Direktori : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/wp-sitemap-page/ |
Current File : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/plugins/wp-sitemap-page/wp-sitemap-page.php |
<?php /** Plugin Name: WP Sitemap Page Plugin URI: http://tonyarchambeau.com/ Description: Add a sitemap on any page/post using the simple shortcode [wp_sitemap_page] Version: 1.9.4 Author: Tony Archambeau Author URI: http://tonyarchambeau.com/ Text Domain: wp-sitemap-page Domain Path: /languages Copyright 2014 Tony Archambeau */ // SECURITY : Exit if accessed directly if ( !defined('ABSPATH') ) { exit; } // i18n // OLD WAY : load_plugin_textdomain( 'wp-sitemap-page', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' ); add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'wsp_load_textdomain' ); /** * Load plugin textdomain. * @since 1.5.2 */ function wsp_load_textdomain() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'wp-sitemap-page', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' ); } /*************************************************************** * Define ***************************************************************/ if ( !defined('WSP_USER_NAME') ) { define('WSP_USER_NAME', basename(dirname(__FILE__)) ); } if ( !defined('WSP_USER_PLUGIN_DIR') ) { define('WSP_USER_PLUGIN_DIR', WP_PLUGIN_DIR .'/'. WSP_USER_NAME ); } if ( !defined('WSP_USER_PLUGIN_URL') ) { define('WSP_USER_PLUGIN_URL', WP_PLUGIN_URL .'/'. WSP_USER_NAME ); } if ( !defined('WSP_PLUGIN_NAME') ) { define('WSP_PLUGIN_NAME', 'wp_sitemap_page'); } if ( !defined('WSP_VERSION') ) { define('WSP_VERSION', '1.3.0'); } if ( !defined('WSP_DONATE_LINK') ) { define('WSP_DONATE_LINK', 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=FQKK22PPR3EJE&lc=GB&item_name=WP%20Sitemap%20Page&item_number=wp%2dsitemap%2dpage&currency_code=EUR&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted'); } if (!defined('WSP_VERSION_NUM')) { define('WSP_VERSION_NUM', '1.3.0'); } /*************************************************************** * Install and uninstall ***************************************************************/ /** * Hooks for install */ if (function_exists('register_uninstall_hook')) { register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, 'wsp_uninstall'); } /** * Hooks for uninstall */ if ( function_exists('register_activation_hook')) { register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'wsp_install'); } /** * Install this plugin */ function wsp_install() { // Initialize the main variables (for default settings) and save it $wsp_posts_by_category = '<a href="{permalink}">{title}</a>'; add_option( 'wsp_posts_by_category', $wsp_posts_by_category ); // by default deactivate the ARCHIVE and AUTHOR add_option( 'wsp_exclude_cpt_archive', '1' ); add_option( 'wsp_exclude_cpt_author', '1' ); } /** * Uninstall this plugin */ function wsp_uninstall() { // Unregister an option delete_option( 'wsp_posts_by_category' ); delete_option( 'wsp_exclude_pages' ); delete_option( 'wsp_exclude_cpt_page' ); delete_option( 'wsp_exclude_cpt_post' ); delete_option( 'wsp_exclude_cpt_archive' ); delete_option( 'wsp_exclude_cpt_author' ); delete_option( 'wsp_add_nofollow' ); delete_option( 'wsp_is_display_copyright' ); delete_option( 'wsp_is_display_post_multiple_time' ); delete_option( 'wsp_is_exclude_password_protected' ); unregister_setting('wp-sitemap-page', 'wsp_posts_by_category'); } /*************************************************************** * UPGRADE ***************************************************************/ // Manage the upgrade to version 1.1.0 if (get_option('wsp_version_key') != WSP_VERSION_NUM) { // Add option // by default deactivate the ARCHIVE and AUTHOR add_option( 'wsp_exclude_cpt_archive', '1' ); add_option( 'wsp_exclude_cpt_author', '1' ); // Update the version value update_option('wsp_version_key', WSP_VERSION_NUM); } /*************************************************************** * Menu + settings page ***************************************************************/ /** * Add menu on the Back-Office for the plugin */ function wsp_add_options_page() { if (function_exists('add_options_page')) { $page_title = esc_html__('WP Sitemap Page', 'wp-sitemap-page'); $menu_title = esc_html__('WP Sitemap Page', 'wp-sitemap-page'); $capability = 'administrator'; $menu_slug = 'wp_sitemap_page'; $function = 'wsp_settings_page'; // function that contain the page add_options_page( $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function ); } } add_action('admin_menu', 'wsp_add_options_page'); /** * Add the settings page * * @return boolean */ function wsp_settings_page() { $path = trailingslashit(dirname(__FILE__)); if (!file_exists( $path . 