Direktori : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/olympus-google-fonts/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/olympus-google-fonts/assets/js/customize-controls.js |
/* global ogf_font_variants, ogf_font_array, ajaxurl, fontsReset, location */ ( function( api ) { api.controlConstructor[ 'ogf-typography' ] = api.Control.extend( { ready: function() { const control = this; const controlClass = '.customize-control-ogf-typography'; const footerActions = jQuery( '#customize-footer-actions' ); // Do stuff when device icons are clicked jQuery( control.selector + ' .ogf-device-controls > div' ).on( 'click', function( event ) { var device = jQuery( this ).data( 'option' ); wp.customize.previewedDevice.set( device ); jQuery( controlClass + ' .ogf-device-controls div' ).each( function() { var _this = jQuery( this ); if ( device === _this.attr( 'data-option' ) ) { _this.addClass( 'selected' ); _this.siblings().removeClass( 'selected' ); } } ); }); // Set the selected devices in our control when the Customizer devices are clicked footerActions.find( '.devices button' ).on( 'click', function() { var device = jQuery( this ).data( 'device' ); jQuery( controlClass + ' .ogf-device-controls div' ).each( function() { var _this = jQuery( this ); if ( device === _this.attr( 'data-option' ) ) { _this.addClass( 'selected' ); _this.siblings().removeClass( 'selected' ); } } ); }); // Load the Google Font for the preview. function addGoogleFont( fontName ) { const font = ogf_font_array[ fontName ]; const weights = jQuery.map( font.v, function( value, key ) { return key; } ); const weightsURL = weights.join( ',' ); const fontURL = font.f.replace( / /g, '+' ) + ':' + weightsURL; wp.customize.previewer.send( 'olympusFontURL', '<link href=\'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=' + fontURL + '\' rel=\'stylesheet\' type=\'text/css\'>' ); } function isSystemFont( fontID ) { if ( fontID.indexOf( 'sf-' ) !== -1 ) { return true; } return false; } function isTypekitFont( fontID ) { if ( fontID.indexOf( 'tk-' ) !== -1 ) { return true; } return false; } function isCustomFont( fontID ) { if ( fontID.indexOf( 'cf-' ) !== -1 ) { return true; } return false; } // Load the font-weights for the newly selected font. control.container.on( 'change', '.typography-font-family select', function() { const value = jQuery( this ).val(); control.settings.family.set( value ); const weightsSelect = jQuery( '.typography-font-weight select' ); if ( value === 'default' || isSystemFont( value ) || isCustomFont( value ) ) { const defaultWeights = { 0: "- Default -", 100: "Thin", 200: "Extra Light", 300: "Light", 400: "Normal", 500: "Medium", 600: "SemiBold", 700: "Bold", 800: "Extra Bold", 900: "Black", } // replace the 'Font Weight' select field values. weightsSelect.empty(); jQuery.each( defaultWeights, function( key, val ) { weightsSelect.append( jQuery( '<option></option>' ) .attr( 'value', key ).text( val ) ); } ); } else if ( isTypekitFont( value ) ) { const font = ogf_typekit_fonts[ value ]; const newWeights = font.variants; newWeights.unshift("0"); // remove variants the font doesn't support. var finalWeights = new Object(); newWeights.forEach( function(i) { finalWeights[i] = ogf_font_variants[i]; }); const weightsSelect = jQuery( '.typography-font-weight select' ); weightsSelect.empty(); jQuery.each( finalWeights, function( key, val ) { weightsSelect.append( jQuery( '<option></option>' ) .attr( 'value', key ).text( val ) ); } ); } else { // Add Google Font enqueue to head of customizer. addGoogleFont( value ); const font = ogf_font_array[ value ]; const newWeights = font.v; newWeights[0] = "0"; // remove variants the font doesn't support. var finalWeights = new Object(); Object.keys(newWeights).forEach( function(val, i) { if ( ! val.endsWith('0i') ) { finalWeights[val] = ogf_font_variants[val]; } }); // replace the 'Font Weight' select field values. const weightsSelect = jQuery( '.typography-font-weight select' ); weightsSelect.empty(); jQuery.each( finalWeights, function( key, val ) { weightsSelect.append( jQuery( '<option></option>' ) .attr( 'value', key ).text( val ) ); } ); } } ); // Show advanced settings. control.container.on( 'click', '.advanced-button', function() { jQuery( this ).toggleClass( 'open' ); jQuery( this ).parent().next( '.advanced-settings-wrapper' ).toggleClass( 'show' ); } ); // Initialize the wpColorPicker. const picker = this.container.find( '.typography-font-color .color-picker-hex' ); picker.wpColorPicker( { width : 225, change: function() { setTimeout( function() { control.settings.color.set( picker.val() ); }, 100 ); }, clear: function() { control.settings.color.set( picker.val() ); }, } ); // Initialize chosen.js jQuery( '.ogf-select', control.container ).chosen( { width: '85%' } ); // Set our slider defaults and initialise the slider jQuery( '.slider-custom-control' ).each( function() { const sliderValue = jQuery( this ).find( '.customize-control-slider-value' ).val(); const newSlider = jQuery( this ).find( '.slider' ); const sliderMinValue = parseFloat( newSlider.attr( 