Direktori : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/wp-meteor/blocker/FirstInteraction/ |
Current File : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/wp-meteor/blocker/FirstInteraction/UltimateReorder.php |
<?php /** * WP_Meteor * * @package WP_Meteor * @author Aleksandr Guidrevitch <alex@excitingstartup.com> * @copyright 2020 wp-meteor.com * @license GPL 2.0+ * @link https://wp-meteor.com */ namespace WP_Meteor\Blocker\FirstInteraction; use WP_Meteor\Blocker\Event; /** * Provide Import and Export of the settings of the plugin */ class UltimateReorder extends Base { public $adminPriority = -1; public $priority = 99; public $tab = 'ultimate'; public $title = 'Maximum available speed'; public $description = ""; //"Delays script loading to 2 seconds"; public $disabledInUltimateMode = false; public $defaultEnabled = false; public $pattern = [['.*', '']]; public function initialize() { parent::initialize(); \add_filter(WPMETEOR_TEXTDOMAIN . '-frontend-rewrite', [$this, 'frontend_rewrite'], $this->priority, 2); } public function backend_display_settings() { echo '<div id="' . $this->id . '" class="ultimate" data-prefix="' . $this->id . '" data-title="' . $this->title . '"></div>'; } public function backend_save_settings($sanitized, $settings) { // $exists = isset($sanitized[$this->id]['enabled']); $merged = array_merge($settings[$this->id], $sanitized[$this->id] ?: []); $merged['enabled'] = true; $sanitized[$this->id] = $merged; return $sanitized; } /* triggered from wpmeteor_load_settings */ public function load_settings($settings) { $settings[$this->id] = isset($settings[$this->id]) ? $settings[$this->id] : ['enabled' => true]; $settings[$this->id]['id'] = $this->id; $settings[$this->id]['delay'] = isset($settings[$this->id]['delay']) ? (int) $settings[$this->id]['delay'] : 0; // $settings[$this->id]['after'] = 'REORDER'; $settings[$this->id]['description'] = $this->description; // var_dump($settings); exit; return $settings; } public function frontend_rewrite($buffer, $settings) { // Fast Velocity Minify Delay JS compatibility /* if (is_plugin_active('fast-velocity-minify/fvm.php')) { $buffer = preg_replace('/\s+type=([\'"])fvm-script-delay\1/i', ' type=\'text/javascript\'', $buffer); } */ /* if (is_plugin_active('wp-rocket/wp-rocket.php')) { $buffer = preg_replace('/\s+type=([\'"])rocketlazyloadscript\1\s+data-rocket-type=([\'"])text\/javascript\2/i', ' type=\'text/javascript\'', $buffer); // type="rocketlazyloadscript" data-rocket-type='text/javascript' }*/ $EXTRA = defined('WPMETEOR_EXTRA_ATTRS') ? constant('WPMETEOR_EXTRA_ATTRS') : ''; $REPLACEMENTS = []; $searchOffset = 0; while (preg_match('/<script\b[^>]*?>/is', $buffer, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $searchOffset)) { $offset = $matches[0][1]; $searchOffset = $offset + 1; if (preg_match('/<\/\s*script>/is', $buffer, $endMatches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $matches[0][1])) { $len = $endMatches[0][1] - $matches[0][1] + strlen($endMatches[0][0]); // $everything = substr($buffer, $matches[0][1], $len); $tag = $matches[0][0]; $closingTag = $endMatches[0][0]; $hasSrc = preg_match('/\s+src=/i', $tag); $hasType = preg_match('/\s+type=/i', $tag); $shouldReplace = !$hasType || preg_match('/\s+type=([\'"])((application|text)\/(javascript|ecmascript|html|template)|module)\1/i', $tag); $noOptimize = preg_match('/data-wpmeteor-nooptimize="true"/i', $tag); if ($shouldReplace && !$hasSrc) { // inline script $content = substr($buffer, $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]), $endMatches[0][1] - $matches[0][1] - strlen($matches[0][0])); if (!$noOptimize && apply_filters('wpmeteor_exclude', false, $content)) { $tag = preg_replace('/^<script\b/i', "<script {$EXTRA} data-wpmeteor-nooptimize=\"true\"", $tag); } $replacement = $tag . "WPMETEOR[" . count($REPLACEMENTS) . "]WPMETEOR" . $closingTag; $REPLACEMENTS[] = $content; $buffer = substr_replace($buffer, $replacement, $offset, $len); continue; } } } $buffer = preg_replace_callback('/<script\b[^>]*?>/is', function ($matches) use ($EXTRA) { list($tag) = $matches; $result = $tag; if (!preg_match('/\s+data-src=/i', $result) && !preg_match('/\s+data-wpmeteor-type=/i', $result) && !preg_match('/\s+data-pmdelayedscript=/i', $result) && !preg_match('/data-wpmeteor-nooptimize="true"/i', $result) && !preg_match('/data-rocketlazyloadscript=/i', $result)) { $src = preg_match('/\s+src=([\'"])(.