Direktori : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/wp-rocket/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/wp-rocket/assets/js/lcp-beacon.js |
class RocketLcpBeacon { constructor( config ) { this.config = config; this.performanceImages = []; this.errorCode = ''; this.scriptTimer = new Date(); this.infiniteLoopId = null; } async init() { if ( ! await this._isValidPreconditions() ) { this._finalize(); return; } this.infiniteLoopId = setTimeout( () => { this._handleInfiniteLoop(); }, 10000 ); try { // Use _generateLcpCandidates method to get all the elements in the viewport. const above_the_fold_images = this._generateLcpCandidates( Infinity ); if ( above_the_fold_images ) { this._initWithFirstElementWithInfo( above_the_fold_images ); this._fillATFWithoutDuplications( above_the_fold_images ); } } catch ( err ) { this.errorCode = 'script_error'; this._logMessage( 'Script Error: ' + err ); } this._saveFinalResultIntoDB(); } async _isValidPreconditions() { // Check the screensize first because starting any logic. if ( this._isNotValidScreensize() ) { this._logMessage('Bailing out because screen size is not acceptable'); return false; } if ( this._isPageCached() && await this._isGeneratedBefore() ) { this._logMessage('Bailing out because data is already available'); return false; } return true; } _isPageCached() { const signature = document.documentElement.nextSibling && document.documentElement.nextSibling.data ? document.documentElement.nextSibling.data : ''; return signature && signature.includes( 'Debug: cached' ); } async _isGeneratedBefore() { // AJAX call to check if there are any records for the current URL. let data_check = new FormData(); data_check.append('action', 'rocket_check_lcp'); data_check.append('rocket_lcp_nonce', this.config.nonce); data_check.append('url', this.config.url); data_check.append('is_mobile', this.config.is_mobile); const lcp_data_response = await fetch(this.config.ajax_url, { method: "POST", credentials: 'same-origin', body: data_check }) .then(data => data.json()); return lcp_data_response.success; } _isNotValidScreensize() { // Check screen size const screenWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; const screenHeight= window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; const isNotValidForMobile = this.config.is_mobile && ( screenWidth > this.config.width_threshold || screenHeight > this.config.height_threshold ); const isNotValidForDesktop = !this.config.is_mobile && ( screenWidth < this.config.width_threshold || screenHeight < this.config.height_threshold ); return isNotValidForMobile || isNotValidForDesktop; } _generateLcpCandidates( count ) { const lcpElements = document.querySelectorAll( this.config.elements ); if ( lcpElements.length <= 0 ) { return []; } const potentialCandidates = Array.from( lcpElements ); const topCandidates = potentialCandidates.map(element => { // Skip if the element is an img and its parent is a picture if ('img' === element.nodeName.toLowerCase() && 'picture' === element.parentElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() ) { return null; } let rect; if ('picture' === element.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { const imgElement = element.querySelector('img'); if (imgElement) { rect = imgElement.getBoundingClientRect(); } else { return null; } } else { rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); } return { element: element, rect: rect, }; }) .filter(item => item !== null) // Filter out null values here .filter(item => { return ( item.rect.width > 0 && item.rect.height > 0 && this._isIntersecting(item.rect) ); }) .map(item => ({ item, area: this._getElementArea(item.rect), elementInfo: this._getElementInfo(item.element), })) .sort((a, b) => b.area - a.area) .slice(0, count); return topCandidates.map(candidate => ({ element: candidate.item.element, elementInfo: candidate.elementInfo, })); } _isIntersecting(rect) { // Check if any part of the image is within the viewport return ( rect.bottom >= 0 && rect.right >= 0 && rect.top <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && rect.left <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) ); } _getElementArea(rect) { const visibleWidth = Math.min(rect.width, (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) - rect.left); const visibleHeight = Math.min(rect.height, (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) - rect.top); return visibleWidth * visibleHeight; } _getElementInfo(element) { const nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase(); const element_info = { type: "", src: "", srcset: "", sizes: "", sources: [], bg_set: [], current_src: "" }; const css_bg_url_rgx = /url\(\s*?['"]?\s*?(.+?)\s*?["']?\s*?