'settings.php')) { return false; } require_once($path . 'settings.php'); } /** * Additional links on the plugin page * * @param array $links * @param str $file * @return array */ function wsp_plugin_row_meta($links, $file) { if ($file == plugin_basename(__FILE__)) { $settings_page = 'wp_sitemap_page'; $links[] = '<a href="options-general.php?page=' . $settings_page .'">' . esc_html__('Settings','wp-sitemap-page') . '</a>'; $links[] = '<a href="' . WSP_DONATE_LINK . '">'.esc_html__('Donate', 'wp-sitemap-page').'</a>'; } return $links; } add_filter('plugin_row_meta', 'wsp_plugin_row_meta',10,2); /** * Manage the option when we submit the form */ function wsp_save_settings() { // Register the settings register_setting( 'wp-sitemap-page', 'wsp_posts_by_category', 'wsp_esc_some_html_tags' ); register_setting( 'wp-sitemap-page', 'wsp_exclude_pages', 'sanitize_text_field' ); register_setting( 'wp-sitemap-page', 'wsp_exclude_cpt_page', 'sanitize_text_field' ); register_setting( 'wp-sitemap-page', 'wsp_exclude_cpt_post', 'sanitize_text_field' ); register_setting( 'wp-sitemap-page', 'wsp_exclude_cpt_archive', 'sanitize_text_field' ); register_setting( 'wp-sitemap-page', 'wsp_exclude_cpt_author', 'sanitize_text_field' ); register_setting( 'wp-sitemap-page', 'wsp_add_nofollow', 'sanitize_text_field' ); register_setting( 'wp-sitemap-page', 'wsp_is_display_copyright', 'sanitize_text_field' ); register_setting( 'wp-sitemap-page', 'wsp_is_display_post_multiple_time', 'sanitize_text_field' ); register_setting( 'wp-sitemap-page', 'wsp_is_exclude_password_protected', 'sanitize_text_field' ); // Get the CPT (Custom Post Type) $args = array( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false ); $post_types = get_post_types( $args, 'names' ); // list all the CPT foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { // extract CPT object $cpt = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); // register settings register_setting( 'wp-sitemap-page', 'wsp_exclude_cpt_'.esc_html($cpt->name), 'sanitize_text_field' ); } // Get the Taxonomies $args = array( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false ); $taxonomies_names = get_taxonomies( $args ); // list all the taxonomies foreach ( $taxonomies_names as $taxonomy_name ) { // register settings register_setting( 'wp-sitemap-page', 'wsp_exclude_taxonomy_'.esc_html($taxonomy_name), 'sanitize_text_field' ); } } add_action( 'admin_init', 'wsp_save_settings' ); /*************************************************************** * General function to escape or sanitize ***************************************************************/ /** * It sanitize the string (never trust user input). Return a string with only "0" or "1". * * @param str $str content * @return str */ function wsp_esc_to_keep_0_or_1($str='') { return preg_replace('/[^01]/', '', $str); } /** * It sanitize the string (never trust user input). Return a string with only "0" or "1". * * @param str $str content * @return str */ function wsp_esc_to_keep_numeric_or_coma($str='') { return preg_replace('/[^,0-9]/', '', $str); } /** * Remove nearly all HTML tags except <a><br><strong><b><em><i> + avoid some unexpected attribute * * @param str $str content * @return str */ function wsp_esc_some_html_tags($str='') { // allow only specific HTML tags $str = strip_tags($str, '<a><br><strong><b><em><i><ul><li><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><p>'); // escape HTML with WordPress function $arr_tag_a = array( 'href' => array(), 