Direktori : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/translatepress-multilingual/includes/ |
Current File : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/translatepress-multilingual/includes/custom-language.php |
<?php add_image_size( 'trp-custom-language-flag', 18, 12 ); // Register country flag size for use in Add Media modal add_filter( 'image_size_names_choose', 'trp_add_flag_sizes' ); function trp_add_flag_sizes( $sizes ) { return array_merge( $sizes, array( 'trp-custom-language-flag' => __( 'Custom Language Flag', 'translatepress-multilingual' ) ) ); } add_filter( 'trp_wp_languages', 'trpc_add_custom_language', 10, 2 ); function trpc_add_custom_language( $languages ) { $option = get_option( 'trp_advanced_settings', true ); if ( isset( $option['custom_language'] ) ) { //print_r($option['custom_language']; foreach ( $option['custom_language']['cuslangname'] as $key => $value ) { if(isset($option["custom_language"]["cuslangcode"][ $key ])) { $lang = $option["custom_language"]["cuslangcode"][$key]; }else{ $lang = $option["custom_language"]["cuslangiso"][ $key ]; } $custom_language_iso = $option["custom_language"]["cuslangiso"][ $key ]; $custom_language_name = $option["custom_language"]["cuslangname"][ $key ]; $custom_language_native = $option["custom_language"]["cuslangnative"][ $key ]; if ( array_key_exists( $lang, $languages ) ) { if(empty( $custom_language_name )){ $custom_language_name = $languages[$lang]['english_name']; } if(empty( $custom_language_native )){ $custom_language_native = $languages[$lang]['native_name']; } if(empty( $custom_language_iso )){ $custom_language_iso = reset($languages[$lang]['iso']); } }else{ if( empty($custom_language_iso) && isset($option["custom_language"]["cuslangcode"][ $key ])){ $custom_language_iso = $option["custom_language"]["cuslangcode"][$key]; } } $languages[ $lang ] = array( 'language' => $lang, 'english_name' => $custom_language_name, 'native_name' => $custom_language_native, 'iso' => array( $custom_language_iso ), 'is_custom_language' => true ); global $TRP_LANGUAGE; if ( isset( $option["cuslangisrtl"] ) && $option["cuslangisrtl"] === 'yes' && $TRP_LANGUAGE === $custom_language_iso ) { $GLOBALS['text_direction'] = 'rtl'; } } } return $languages; } add_filter('gettext_with_context', 'trpc_language_rtl', 10, 4); function trpc_language_rtl($translated, $text, $context, $domain){ $option = get_option( 'trp_advanced_settings', true ); global $TRP_LANGUAGE; if ( isset( $option['custom_language'] ) ) { foreach ( $option['custom_language']['cuslangname'] as $key => $value ) { $custom_language_code = $option["custom_language"]["cuslangcode"][$key]; if($text == 'ltr' && $context == "text direction" && isset($option["custom_language"]["cuslangisrtl"][$key]) && $option["custom_language"]["cuslangisrtl"][$key] === 'yes' && $TRP_LANGUAGE === $custom_language_code){ $translated = 'rtl'; } } } return $translated; } add_filter( 'trp_flags_path', 'trpc_flags_path_custom', 10, 2 ); /** * @param $original_flags_path * @param $language_code * * @return mixed * * Returns the original flags path for original languages * Or the custom flag path for flags uploaded into the media library * The image is returned resized to the custom size dictated bu trp-custom-language-flag * */ function trpc_flags_path_custom( $original_flags_path, $language_code ) { // only change the folder path for the custom languages: $option = get_option( 'trp_advanced_settings', true ); if ( isset( $option['custom_language'] ) ) { foreach ( $option['custom_language']['cuslangname'] as $key => $value ) { if ($language_code === $option["custom_language"]["cuslangcode"][$key] && !empty($option["custom_language"]["cuslangflag"][$key]) ) { $attachment_array = wp_get_attachment_image_src(attachment_url_to_postid($option["custom_language"]["cuslangflag"][ $key ]), 'trp-custom-language-flag'); return isset($attachment_array) && $attachment_array ? $attachment_array[0] : $option["custom_language"]["cuslangflag"][ $key ]; } } } return $original_flags_path; } add_filter( 'trp_flag_file_name', 'trpc_flag_name_custom', 10, 2 ); /** * @param $original_flags_path * @param $language_code * * @return string * * For the custom languages the flag name is contained into the flag path * it does not follow the naming pattern language.png * So no need to return anything in that case */ function trpc_flag_name_custom ( $original_flags_path, $language_code ){ // only change flag name for the custom languages: $option = get_option( 'trp_advanced_settings', true ); if ( isset( $option['custom_language'] ) ) { foreach ( $option['custom_language']['cuslangname'] as $key => $value ) { if ($language_code === $option["custom_language"]["cuslangcode"][$key] && !empty($option["custom_language"]["cuslangflag"][$key])) { return ''; } } } return $original_flags_path; } add_filter('trp_saving_advanced_settings_is_successful', 'trp_add_messages_custom_language_codes', 10, 3); /** * The function verifies if the language codes and ISO codes written by the user contain only the allowed characters, A-Z a-z 0-9 _ - and if the language code is unique among other custom languages and existing languages. * * @param bool $is_correct_code retains if the language code and the ISO code are valid or not * @param $settings * @param $submitted_settings */ function trp_verify_custom_language_codes($is_correct_code, $settings){ if(isset($settings['custom_language']['cuslangcode'])) { foreach ($settings['custom_language']['cuslangcode'] as $key => $item) { if (!empty($settings['custom_language']['cuslangcode'][$key])) { if (!trp_is_valid_language_code($item)) { $is_correct_code = false; return array( 'message' => esc_html__('The Language code of the added custom language is invalid.','translatepress-multilingual'), 'correct_code' => $is_correct_code ); } }else{ $is_correct_code = false; return array( 'message' => esc_html__('The Language code of the added custom language cannot be empty.', 'translatepress-multilingual'), 'correct_code' => $is_correct_code ); } } } if(isset($settings['custom_language']['cuslangiso'])) { foreach ($settings['custom_language']['cuslangiso'] as $key => $item) { if(!empty($settings['custom_language']['cuslangiso'][$key])){ if (!trp_is_valid_language_code($item)) { $is_correct_code = false; return array( 'message' => esc_html__('The Automatic Translation Code of the added custom language is invalid.', 'translatepress-multilingual'), 'correct_code' => $is_correct_code ); } } } } return array( 'message' => '', 'correct_code' => $is_correct_code ); } function trp_add_messages_custom_language_codes($correct_code, $settings, $submitted_settings){ $correct_code_custom_language = trp_verify_custom_language_codes(true, $settings); if($correct_code_custom_language['correct_code'] === false){ /* phpcs:ignore */ add_settings_error( 'trp_advanced_settings', 'settings_error', esc_html($correct_code_custom_language['message']), 'error' ); $correct_code = false; return $correct_code; } return $correct_code; } add_filter('trp_extra_sanitize_advanced_settings', 'trp_save_settings_language', 10, 3); /** * The custom language is saved only if the codes are correct. * @param $settings * @param $submitted_settings * @param $prev_settings * @return mixed */ function trp_save_settings_language($settings, $submitted_settings, $prev_settings){ $correct_custom_languagea_code = trp_verify_custom_language_codes(true, $settings); if($correct_custom_languagea_code['correct_code'] === false) { $settings['custom_language'] = $prev_settings['custom_language']; } return $settings; }