Direktori : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/theplus_elementor_addon/ |
Current File : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/theplus_elementor_addon/theplus_elementor_addon.php |
<?php /* * Plugin Name: The Plus Addons for Elementor - Pro * Plugin URI: https://theplusaddons.com/ * Description: Highly Customisable 120+ Advanced Elementor Widgets & Extensions for Performance Driven Website. Keep the free version active to access all of its features. * Version: 5.5.3 * Author: POSIMYTH * Author URI: https://posimyth.com/ * Text Domain: theplus * Elementor tested up to: 3.21 * Elementor Pro tested up to: 3.21 */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } update_option( 'theplus_verified', [ 'expire' => 'lifetime', 'license' => 'valid', 'verify' => 1 ] ); update_option( 'theplus_purchase_code', ['tp_api_key' => '********************'] ); defined( 'THEPLUS_VERSION' ) or define( 'THEPLUS_VERSION', '5.5.3' ); define( 'THEPLUS_FILE__', __FILE__ ); define( 'THEPLUS_PATH', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ); define( 'THEPLUS_PBNAME', plugin_basename(__FILE__) ); define( 'THEPLUS_PNAME', basename( dirname(__FILE__)) ); define( 'THEPLUS_URL', plugins_url( '/', __FILE__ ) ); define( 'THEPLUS_ASSETS_URL', THEPLUS_URL . 'assets/' ); define( 'THEPLUS_ASSET_PATH', wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'theplus-addons' ); define( 'THEPLUS_ASSET_URL', wp_upload_dir()['baseurl'] . '/theplus-addons' ); define( 'THEPLUS_INCLUDES_URL', THEPLUS_PATH . 'includes/' ); define( 'THEPLUS_TYPE', 'store' ); define( 'THEPLUS_TPDOC', 'https://theplusaddons.com/docs/' ); /* theplus language plugins loaded */ function theplus_pluginsLoaded() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'theplus', false, basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/lang' ); if ( ! did_action( 'elementor/loaded' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', 'theplus_elementor_load_notice' ); return; } if(!defined("L_THEPLUS_VERSION")){ add_action( 'admin_notices', 'theplus_lite_load_notice' ); return; } // Elementor widget loader if(THEPLUS_TYPE=='store' && is_admin()){ add_action( 'admin_init', 'theplus_plugin_updater', 0 ); } require( THEPLUS_PATH . 'widgets_loader.php' ); } add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'theplus_pluginsLoaded' ); /* theplus update notice */ add_action('in_plugin_update_message-theplus_elementor_addon/theplus_elementor_addon.php','tp_in_plugin_update_message',10,2); function tp_in_plugin_update_message($data,$response){ if( isset( $data['upgrade_notice'] ) && !empty($data['upgrade_notice']) ) { printf( '<div class="update-message">%s</div>', wpautop( $data['upgrade_notice'] ) ); } } /* theplus elementor load notice */ function theplus_elementor_load_notice() { $plugin = 'elementor/elementor.php'; if ( theplus_elementor_activated() ) { if ( ! current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ) { return; } $activation_url = wp_nonce_url( 'plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=' . $plugin . '&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s', 'activate-plugin_' . $plugin ); $admin_notice = '<p>' . esc_html__( 'Something Missing : It\'s Elementor. You already installed that, Please activate Elementor, Unless The Plus Addons will not be working.', 'theplus' ) . '</p>'; $admin_notice .= '<p>' . sprintf( '<a href="%s" class="button-primary">%s</a>', $activation_url, esc_html__( 'Activate Elementor Now', 'theplus' ) ) . '</p>'; } else { if ( ! current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) { return; } $install_url = wp_nonce_url( self_admin_url( 'update.php?action=install-plugin&plugin=elementor' ), 'install-plugin_elementor' ); $admin_notice = '<p>' . esc_html__( 'Something Missing : It\'s Elementor. Please install Elementor, Unless The Plus Addons will not be working.', 'theplus' ) . '</p>'; $admin_notice .