Direktori : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/really-simple-ssl/settings/src/Settings/ |
Current File : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/really-simple-ssl/settings/src/Settings/Settings.js |
import {useState, useEffect} from '@wordpress/element'; import SettingsPlaceholder from '../Placeholder/SettingsPlaceholder'; import {in_array} from '../utils/lib'; import SettingsGroup from './SettingsGroup'; import Help from './Help'; import useFields from './FieldsData'; import useMenu from '../Menu/MenuData'; import {__} from '@wordpress/i18n'; import useLetsEncryptData from '../LetsEncrypt/letsEncryptData'; import ErrorBoundary from "../utils/ErrorBoundary"; /** * Renders the selected settings * */ const Settings = () => { const [noticesExpanded, setNoticesExpanded] = useState(true); const { progress, fieldsLoaded, saveFields, fields, nextButtonDisabled, } = useFields(); const { subMenuLoaded, subMenu, selectedSubMenuItem, selectedMainMenuItem, nextMenuItem, previousMenuItem, } = useMenu(); const {setRefreshTests} = useLetsEncryptData(); const toggleNotices = () => { setNoticesExpanded(!noticesExpanded); }; const isTestsOnlyMenu = () => { const {menu_items: menuItems} = subMenu; for (const menuItem of menuItems) { if (menuItem.id === selectedSubMenuItem && menuItem.tests_only) { return true; } } return false; }; const saveData = async (isSaveAndContinueButton) => { if (!isSaveAndContinueButton && isTestsOnlyMenu()) { setRefreshTests(true); } else if (isSaveAndContinueButton) { await saveFields(true, false); } else { await saveFields(true, true); } }; const {menu_items: menuItems} = subMenu; if (!subMenuLoaded || !fieldsLoaded || menuItems.length === 0) { return ( <SettingsPlaceholder/> ); } let selectedFields = fields.filter( field => field.menu_id === selectedSubMenuItem); let groups = []; for (const selectedField of selectedFields) { if (!in_array(selectedField.group_id, groups)) { groups.push(selectedField.group_id); } } //convert progress notices to an array useful for the help blocks let notices = []; for (const notice of progress.notices) { let noticeIsLinkedToField = false; //notices that are linked to a field. Only in case of warnings. if (notice.show_with_options) { let noticeFields = selectedFields.filter( field => notice.show_with_options.includes(field.id)); noticeIsLinkedToField = noticeFields.length > 0; } //notices that are linked to a menu id. if (noticeIsLinkedToField || notice.menu_id === selectedSubMenuItem) { let help = {}; help.title = notice.output.title ? notice.output.title : false; help.label = notice.output.label; help.id = notice.id; help.text = notice.output.msg; help.url = notice.output.url; help.linked_field = notice.show_with_option; notices.push(help); } } //help items belonging to a field //if field is hidden, hide the notice as well for (const notice of selectedFields.filter( field => field.help && !field.conditionallyDisabled)) { let help = notice.help; //check if the notices array already includes this help item let existingNotices = notices.filter( noticeItem => noticeItem.id && noticeItem.id === help.id); if (existingNotices.length === 0) { // if (!help.id ) help['id'] = notice.id; notices.push(notice.help); } } let continueLink = nextButtonDisabled ? `#${selectedMainMenuItem}/${selectedSubMenuItem}` : `#${selectedMainMenuItem}/${nextMenuItem}`; // let btnSaveText = isTestsOnlyMenu() ? __('Refresh', 'really-simple-ssl') : // __('Save', 'really-simple-ssl'); let btnSaveText = __('Save', 'really-simple-ssl'); for (const menuItem of menuItems) { if (menuItem.id === selectedSubMenuItem && menuItem.tests_only) { btnSaveText = __('Refresh', 'really-simple-ssl'); } } return ( <> <div className="rsssl-wizard-settings"> {groups.map((group, i) => <SettingsGroup key={'settingsGroup-' + i} index={i} group={group} fields={selectedFields}/>) } <div className="rsssl-grid-item-footer-container"> <ScrollProgress/> <div className="rsssl-grid-item-footer"> <div className={'rsssl-grid-item-footer-buttons'}> {/*This will be shown only if current step is not the first one*/} {selectedSubMenuItem !== menuItems[0].id && <a className="rsssl-previous" href={`#${selectedMainMenuItem}/${previousMenuItem}`}> {__('Previous', 'really-simple-ssl')} </a> } <button className="button button-secondary" onClick={(e) => saveData(false)}> {btnSaveText} </button> {/*This will be shown only if current step is not the last one*/} {selectedSubMenuItem !== menuItems[menuItems.length - 1].id && <> <button disabled={nextButtonDisabled} className="button button-primary" onClick={(e) => {saveData(true);window.location.href=continueLink;} }> {__('Save and continue', 'really-simple-ssl')} </button> </> } </div> </div> </div> </div> <div className="rsssl-wizard-help"> <div className="rsssl-help-header"> <div className="rsssl-help-title rsssl-h4"> {__("Notifications", "really-simple-ssl")} </div> <div className="rsssl-help-control" onClick={ () => toggleNotices() }> {!noticesExpanded && __("Expand all","really-simple-ssl")} {noticesExpanded && __("Collapse all","really-simple-ssl")} </div> </div> { notices.map((field, i) => <ErrorBoundary key={'errorboundary-'+i} fallback={"Could not load notices"}> <Help noticesExpanded={noticesExpanded} index={i} help={field} fieldId={field.id}/> </ErrorBoundary> )} </div> </> ); }; export default Settings; export const ScrollProgress = () => { // calculate the scroll progress const [scrollProgress, setScrollProgress] = useState(0); useEffect(() => { window.addEventListener('scroll', () => { let scrollableHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - document.documentElement.clientHeight; let scrollProgressPercentage = Math.round( (window.scrollY / scrollableHeight) * 100); // start at 5% and end at 100% scrollProgressPercentage = Math.max(5, scrollProgressPercentage); setScrollProgress(scrollProgressPercentage); }); }, []); // if you can't scroll return null if (document.documentElement.scrollHeight <= document.documentElement.clientHeight) { return null; } return ( // add width to span <span className={'rsssl-grid-item-footer-scroll-progress-container'}> <span className={'rsssl-grid-item-footer-scroll-progress'} style={{width: scrollProgress + '%'}}>{scrollProgress}%</span> </span> ); };