Direktori : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/wp-meteor/frontend/ |
Current File : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/wp-meteor/frontend/Rewrite.php |
<?php /** * WP_Meteor * * @package WP_Meteor * @author Aleksandr Guidrevitch <alex@excitingstartup.com> * @copyright 2020 wp-meteor.com * @license GPL 2.0+ * @link https://wp-meteor.com */ namespace WP_Meteor\Frontend; /** * Enqueue stuff on the frontend */ class Rewrite extends Base { public $priority = PHP_INT_MAX; public $injected = false; /** * Initialize the class. * * @return void */ public function register() { \add_action('template_redirect', [$this, 'buffer_start'], $this->priority); \add_filter('autoptimize_filter_js_exclude', function ($exclude) { return $exclude . ", data-wpmeteor"; }, 2); \add_filter('sgo_javascript_combine_excluded_inline_content', function ($excluded_inline_content) { $excluded_inline_content[] = "wpmeteor"; return $excluded_inline_content; }); } public function buffer_start() { ob_start([$this, "rewrite"]); } public function rewrite($buffer) { foreach(headers_list() as $header) { if (preg_match('/^content\-type/i', $header) && !preg_match('/^content\-type\s*:\s*text\/html/i', $header)) { $this->canRewrite = false; break; } } if (isset($GLOBALS['pagenow']) && $GLOBALS['pagenow'] === 'wp-login.php') { $this->canRewrite = false; } if (!$this->canRewrite) { return $buffer; } if ($this->injected) { return \apply_filters(WPMETEOR_TEXTDOMAIN . '-frontend-rewrite', $buffer, \wpmeteor_get_settings()); } /* settings */ $_wpmeteor = \apply_filters(WPMETEOR_TEXTDOMAIN . '-frontend-adjust-wpmeteor', [], \wpmeteor_get_settings()); $_wpmeteor['v'] = WPMETEOR_VERSION; $_wpmeteor['rest_url'] = get_rest_url(); /* /settings */ /* blocker */ if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && preg_match('/wpmeteordebug/', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $script = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../assets/js/public/public-debug.js'); $script = preg_replace('/\/\/# sourceMappingURL=public-debug.js.map/', '//# sourceMappingURL=' . \plugins_url('assets/js/public/public-debug.js.map', WPMETEOR_PLUGIN_ABSOLUTE), $script); } else { $script = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../assets/js/public/public.js'); $script = preg_replace('/\/\/# sourceMappingURL=public.js.map/', '', $script); } /* /blocker */ /* ie redirect */ $ieredirect = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../assets/js/public/ie-redirect.js'); $ieredirect = preg_replace('/\/\/# sourceMappingURL=ie-redirect\.js\.map/', '', $ieredirect); /* /ie redirect */ $EXTRA = defined('WPMETEOR_EXTRA_ATTRS') ? constant('WPMETEOR_EXTRA_ATTRS') : ''; $tag = "<script data-wpmeteor-nooptimize=\"true\" {$EXTRA}>"; $comment = apply_filters('wpmeteor_comment', "<!-- Optimized with WP Meteor v" . WPMETEOR_VERSION . " - https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-meteor/ -->"); $inject = "{$comment}{$tag}var _wpmeteor=" . json_encode($_wpmeteor) . ";{$ieredirect}</script>{$tag}{$script}</script>"; $buffer = preg_replace('/(<script\b)/i', "{$inject}$1", $buffer, 1); $this->injected = true; return \apply_filters(WPMETEOR_TEXTDOMAIN . '-frontend-rewrite', $buffer, \wpmeteor_get_settings()); } }