= '<p>' . sprintf( '<a href="%s" class="button-primary">%s</a>', $install_url, esc_html__( 'Install Elementor Now', 'theplus' ) ) . '</p>'; } echo '<div class="notice notice-error is-dismissible">'.$admin_notice.'</div>'; } /* theplus lite load notice */ function theplus_lite_load_notice() { $plugin = 'the-plus-addons-for-elementor-page-builder/theplus_elementor_addon.php'; if ( theplus_lite_activated() ) { if ( ! current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ) { return; } $activation_url = wp_nonce_url( 'plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=' . $plugin . '&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s', 'activate-plugin_' . $plugin ); $admin_notice = '<p>' . esc_html__( 'You are one step away from using The Plus Addons for Elementor Pro. Please activate The Plus Addons for Elementor Lite version.', 'theplus' ) . '</p>'; $admin_notice .= '<p>' . sprintf( '<a href="%s" class="button-primary">%s</a>', $activation_url, esc_html__( 'Activate The Plus Addons for Elementor Lite', 'theplus' ) ) . '</p>'; } else { if ( ! current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) { return; } $install_url = wp_nonce_url( self_admin_url( 'update.php?action=install-plugin&plugin=the-plus-addons-for-elementor-page-builder' ), 'install-plugin_the-plus-addons-for-elementor-page-builder' ); $admin_notice = '<p>' . esc_html__( 'The Plus Addons for Elementor lite is missing. Would you please install that to make The Plus Addons for Elementor Pro working smoothly?', 'theplus' ) . '</p>'; $admin_notice .= '<p>' . sprintf( '<a href="%s" class="button-primary">%s</a>', $install_url, esc_html__( 'Install The Plus Addons for Elementor Lite', 'theplus' ) ) . '</p>'; } echo '<div class="notice notice-error is-dismissible">'.$admin_notice.'</div>'; } /** * Plugin Updater */ function theplus_plugin_updater() { $purchase_key = get_option( 'theplus_purchase_code' ); $verify_api=theplus_check_api_status(); // setup the updater if(!empty($purchase_key['tp_api_key']) && !empty($verify_api) && $verify_api==1){ $edd_updater = new Theplus_SL_Plugin_Updater( TP_PLUS_SL_STORE_URL, __FILE__, array( 'version' => THEPLUS_VERSION, 'license' => $purchase_key['tp_api_key'], 'item_id' => TP_PLUS_SL_ITEM_ID, 'author' => 'POSIMYTH Themes', 'url' => home_url(), 'beta' => false, )); } } function theplus_activated_plugin( $plugin ) { if( $plugin == plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) { $activate_plus_label=get_option( 'theplus_white_label' ); if ( !empty($activate_plus_label["tp_hidden_label"]) && $activate_plus_label["tp_hidden_label"] === 'on' ) { $activate_plus_label["tp_hidden_label"] = ''; update_option('theplus_white_label', $activate_plus_label); } } } add_action( 'activated_plugin', 'theplus_activated_plugin',10 ); /** * Elementor activated or not */ if ( ! function_exists( 'theplus_elementor_activated' ) ) { function theplus_elementor_activated() { $file_path = 'elementor/elementor.php'; $installed_plugins = get_plugins(); return isset( $installed_plugins[ $file_path ] ); } } /** * The Plus Lite activated or not */ if ( ! function_exists( 'theplus_lite_activated' ) ) { function theplus_lite_activated() { $file_path = 'the-plus-addons-for-elementor-page-builder/theplus_elementor_addon.php'; $installed_plugins = get_plugins(); return isset( $installed_plugins[ $file_path ] ); } } /** * Redirect lite action * * @since v1.0.0 */ function theplus_activate() { add_option('theplus_activation_redirect', true); } register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'theplus_activate'); function theplus_redirect_lite_version() { if( !defined('L_THEPLUS_VERSION') ){ require( THEPLUS_INCLUDES_URL . 'theplus_lite_action.php' ); } if ( get_option('theplus_activation_redirect', false) ) { delete_option('theplus_activation_redirect'); if(!defined('L_THEPLUS_VERSION')){ wp_safe_redirect("admin.php?action=theplus_lite_install_plugin"); } } } add_action('admin_init', 'theplus_redirect_lite_version');