'slider-min-value' ) ); const sliderMaxValue = parseFloat( newSlider.attr( 'slider-max-value' ) ); const sliderStepValue = parseFloat( newSlider.attr( 'slider-step-value' ) ); newSlider.slider( { value: sliderValue, min: sliderMinValue, max: sliderMaxValue, step: sliderStepValue, slide: function() { // Important! When slider stops moving make sure to trigger change event so Customizer knows it has to save the field jQuery( this ).parent().find( '.customize-control-slider-value' ).trigger( 'change' ); }, } ); } ); // Change the value of the input field as the slider is moved jQuery( '.slider' ).on( 'slide', function( event, ui ) { jQuery( this ).parent().find( '.customize-control-slider-value' ).val( ui.value ); } ); // Reset slider and input field back to the default value jQuery( '.slider-reset' ).on( 'click', function() { const resetValue = jQuery( this ).attr( 'slider-reset-value' ); jQuery( this ).parent().find( '.customize-control-slider-value' ).val( resetValue ); jQuery( this ).parent().find( '.customize-control-slider-value' ).trigger( 'change' ); jQuery( this ).parent().find( '.slider' ).slider( 'value', resetValue ); } ); // Update slider if the input field loses focus as it's most likely changed jQuery( '.customize-control-slider-value' ).blur( function() { let resetValue = jQuery( this ).val(); const slider = jQuery( this ).parent().find( '.slider' ); const sliderMinValue = parseInt( slider.attr( 'slider-min-value' ) ); const sliderMaxValue = parseInt( slider.attr( 'slider-max-value' ) ); // Make sure our manual input value doesn't exceed the minimum & maxmium values if ( resetValue < sliderMinValue ) { resetValue = sliderMinValue; jQuery( this ).val( resetValue ); } if ( resetValue > sliderMaxValue ) { resetValue = sliderMaxValue; jQuery( this ).val( resetValue ); } jQuery( this ).parent().find( '.slider' ).slider( 'value', resetValue ); } ); }, /** * Embed the control in the document. * * Override the embed() method to do nothing, * so that the control isn't embedded on load, * unless the containing section is already expanded. * */ embed: function() { const control = this; const sectionId = control.section(); if ( ! sectionId ) { return; } wp.customize.section( sectionId, function( section ) { section.expanded.bind( function( expanded ) { if ( expanded ) { control.actuallyEmbed(); } } ); } ); }, /** * Deferred embedding of control when actually * * This function is called in Section.onChangeExpanded() so the control * will only get embedded when the Section is first expanded. */ actuallyEmbed: function() { const control = this; if ( 'resolved' === control.deferred.embedded.state() ) { return; } control.renderContent(); control.deferred.embedded.resolve(); // This triggers control.ready(). }, } ); wp.customize.control( 'ogf_reset_fonts', function( control ) { control.container.find( '.button' ).on( 'click', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); const data = { wp_customize: 'on', action: 'customizer_reset', security: fontsReset.nonce, }; const confirmReset = confirm( fontsReset.confirm ); if ( ! confirmReset ) { return; } jQuery( this ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ); jQuery.post( ajaxurl, data, function( result ) { wp.customize.state( 'saved' ).set( true ); location.reload(); } ); } ); } ); wp.customize.control( 'ogf_clear_cache', function( control ) { control.container.find( '.button' ).on( 'click', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); console.log('clicked clear cache'); const data = { wp_customize: 'on', action: 'customizer_clear_cache', security: clearCache.nonce, }; jQuery( this ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ); jQuery.post( ajaxurl, data, function( result ) { wp.customize.state( 'saved' ).set( true ); alert('Cache successfully cleared.'); location.reload(); } ); } ); } ); }( wp.customize ) ); /* === Checkbox Multiple Control === */ jQuery( document ).ready( function() { jQuery( '.customize-multiple-checkbox-control input[type="checkbox"]' ).on( 'change', function() { const checkboxValues = jQuery( this ).parents( '.customize-control' ).find( 'input[type="checkbox"]:checked' ).map( function() { return this.value; } ).get().join( ',' ); jQuery( this ).parents( '.customize-control' ).find( 'input[type="hidden"]' ).val( checkboxValues ).trigger( 'change' ); } ); } ); /* === Optimization Controls === */ jQuery( document ).ready( function() { jQuery( '#_customize-input-ogf_host_locally, #_customize-input-ogf_preloading, #_customize-input-ogf_removal, #_customize-input-ogf_rewrite' ).attr( 'disabled', 'true' ); } ); /* === Multiple Fonts Control === */ ( function( api ) { api.controlConstructor[ 'ogf-typography-multiselect' ] = api.Control.extend( { ready: function() { const control = this; // Initialize chosen.js jQuery( '.ogf-select', control.container ).chosen( { width: '85%' } ); jQuery( 'select', control.container ).on('change', function() { let selectValue = jQuery( this ).val(); selectValue = ( null === selectValue ) ? [] : selectValue; control.setting.set( selectValue ); } ); }, } ); }( wp.customize ) );