty( $prefix ) ) { return $title; } // See WordPress's `get_the_archive_title()` function for this behavior. The string here intentionally omits // the 'google-site-kit' text domain since it should use WordPress core translations. return sprintf( /* translators: 1: Title prefix. 2: Title. */ _x( '%1$s %2$s', 'archive title', 'default' ), $prefix, $title ); } /** * Converts given entity to AMP entity if the given URL is an AMP URL. * * @since 1.42.0 * * @param string $url URL to determine the entity from. * @param Entity $entity The initial entity. * @return Entity The initial or new entity for the given URL. */ private static function maybe_convert_to_amp_entity( $url, $entity ) { if ( is_null( $entity ) || ! defined( 'AMP__VERSION' ) ) { return $entity; } $url_parts = URL::parse( $url ); $current_url = $entity->get_url(); if ( ! empty( $url_parts['query'] ) ) { $url_query_params = array(); wp_parse_str( $url_parts['query'], $url_query_params ); // check if the $url has amp query param. if ( array_key_exists( 'amp', $url_query_params ) ) { $new_url = add_query_arg( 'amp', '1', $current_url ); return self::convert_to_amp_entity( $new_url, $entity ); } } if ( ! empty( $url_parts['path'] ) ) { // We need to correctly add trailing slash if the original url had trailing slash. // That's the reason why we need to check for both version. if ( '/amp' === substr( $url_parts['path'], -4 ) ) { // -strlen('/amp') is -4 $new_url = untrailingslashit( $current_url ) . '/amp'; return self::convert_to_amp_entity( $new_url, $entity ); } if ( '/amp/' === substr( $url_parts['path'], -5 ) ) { // -strlen('/amp/') is -5 $new_url = untrailingslashit( $current_url ) . '/amp/'; return self::convert_to_amp_entity( $new_url, $entity ); } } return $entity; } /** * Converts given entity to AMP entity by changing the entity URL and adding correct mode. * * @since 1.42.0 * * @param string $new_url URL of the new entity. * @param Entity $entity The initial entity. * @return Entity The new entity. */ private static function convert_to_amp_entity( $new_url, $entity ) { $new_entity = new Entity( $new_url, array( 'id' => $entity->get_id(), 'type' => $entity->get_type(), 'title' => $entity->get_title(), 'mode' => 'amp_secondary', ) ); return $new_entity; } /** * Gets the page number for a query, via the specified query var. Defaults to 1. * * @since 1.68.0 * * @param WP_Query $query A WordPress query object. * @param string $query_var Optional. Query var to look for, expects 'paged' or 'page'. Default 'paged'. * @return int The page number. */ private static function get_query_pagenum( $query, $query_var = 'paged' ) { return $query->get( $query_var ) ? (int) $query->get( $query_var ) : 1; } /** * Paginates an entity URL. * * Logic extracted from `paginate_links` in WordPress core. * https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress/blob/7f5d7f1b56087c3eb718da4bd81deb06e077bbbb/wp-includes/general-template.php#L4203 * * @since 1.68.0 * * @param string $url The URL to paginate. * @param int $pagenum The page number to add to the URL. * @return string The paginated URL. */ private static function paginate_entity_url( $url, $pagenum ) { global $wp_rewrite; if ( 1 === $pagenum ) { return $url; } // Setting up default values based on the given URL. $url_parts = explode( '?', $url ); // Append the format placeholder to the base URL. $base = trailingslashit( $url_parts[0] ) . '%_%'; // URL base depends on permalink settings. $format = $wp_rewrite->using_index_permalinks() && ! strpos( $base, 'index.php' ) ? 'index.php/' : ''; $format .= $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ? user_trailingslashit( $wp_rewrite->pagination_base . '/%#%', 'paged' ) : '?paged=%#%'; // Array of query args to add. $add_args = array(); // Merge additional query vars found in the original URL into 'add_args' array. if ( isset( $url_parts[1] ) ) { // Find the format argument. $format_parts = explode( '?', str_replace( '%_%', $format, $base ) ); $format_query = isset( $format_parts[1] ) ? $format_parts[1] : ''; wp_parse_str( $format_query, $format_args ); // Find the query args of the requested URL. $url_query_args = array(); wp_parse_str( $url_parts[1], $url_query_args ); // Remove the format argument from the array of query arguments, to avoid overwriting custom format. foreach ( $format_args as $format_arg => $format_arg_value ) { unset( $url_query_args[ $format_arg ] ); } $add_args = array_merge( $add_args, urlencode_deep( $url_query_args ) ); } $link = str_replace( '%_%', $format, $base ); $link = str_replace( '%#%', $pagenum, $link ); if ( $add_args ) { $link = add_query_arg( $add_args, $link ); } return $link; } /** * Paginates a post URL. * * Logic extracted from `_wp_link_page` in WordPress core. * https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress/blob/7f5d7f1b56087c3eb718da4bd81deb06e077bbbb/wp-includes/post-template.php#L1031 * * @since 1.68.0 * * @param string $url The URL to paginate. * @param WP_Post $post The WordPress post object. * @param int $pagenum The page number to add to the URL. * @return string The paginated URL. */ private static function paginate_post_url( $url, $post, $pagenum ) { global $wp_rewrite; if ( 1 === $pagenum ) { return $url; } if ( ! get_option( 'permalink_structure' ) || in_array( $post->post_status, array( 'draft', 'pending' ), true ) ) { $url = add_query_arg( 'page', $pagenum, $url ); } elseif ( 'page' === get_option( 'show_on_front' ) && (int) get_option( 'page_on_front' ) === (int) $post->ID ) { $url = trailingslashit( $url ) . user_trailingslashit( "$wp_rewrite->pagination_base/" . $pagenum, 'single_paged' ); } else { $url = trailingslashit( $url ) . user_trailingslashit( $pagenum, 'single_paged' ); } return $url; } }