Direktori : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/olympus-google-fonts/blocks/src/google-fonts/ |
Current File : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/olympus-google-fonts/blocks/src/google-fonts/edit.js |
/** * External dependencies */ import fontsJson from './fonts.json'; import systemFontsJson from './systemFonts.json'; const { __ } = wp.i18n; const { Component, Fragment } = wp.element; const { SelectControl, RangeControl, PanelBody } = wp.components; const { RichText, InspectorControls, BlockControls, AlignmentToolbar, PanelColorSettings } = wp.blockEditor; class GoogleFontsBlock extends Component { componentDidUpdate( prevProps ) { if ( this.props.attributes.fontID !== prevProps.attributes.fontID ) { this.props.attributes.v = "0"; } } /** * Get font families for use in <select>. * * @returns {Object} value/label pair. */ getFontsForSelect() { const customFonts = Object.values( ogf_custom_fonts ).map( ( font ) => { return { value: font.id, label: font.label, }; } ); customFonts.unshift({ value: '1', label: __( '- Custom Fonts -', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), disabled: true, }); const typekitFonts = Object.values( ogf_typekit_fonts ).map( ( font ) => { return { value: font.id, label: font.label, }; } ); typekitFonts.unshift({ value: '1', label: __( '- Typekit Fonts -', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), disabled: true, }); const systemFonts = systemFontsJson.map( ( font ) => { const label = font.label; const value = font.id; return { value: value, label: label, }; } ); systemFonts.unshift({ value: '1', label: __( '- System Fonts -', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), disabled: true, }); const googleFonts = fontsJson.map( ( font ) => { const label = font.f; const value = label.replace( /\s+/g, '+' ); return { value: value, label: label, }; } ); googleFonts.unshift({ value: '1', label: __( '- Google Fonts -', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), disabled: true, }); const combinedFonts = customFonts.concat( typekitFonts, systemFonts, googleFonts ); return combinedFonts; } searchFonts( nameKey, myArray ) { for (var i=0; i < myArray.length; i++) { if (myArray[i].id === nameKey) { return myArray[i]; } } } isCustomFont( fontID ) { const searchResults = this.searchFonts( fontID, Object.values( ogf_custom_fonts ) ); if ( typeof searchResults === 'object' ) { return true; } return false; } isSystemFont( fontID ) { const searchResults = this.searchFonts( fontID, systemFontsJson ); if ( typeof searchResults === 'object' ) { return true; } return false; } isTypekitFont( fontID ) { const searchResults = this.searchFonts( fontID, Object.values( ogf_typekit_fonts ) ); if ( typeof searchResults === 'object' ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check if a font weight is italic. * * @param {string} value A font weight. * @returns {boolean} false is value is italic. */ isItalic( value ) { if ( value.includes( '0i' ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Get font variants for use in <select>. * * @param {Object} fontObject The font object. * @returns {Object} value/label pair. */ getVariantsForSelect( fontObject ) { if ( ! fontObject ) { return; } const variantNiceNames = { 0: __( '- Default -', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), 100: __( 'Thin', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), 200: __( 'Extra Light', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), 300: __( 'Light', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), 400: __( 'Normal', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), 500: __( 'Medium', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), 600: __( 'Semi Bold', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), 700: __( 'Bold', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), 800: __( 'Extra Bold', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), 900: __( 'Ultra Bold', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), }; if( fontObject.v.indexOf("0") === -1 ) { fontObject.v.unshift("0"); } return fontObject.v.filter( this.isItalic ).map( ( variant ) => { return { value: variant, label: variantNiceNames[variant], }; } ); } /** * All the font weights as options to be used in a <select> element * * @param {string} fontFamily font-family name. * @returns {Object} The font object. */ getFontObject( fontFamily ) { if ( ! fontFamily ) { return; } // iterate over each element in the array for ( let i = 0; i < fontsJson.length; i++ ) { // look for the entry with a matching `code` value if ( fontsJson[ i ].f === fontFamily ) { return fontsJson[ i ]; } } } getFontOutput( fontID ) { if ( this.isSystemFont( fontID ) ) { return fontID.replace( /\-/g, ' ' ); } else if ( this.isTypekitFont( fontID ) ) { return fontID } else if ( this.isCustomFont( fontID ) ) { let fontObject = this.searchFonts( fontID, Object.values( ogf_custom_fonts ) ); console.log(fontObject); return fontObject.family || fontID; } else { return fontID.replace( /\+/g, ' ' ); } }; /** * Add Google Font link to head in block editor. * * @param {string} fontFamily font-family name. * @param {Object} fontObject The font object. */ addGoogleFontToHead( fontFamily, fontObject ) { if ( ! fontFamily || ! fontObject ) { return; } const fse = document.querySelector('[name=editor-canvas]'); const head = fse ? fse.contentDocument.head : document.head; const link = document.createElement( 'link' ); const fontName = fontFamily.replace( /\s+/g, '+' ); link.type = 'text/css'; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.id = fontName; link.href = 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=' + fontName + ':' + fontObject.v.join( ',' ); if ( fse && fse.contentDocument.getElementById( fontName ) ) { return; } if ( document.getElementById( fontName ) ) { return; } if ( head ) { head.appendChild( link ); } } render() { const { attributes, setAttributes } = this.props; const { fontID, content, align, variant, fontSize, lineHeight, color, blockType } = attributes; const fontOptions = this.getFontsForSelect(); fontOptions.unshift( { label: '- Default -', value: '0' } ); let variantOptions = [ { value: '0', label: __('- Default -', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), }, { value: '100', label: __('Thin', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), }, { value: '200', label: __('Extra Light', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), }, { value: '300', label: __('Light', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), }, { value: '400', label: __('Regular', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), }, { value: '500', label: __('Medium', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), }, { value: '500', label: __('Semi Bold', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), }, { value: '700', label: __('Bold', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), }, { value: '800', label: __('Extra Bold', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), }, { value: '900', label: __('Ultra Bold', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), }, ]; if ( ! this.isTypekitFont( fontID ) && ! this.isSystemFont( fontID ) && ! this.isCustomFont( fontID ) ) { const fontObject = this.getFontObject( fontID.replace( /\+/g, ' ' ) ); variantOptions = this.getVariantsForSelect( fontObject ); this.addGoogleFontToHead( fontID, fontObject ); } const controls = ( <InspectorControls> <PanelBody title={ __( 'Font Settings', 'olympus-google-fonts' ) }> <SelectControl label={ __( 'Block Type', 'olympus-google-fonts' ) } type="string" value={ blockType } options={ [ { label: 'Paragraph', value: 'p' }, { label: 'H1', value: 'h1' }, { label: 'H2', value: 'h2' }, { label: 'H3', value: 'h3' }, { label: 'H4', value: 'h4' }, { label: 'H5', value: 'h5' }, { label: 'H6', value: 'h6' }, { label: 'Span', value: 'span' }, ] } onChange={ ( value ) => setAttributes( { blockType: value } ) } /> <SelectControl label={ __( 'Font', 'olympus-google-fonts' ) } type="string" value={ fontID } options={ fontOptions } onChange={ ( value ) => setAttributes( { fontID: value } ) } /> <SelectControl label={ __( 'Font Variant', 'olympus-google-fonts' ) } type="string" value={ variant } options={ variantOptions } onChange={ ( value ) => setAttributes( { variant: value } ) } /> <RangeControl label={ __( 'Font Size', 'olympus-google-fonts' ) } value={ fontSize } onChange={ ( value ) => setAttributes( { fontSize: value } ) } allowReset={ true } min="10" max="150" /> <RangeControl label={ __( 'Line Height', 'olympus-google-fonts' ) } value={ lineHeight } onChange={ ( value ) => setAttributes( { lineHeight: value } ) } allowReset={ true } min="1" max="3" step="0.1" /> <PanelColorSettings title={ __( 'Color Settings', 'olympus-google-fonts' ) } colorSettings={ [ { value: attributes.color, onChange: ( value ) => setAttributes( { color: value } ), label: __( 'Text Color', 'olympus-google-fonts' ), }, ] } > </PanelColorSettings> </PanelBody> </InspectorControls> ); return ( <Fragment> { controls } <BlockControls> <AlignmentToolbar value={ align } onChange={ ( value ) => setAttributes( { align: value } ) } /> </BlockControls> <RichText tagName={ blockType || 'p' } value={ content } onChange={ ( value ) => setAttributes( { content: value } ) } style={ { fontSize: fontSize ? fontSize + 'px' : undefined, textAlign: align, fontFamily: this.getFontOutput(fontID), fontWeight: variant, lineHeight: lineHeight, color: color, } } placeholder={ __( 'Add some content...', 'olympus-google-fonts' ) } /> </Fragment> ); } } export default GoogleFontsBlock;