'title' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'style' => array() ); $arr_tag_usual = array( 'title' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'style' => array() ); $arr = array( 'a' => $arr_tag_a, 'br' => $arr_tag_usual, 'strong' => $arr_tag_usual, 'b' => $arr_tag_usual, 'em' => $arr_tag_usual, 'i' => $arr_tag_usual, 'ul' => $arr_tag_usual, 'li' => $arr_tag_usual, 'h1' => $arr_tag_usual, 'h2' => $arr_tag_usual, 'h3' => $arr_tag_usual, 'h4' => $arr_tag_usual, 'h5' => $arr_tag_usual, 'h6' => $arr_tag_usual, 'p' => $arr_tag_usual, ); return wp_kses($str, $arr); } /*************************************************************** * Manage the option ***************************************************************/ /** * Fonction de callback * * @param array $matches */ function wsp_manage_option( array $matches = array() ) { global $the_post_id; if (isset($matches[1])) { $key = strtolower( $matches[1] ); switch ($key) { // Get the title of the post case 'title': return get_the_title($the_post_id); break; // Get the URL of the post case 'permalink': return get_permalink($the_post_id); break; // Get the year of the post case 'year': return get_the_time('Y', $the_post_id); break; // Get the month of the post case 'monthnum': return get_the_time('m', $the_post_id); break; // Get the day of the post case 'day': return get_the_time('d', $the_post_id); break; // Get the day of the post case 'hour': return get_the_time('H', $the_post_id); break; // Get the day of the post case 'minute': return get_the_time('i', $the_post_id); break; // Get the day of the post case 'second': return get_the_time('s', $the_post_id); break; // Get the day of the post case 'post_id': return $the_post_id; break; // Get the day of the post case 'category': $categorie_info = get_the_category($the_post_id); if (!empty($categorie_info)) { $categorie_info = current($categorie_info); //return print_r($categorie_info,1); return (isset($categorie_info->name) ? $categorie_info->name : ''); } return ''; break; // default value default: if (isset($matches[0])) { return $matches[0]; } return false; break; } } return false; } /*************************************************************** * Tabs ***************************************************************/ /** * Get the current tab * * @return Ambigous <string, mixed>|string */ function wsp_get_current_tab() { if (isset($_GET['tab'])) { return esc_html($_GET['tab']); } else { return 'main'; } } /** * Display the tabs */ function wsp_show_tabs() { global $wp_db_version; // Get the current tab $current_tab = wsp_get_current_tab(); // All tabs $tabs = array(); $tabs['main'] = esc_html__('Settings', 'wp-sitemap-page'); $tabs['about'] = esc_html__('How to use', 'wp-sitemap-page'); // Generate the tab links $tab_links = array(); foreach ($tabs as $tab_k => $tab_name) { $tab_curent = ($tab_k === $current_tab ? ' nav-tab-active' : '' ); $tab_url = '?page=' . WSP_PLUGIN_NAME .'&tab='.$tab_k; $tab_links[] = '<a class="nav-tab'.$tab_curent.'" href="'.$tab_url.'">'.$tab_name.'</a>'; } // Since the 25 oct. 2010 WordPress include the tabs (in CSS) // The 25 oct. 2010 = WordPress version was "3.1-alpha" if ( $wp_db_version >= 15477 ) { // Tabs in CSS ?> <h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper"> <?php echo wsp_esc_some_html_tags(implode("\n", $tab_links)); ?> </h2> <?php } else { // Tabs without CSS (instead, separate links with "|") ?> <div> <?php echo wsp_esc_some_html_tags(implode(' | ', $tab_links)); ?> </div> <?php } return; } /*************************************************************** * Generate the sitemap ***************************************************************/ /** * Shortcode function that generate the sitemap * Use like this : [wp_sitemap_page] * * @param $atts * @param $content * @return str $return */ function wsp_wp_sitemap_page_main_func( $atts, $content=null ) { // return the content return '<div class="wsp-container">'.wsp_esc_some_html_tags(wsp_wp_sitemap_page_func( $atts, $content )).'