*?)\1/i', $result, $matches) ? $matches[2] : null; $id = preg_match('/\s+id=([\'"])(.*?)\1/i', $result, $matches) ? $matches[2] : null; if (!$src) { // trying to detect src without quotes $src = preg_match('/\s+src=([\/\w\-\.\~\:\[\]\@\!\$\?\&\#\(\)\*\+\,\;\=\%]+)/i', $result, $matches) ? $matches[1] : null; } $hasType = preg_match('/\s+type=/i', $result); $isJavascript = !$hasType || preg_match('/\s+type=([\'"])((application|text)\/(javascript|ecmascript)|module)\1/i', $result) || preg_match('/\s+type=((application|text)\/(javascript|ecmascript)|module)/i', $result); if ($isJavascript) { if ($id && apply_filters('wpmeteor_exclude', false, $id)) { return preg_replace('/<script/i', "<script {$EXTRA} ", $result); } if ($src) { if (apply_filters('wpmeteor_exclude', false, $src)) { return preg_replace('/<script/i', "<script {$EXTRA} ", $result); } $result = preg_replace('/\s+src=/i', " data-wpmeteor-src=", $result); // $result = preg_replace('/\s+(async|defer|integrity)\b/i', " data-wpmeteor-\$1", $result); } if ($hasType) { $result = preg_replace('/\s+type=([\'"])module\1/i', " type=\"javascript/blocked\" data-wpmeteor-type=\"module\" ", $result); $result = preg_replace('/\s+type=module\b/i', " type=\"javascript/blocked\" data-wpmeteor-type=\"module\" ", $result); $result = preg_replace('/\s+type=([\'"])(application|text)\/(javascript|ecmascript)\1/i', " type=\"javascript/blocked\" data-wpmeteor-type=\"$2/$3\" ", $result); $result = preg_replace('/\s+type=(application|text)\/(javascript|ecmascript)\b/i', " type=\"javascript/blocked\" data-wpmeteor-type=\"$1/$2\" ", $result); } else { $result = preg_replace('/<script/i', "<script type=\"javascript/blocked\" data-wpmeteor-type=\"text/javascript\" ", $result); } // $result = preg_replace('/<script/i', "<script {$EXTRA} data-wpmeteor-after=\"REORDER\"", $result); $result = preg_replace('/<script/i', "<script {$EXTRA}", $result); } } return $result; // preg_replace('/\s*data-wpmeteor-nooptimize="true"/i', '', $result); }, $buffer); // we don't rewrite /* $buffer = preg_replace_callback('/<(body|img|iframe|script)\b[^>]*?>/is', function ($matches) { */ $buffer = preg_replace_callback('/<(html|body|img|iframe)\b[^>]*?>/is', function ($matches) { list($result) = $matches; // rewrite is called twice, so we don't want to rewrite twice if (preg_match('/data-wpmeteor-onload=/', $result)) { return $result; } $result = preg_replace('/\s+onload=/i', sprintf(' onload="window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(\'%s\', { detail: { event: event, target: this } }))" data-wpmeteor-onload=', Event::EVENT_ELEMENT_LOADED), $result); $result = preg_replace('/\s+onerror=/i', sprintf(' onerror="window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(\'%s\', { detail: { event: event, target: this }))" data-wpmeteor-onerror=', Event::EVENT_ELEMENT_LOADED), $result); return $result; }, $buffer); /** * this should go the last, because there can be images inserted by scripts as with https://wbuac.progresssite.pro/ * effectively breaking JSON * covered by test/test.php */ $buffer = preg_replace_callback('/WPMETEOR\[(\d+)\]WPMETEOR/', function ($matches) use (&$REPLACEMENTS) { return $REPLACEMENTS[(int)$matches[1]]; }, $buffer); return $buffer; } public function backend_adjust_wpmeteor($wpmeteor, $settings) { $wpmeteor['blockers'] = isset($wpmeteor['blockers']) ? $wpmeteor['blockers'] : []; $wpmeteor['blockers'][$this->id] = $settings[$this->id]; if (isset($settings['v']) && version_compare($settings['v'], '2.3.6', '<') && 3 === (int) $settings[$this->id]['delay']) { $wpmeteor['blockers'][$this->id]['delay'] = -1; } return $wpmeteor; } public function frontend_adjust_wpmeteor($wpmeteor, $settings) { if (!$settings[$this->id]['enabled']) { $wpmeteor['rdelay'] = 0; } else { if (isset($settings['v']) && version_compare($settings['v'], '2.3.6', '<')) { $wpmeteor['rdelay'] = (int) $settings[$this->id]['delay'] === 3 ? 86400000 # one day : (int) $settings[$this->id]['delay'] * 1000; } else { $wpmeteor['rdelay'] = (int) $settings[$this->id]['delay'] < 0 ? 86400000 # one day : (int) $settings[$this->id]['delay'] * 1000; } } // var_dump($settings); exit; $wpmeteor['preload'] = true; return $wpmeteor; } }