\)/ig; if (nodeName === "img" && element.srcset) { element_info.type = "img-srcset"; element_info.src = element.src; element_info.srcset = element.srcset; // capture srcset element_info.sizes = element.sizes; // capture sizes element_info.current_src = element.currentSrc; } else if (nodeName === "img") { element_info.type = "img"; element_info.src = element.src; element_info.current_src = element.currentSrc; } else if (nodeName === "video") { element_info.type = "img"; const source = element.querySelector('source'); element_info.src = element.poster || (source ? source.src : ''); element_info.current_src = element_info.src; } else if (nodeName === "svg") { const imageElement = element.querySelector('image'); if (imageElement) { element_info.type = "img"; element_info.src = imageElement.getAttribute('href') || ''; element_info.current_src = element_info.src; } } else if (nodeName === "picture") { element_info.type = "picture"; const img = element.querySelector('img'); element_info.src = img ? img.src : ""; element_info.sources = Array.from(element.querySelectorAll('source')).map(source => ({ srcset: source.srcset || '', media: source.media || '', type: source.type || '', sizes: source.sizes || '' })); } else { const computed_style = window.getComputedStyle(element, null); const bg_props = [ computed_style.getPropertyValue("background-image"), getComputedStyle(element, ":after").getPropertyValue("background-image"), getComputedStyle(element, ":before").getPropertyValue("background-image") ].filter(prop => prop !== "none"); if (bg_props.length === 0) { return null; } const full_bg_prop = bg_props[0]; element_info.type = "bg-img"; if (full_bg_prop.includes("image-set(")) { element_info.type = "bg-img-set"; } if (!full_bg_prop || full_bg_prop === "" || full_bg_prop.includes( 'data:image' ) ) { return null; } const matches = [...full_bg_prop.matchAll(css_bg_url_rgx)]; element_info.bg_set = matches.map(m => m[1] ? {src: m[1].trim() + (m[2] ? " " + m[2].trim() : "")} : {}); // Check if bg_set array is populated with empty objects if (element_info.bg_set.every(item => item.src === "")) { // If bg_set array is populated with empty objects, populate it with the URLs from the matches array element_info.bg_set = matches.map(m => m[1] ? {src: m[1].trim()} : {}); } if (element_info.bg_set.length > 0) { element_info.src = element_info.bg_set[0].src; if (element_info.type === "bg-img-set") { element_info.src = element_info.bg_set; } } } return element_info; } _initWithFirstElementWithInfo(elements) { const firstElementWithInfo = elements.find(item => item.elementInfo !== null); if ( ! firstElementWithInfo ) { this._logMessage("No LCP candidate found."); this.performanceImages = []; return; } this.performanceImages = [{ ...firstElementWithInfo.elementInfo, label: "lcp", }]; } _fillATFWithoutDuplications(elements) { elements.forEach(({ element, elementInfo }) => { if ( this._isDuplicateImage(element) || !elementInfo ) { return; } this.performanceImages.push({ ...elementInfo, label: "above-the-fold" }); }); } _isDuplicateImage(image) { const elementInfo = this._getElementInfo(image); if (elementInfo === null) { return false; } const isImageOrVideo = elementInfo.type === "img" || elementInfo.type === "img-srcset" || elementInfo.type === "video"; const isBgImageOrPicture = elementInfo.type === "bg-img" || elementInfo.type === "bg-img-set" || elementInfo.type === "picture"; return (isImageOrVideo || isBgImageOrPicture) && this.performanceImages.some(item => item.src === elementInfo.src); } _getFinalStatus() { if ( '' !== this.errorCode ) { return this.errorCode; } const scriptTime = ( new Date() - this.scriptTimer ) / 1000; if ( 10 <= scriptTime ) { return 'timeout'; } return 'success'; } _saveFinalResultIntoDB() { const data = new FormData(); data.append('action', 'rocket_lcp'); data.append('rocket_lcp_nonce', this.config.nonce); data.append('url', this.config.url); data.append('is_mobile', this.config.is_mobile); data.append('images', JSON.stringify(this.performanceImages)); data.append('status', this._getFinalStatus()); fetch(this.config.ajax_url, { method: "POST", credentials: 'same-origin', body: data, headers: { 'wpr-saas-no-intercept': true } }) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => { this._logMessage(data); }) .catch((error) => { this._logMessage(error); }) .finally(() => { this._finalize(); }); } _handleInfiniteLoop() { this._saveFinalResultIntoDB(); } _finalize() { const beaconscript = document.querySelector('[data-name="wpr-lcp-beacon"]'); beaconscript.setAttribute('beacon-completed', 'true'); clearTimeout( this.infiniteLoopId ); } _logMessage( msg ) { if ( ! this.config.debug ) { return; } console.log( msg ); } static run() { if ( !window.rocket_lcp_data ) { return; } const instance = new RocketLcpBeacon( window.rocket_lcp_data ); if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { setTimeout(() => { instance.init(); }, window.rocket_lcp_data.delay); return; } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { setTimeout(() => { instance.init(); }, window.rocket_lcp_data.delay); }); } } RocketLcpBeacon.run();