</div>'; } add_shortcode( 'wp_sitemap_page', 'wsp_wp_sitemap_page_main_func' ); /** * Main function to call all the various features * * @param $atts * @param $content * @return str $return */ function wsp_wp_sitemap_page_func( $atts, $content=null ) { // init $return = ''; // display only some CPT // the "only" parameter always is higher than "exclude" options $only_cpt = (isset($atts['only']) ? sanitize_text_field($atts['only']) : ''); // display or not the title $get_display_title = (isset($atts['display_title']) ? sanitize_text_field($atts['display_title']) : 'true'); $is_title_displayed = ( $get_display_title=='false' ? false : true ); // display or not the category title "category:" $get_display_category_title_wording = (isset($atts['display_category_title_wording']) ? sanitize_text_field($atts['display_category_title_wording']) : 'true'); $is_category_title_wording_displayed = ( $get_display_category_title_wording=='false' ? false : true ); // get only the private page/post ... $only_private = (isset($atts['only_private']) ? sanitize_text_field($atts['only_private']) : 'false'); $is_get_only_private = ( $only_private=='true' ? true : false ); // get the kind of sort $sort = (isset($atts['sort']) ? sanitize_text_field($atts['sort']) : null); $order = (isset($atts['order']) ? sanitize_text_field($atts['order']) : null); // get data from Options $wsp_exclude_pages = wsp_esc_to_keep_numeric_or_coma(get_option('wsp_exclude_pages')); $wsp_add_nofollow = wsp_esc_to_keep_0_or_1(get_option('wsp_add_nofollow')); $wsp_is_display_copyright = wsp_esc_to_keep_0_or_1(get_option('wsp_is_display_copyright')); $wsp_is_display_post_multiple_time = wsp_esc_to_keep_0_or_1(get_option('wsp_is_display_post_multiple_time')); $wsp_is_exclude_password_protected = wsp_esc_to_keep_0_or_1(get_option('wsp_is_exclude_password_protected')); // Determine if the posts should be displayed multiple time if it is in multiple category $display_post_only_once = ($wsp_is_display_post_multiple_time==1 ? false : true ); // Determine if the posts should be displayed multiple time if it is in multiple category $display_nofollow = ($wsp_add_nofollow==1 ? true : false ); $copyright_link = ''; // add a copyright link if ($wsp_is_display_copyright==1) { $copyright_link = '<p><a href="http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-sitemap-page/">'.esc_html__('Powered by "WP Sitemap Page"', 'wp-sitemap-page').'</a></p>'; } // Exclude pages, posts and CTPs protected by password if ($wsp_is_exclude_password_protected==1) { global $wpdb; // Obtain the password protected content $sql = 'SELECT ID FROM '.$wpdb->posts.' WHERE post_status = \'publish\' AND post_password <> \'\' '; $password_pages = $wpdb->get_col($sql); // add to the other if not empty if (!empty($password_pages)) { // convert array to string $exclude_pages = implode(',', $password_pages); // Add the excluded page to the other protected page if (!empty($wsp_exclude_pages)) { $wsp_exclude_pages .= ','.$exclude_pages; } else { $wsp_exclude_pages = $exclude_pages; } } } // check if the attribute "only" is used switch ($only_cpt) { // display only PAGE case 'page': return wsp_return_content_type_page($is_title_displayed, $is_get_only_private, $display_nofollow, $wsp_exclude_pages, $sort).$copyright_link; break; // display only POST case 'post': return wsp_return_content_type_post($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $display_post_only_once, $is_category_title_wording_displayed, $wsp_exclude_pages, $sort, $sort, $order).$copyright_link; break; // display only ARCHIVE case 'archive': return wsp_return_content_type_archive($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow).$copyright_link; break; // display only AUTHOR case 'author': return wsp_return_content_type_author($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $sort).$copyright_link; break; // display only CATEGORY case 'category': return wsp_return_content_type_categories($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $sort).$copyright_link; break; // display only TAGS case 'tag': return wsp_return_content_type_tag($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow).$copyright_link; break; // empty case '': // nothing but do break; default: // check if it's the name of a CPT // extract CPT object $cpt = get_post_type_object( $only_cpt ); if ( !empty($cpt) ) { return wsp_return_content_type_cpt_items( $is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $cpt, $only_cpt, $wsp_exclude_pages, $sort ); } // check if it's a taxonomy $taxonomy_obj = get_taxonomy( $only_cpt ); if ( !empty($taxonomy_obj) ) { return wsp_return_content_type_taxonomy_items($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $taxonomy_obj, $wsp_exclude_pages); } // end } //=============================================== // Otherwise, display traditionnal sitemap //=============================================== // List the PAGES (check if it should be exclude) if ( empty(get_option('wsp_exclude_cpt_page')) ) { $return .= wsp_return_content_type_page($is_title_displayed, $is_get_only_private, $display_nofollow, $wsp_exclude_pages, $sort); } // List the POSTS by CATEGORY (check if it should be exclude) if ( empty(get_option('wsp_exclude_cpt_post')) ) { $return .= wsp_return_content_type_post($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $display_post_only_once, $is_category_title_wording_displayed, $wsp_exclude_pages, $sort, $sort, $order); } // List the CPT $return .= wsp_return_content_type_cpt_lists($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $wsp_exclude_pages); // List the Taxonomies $return .= wsp_return_content_type_taxonomies_lists($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $wsp_exclude_pages); // List the ARCHIVES (check if it should be exclude) if ( empty(get_option('wsp_exclude_cpt_archive')) ) { $return .= wsp_return_content_type_archive($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow); } // List the AUTHORS (check if it should be exclude) if ( empty(get_option('wsp_exclude_cpt_author')) ) { $return .= wsp_return_content_type_author($is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $sort); } // return the content return $return.$copyright_link; } /** * Return list of pages * * @param bool $is_title_displayed * @param bool $is_get_only_private * @param bool $display_nofollow * @param array $wsp_exclude_pages * @param str $sort * @return str $return */ function wsp_return_content_type_page($is_title_displayed = true, $is_get_only_private = false, $display_nofollow = false, $wsp_exclude_pages = array(), $sort = null) { // init $return = ''; if ($display_nofollow==true) { add_filter('wp_list_pages', 'wsp_add_no_follow_to_links'); } // define the way the pages should be displayed $args = array(); $args['title_li'] = ''; $args['echo'] = '0'; // change the sort if ($sort!==null) { $args['sort_column'] = $sort; } // exclude some pages ? if (!empty($wsp_exclude_pages)) { $args['exclude'] = $wsp_exclude_pages; } // get only the private content if ($is_get_only_private==true) { $args['post_status'] = 'private'; } // get data $list_pages = wp_list_pages($args); // check it's not empty if (empty($list_pages)) { return ''; } // add content if ($is_title_displayed==true) { $return .= '<h2 class="wsp-pages-title">'.esc_html__('Pages', 'wp-sitemap-page').'</h2>'."\n"; } $return .= '<ul class="wsp-pages-list">'."\n"; $return .= $list_pages; $return .= '</ul>'."\n"; // return content return apply_filters( 'wsp_pages_return', $return ); } /** * Return list of posts in the categories * * @param bool $is_title_displayed * @param bool $display_nofollow * @param bool $display_post_only_once * @param bool $is_category_title_wording_displayed * @param array $wsp_exclude_pages * @param str $sort_categories * @param str $sort * @param str $order * @return str $return */ function wsp_return_content_type_post( $is_title_displayed=true, $display_nofollow=false, $display_post_only_once=true, $is_category_title_wording_displayed=true, $wsp_exclude_pages=array(), $sort_categories=null, $sort=null, $order=null ) { // init $return = ''; // args $args = array(); // change the sort order if ($sort_categories!==null) { $args['orderby'] = $sort_categories; } // Get the categories $cats = get_categories( $args ); // check it's not empty if (empty($cats)) { return ''; } // Get the categories $cats = wsp_generate_multi_array($cats); // add content if ($is_title_displayed==true) { $return .= '<h2 class="wsp-posts-title">'.esc_html__('Posts by category', 'wp-sitemap-page').'</h2>'."\n"; } $return .= wsp_html_from_multi_array($cats, true, $display_post_only_once, $is_category_title_wording_displayed, $display_nofollow, $wsp_exclude_pages, $sort, $order); // return content return apply_filters( 'wsp_posts_return', $return ); } /** * Return list of posts in the categories * * @param bool $is_title_displayed * @return str $return */ function wsp_return_content_type_categories( $is_title_displayed=true, $display_nofollow=false, $sort=null ) { // init $return = ''; // args $args = array(); // change the sort order if ($sort!==null) { $args['orderby'] = $sort; } // Get the categories $cats = get_categories( $args ); // check it's not empty if (empty($cats)) { return ''; } // display a nofollow attribute ? $attr_nofollow = ($display_nofollow==true ? ' rel="nofollow"' : ''); // add content if ($is_title_displayed==true) { $return .= '<h2 class="wsp-categories-title">'.esc_html__('Categories', 'wp-sitemap-page').'</h2>'."\n"; } $return .= '<ul class="wsp-categories-list">'."\n"; foreach ($cats as $cat) { $return .= "\t".'<li><a href="'.get_category_link($cat->cat_ID).'"'.$attr_nofollow.'>'.$cat->name.'</a></li>'."\n"; } $return .= '</ul>'."\n"; // return content return apply_filters( 'wsp_categories_return', $return ); } /** * Return list of posts in the categories * * @param bool $is_title_displayed * @return str $return */ function wsp_return_content_type_tag($is_title_displayed=true, $display_nofollow=false) { // init $return = ''; // args $args = array(); // Get the categories $posttags = get_tags( $args ); // check it's not empty if (empty($posttags)) { return ''; } // display a nofollow attribute ? $attr_nofollow = ($display_nofollow==true ? ' rel="nofollow"' : ''); // add content if ($is_title_displayed==true) { $return .= '<h2 class="wsp-tags-title">'.esc_html__('Tags', 'wp-sitemap-page').'</h2>'."\n"; } $return .= '<ul class="wsp-tags-list">'."\n"; foreach($posttags as $tag) { $return .= "\t".'<li><a href="'.get_tag_link($tag->term_id).'"'.$attr_nofollow.'>'.$tag->name.'</a></li>'."\n"; } $return .= '</ul>'."\n"; // return content return apply_filters( 'wsp_tags_return', $return ); } /** * Return list of archives * * @param bool $is_title_displayed * @return str $return */ function wsp_return_content_type_archive($is_title_displayed=true, $display_nofollow=false) { // init $return = ''; // define the way the pages should be displayed $args = array(); $args['echo'] = 0; // get data $list_archives = wp_get_archives($args); // check it's not empty if (empty($list_archives)) { return ''; } // display a nofollow attribute ? $attr_nofollow = ($display_nofollow==true ? ' rel="nofollow"' : ''); // add content if ($is_title_displayed==true) { $return .= '<h2 class="wsp-archives-title">'.esc_html__('Archives', 'wp-sitemap-page').'</h2>'."\n"; } $return .= '<ul class="wsp-archives-list">'."\n"; $return .= $list_archives; $return .= '</ul>'."\n"; // return content return apply_filters( 'wsp_archives_return', $return ); } /** * Return list of authors * * @param bool $is_title_displayed * @param bool $display_nofollow * @param text $sort * @return str $return */ function wsp_return_content_type_author( $is_title_displayed=true, $display_nofollow=false, $sort=null ) { // init $return = ''; // define the way the pages should be displayed $args = array(); $args['echo'] = 0; // change the sort order if ($sort!==null) { $args['orderby'] = $sort; } // get data $list_authors = wp_list_authors($args); // check it's not empty if (empty($list_authors)) { return ''; } // display a nofollow attribute ? $attr_nofollow = ($display_nofollow==true ? ' rel="nofollow"' : ''); // add content if ($is_title_displayed==true) { $return .= '<h2 class="wsp-authors-title">'.esc_html__('Authors', 'wp-sitemap-page').'</h2>'."\n"; } $return .= '<ul class="wsp-authors-list">'."\n"; $return .= $list_authors; $return .= '</ul>'."\n"; // return content return apply_filters( 'wsp_authors_return', $return ); } /** * Return list of all other custom post type * * @param bool $is_title_displayed * @param bool $display_nofollow * @param str $wsp_exclude_pages * @return str $return */ function wsp_return_content_type_cpt_lists( $is_title_displayed=true, $display_nofollow=false, $wsp_exclude_pages='' ) { // init $return = ''; // define the main arguments $args = array( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false ); // Get the CPT (Custom Post Type) $post_types = get_post_types( $args, 'names' ); // check it's not empty if (empty($post_types)) { return ''; } // list all the CPT foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { // extract CPT object $cpt = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); // Is this CPT already excluded ? $wsp_exclude_cpt = wsp_esc_to_keep_0_or_1(get_option('wsp_exclude_cpt_'.$cpt->name)); if ( empty($wsp_exclude_cpt) ) { $return .= wsp_return_content_type_cpt_items( $is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $cpt, $post_type, $wsp_exclude_pages ); } } // return content return $return; } /** * Return list of all other custom post type * * @param bool $is_title_displayed * @param bool $display_nofollow * @param str $cpt * @param str $post_type * @param str $wsp_exclude_pages * @param str $sort * @return str $return */ function wsp_return_content_type_cpt_items( $is_title_displayed=true, $display_nofollow=false, $cpt='', $post_type='', $wsp_exclude_pages='', $sort=null ) { // init $return = ''; // List the pages $list_pages = ''; // define the way the pages should be displayed $args = array(); $args['post_type'] = $post_type; $args['posts_per_page'] = 999999; $args['suppress_filters'] = 0; // exclude some pages ? if (!empty($wsp_exclude_pages)) { $args['exclude'] = $wsp_exclude_pages; } // change the sort order if ($sort!==null) { $args['orderby'] = $sort; } // Query to get the current custom post type $posts_cpt = get_posts( $args ); // display a nofollow attribute ? $attr_nofollow = ($display_nofollow==true ? ' rel="nofollow"' : ''); // List all the results if ( !empty($posts_cpt) ) { foreach( $posts_cpt as $post_cpt ) { $list_pages .= '<li><a href="'.get_permalink( $post_cpt->ID ).'"'.$attr_nofollow.'>'.$post_cpt->post_title.'</a></li>'."\n"; } } // Return the data (if it exists) if (!empty($list_pages)) { if ($is_title_displayed==true) { $return .= '<h2 class="wsp-'.$post_type.'s-title">' . $cpt->label . '</h2>'."\n"; } $return .= '<ul class="wsp-'.$post_type.'s-list">'."\n"; $return .= $list_pages; $return .= '</ul>'."\n"; } // return content return apply_filters( 'wsp_cpts_return', $return ); } /** * Return list of all other custom post type * * @param bool $is_title_displayed * @param bool $display_nofollow * @param str $wsp_exclude_pages * @return str $return */ function wsp_return_content_type_taxonomies_lists($is_title_displayed=true, $display_nofollow=false, $wsp_exclude_pages='') { // init $return = ''; $args = array( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false ); $taxonomies_names = get_taxonomies( $args ); // check it's not empty if (empty($taxonomies_names)) { return ''; } // list all the taxonomies foreach ( $taxonomies_names as $taxonomy_name ) { // Extract $taxonomy_obj = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy_name ); // Is this taxonomy already excluded ? $wsp_exclude_taxonomy = wsp_esc_to_keep_0_or_1(get_option('wsp_exclude_taxonomy_'.$taxonomy_name)); if ( empty($wsp_exclude_taxonomy) ) { $return .= wsp_return_content_type_taxonomy_items( $is_title_displayed, $display_nofollow, $taxonomy_obj, $wsp_exclude_taxonomy ); } } // return content return $return; } /** * Return list of all other taxonomies * * @param bool $is_title_displayed * @param bool $display_nofollow * @param object $taxonomy_obj * @param str $wsp_exclude_pages * @return str $return */ function wsp_return_content_type_taxonomy_items( $is_title_displayed=true, $display_nofollow=false, $taxonomy_obj=null, $wsp_exclude_pages='' ) { // init $return = ''; // List the pages $list_pages = ''; // get some data $taxonomy_name = $taxonomy_obj->name; $taxonomy_label = $taxonomy_obj->label; // init variable to get terms of a taxonomy $taxonomies = array( $taxonomy_name ); $args = array(); // get the terms of this taxonomy $terms = get_terms($taxonomies, $args); // display a nofollow attribute ? $attr_nofollow = ($display_nofollow==true ? ' rel="nofollow"' : ''); // List all the results if ( !empty($terms) ) { foreach( $terms as $terms_obj ) { $list_pages .= '<li><a href="'.get_term_link( $terms_obj ).'"'.$attr_nofollow.'>'.$terms_obj->name.'</a></li>'."\n"; } } // Return the data (if it exists) if (!empty($list_pages)) { if ($is_title_displayed==true) { $return .= '<h2 class="wsp-'.$taxonomy_name.'s-title">' . $taxonomy_label . '</h2>'."\n"; } $return .= '<ul class="wsp-'.$taxonomy_name.'s-list">'."\n"; $return .= $list_pages; $return .= '</ul>'."\n"; } // return content return apply_filters( 'wsp_taxonomies_return', $return ); } /** * Generate a multidimensional array from a simple linear array using a recursive function * * @param array $arr * @param int $parent * @return array $pages */ function wsp_generate_multi_array( array $arr = array() , $parent = 0 ) { // check if not empty if (empty($arr)) { return array(); } $pages = array(); // go through the array foreach($arr as $k => $page) { if ($page->parent == $parent) { $page->sub = isset($page->sub) ? $page->sub : wsp_generate_multi_array($arr, $page->cat_ID); $pages[] = $page; } } return $pages; } /** * Display the multidimensional array using a recursive function * * @param array $nav * @param bool $useUL * @param bool $display_post_only_once * @param bool $display_nofollow * @param array $wsp_exclude_pages * @param text $sort * @param text $order * @return str $html */ function wsp_html_from_multi_array( array $nav = array() , $useUL = true, $display_post_only_once = true, $is_category_title_wording_displayed = true, $display_nofollow = false, $wsp_exclude_pages = array(), $sort=null, $order=null ) { // check if not empty if (empty($nav)) { return ''; } $html = ''; if ($useUL === true) { $html .= '<ul class="wsp-posts-list">'."\n"; } // display a nofollow attribute ? $attr_nofollow = ($display_nofollow==true ? ' rel="nofollow"' : ''); // List all the categories foreach ($nav as $page) { // define category link $category_link = '<a href="'.get_category_link($page->cat_ID).'"'.$attr_nofollow.'>'.esc_html($page->name).'</a>'; // define the text to display for the title of the category if ($is_category_title_wording_displayed) { $category_link_display = esc_html__('Category: ', 'wp-sitemap-page').$category_link; } else { $category_link_display = $category_link; } $html .= "\t".'<li><strong class="wsp-category-title">'.$category_link_display.'</strong>'."\n"; $post_by_cat = wsp_display_post_by_cat($page->cat_ID, $display_post_only_once, $display_nofollow, $wsp_exclude_pages, $sort, $order); // List of posts for this category $category_recursive = ''; if (!empty($page->sub)) { // Use recursive function to get the childs categories $category_recursive = wsp_html_from_multi_array( $page->sub, false, $display_post_only_once, $is_category_title_wording_displayed, $display_nofollow, $wsp_exclude_pages, $sort, $order ); } // display if it exist if ( !empty($post_by_cat) || !empty($category_recursive) ) { $html .= '<ul class="wsp-posts-list">'; } if ( !empty($post_by_cat) ) { $html .= $post_by_cat; } if ( !empty($category_recursive) ) { $html .= $category_recursive; } if ( !empty($post_by_cat) || !empty($category_recursive) ) { $html .= '</ul>'; } $html .= '</li>'."\n"; } if ($useUL === true) { $html .= '</ul>'."\n"; } return $html; } /** * Display the multidimensional array using a recursive function * * @param int $cat_id * @param bool $display_post_only_once * @param bool $display_nofollow * @param array $wsp_exclude_pages * @param text $sort * @param text $order * @return str $html */ function wsp_display_post_by_cat( $cat_id, $display_post_only_once=true, $display_nofollow=false, $wsp_exclude_pages=array(), $sort=null, $order=null ) { global $the_post_id; // init $html = ''; // define the way the pages should be displayed $args = array(); $args['numberposts'] = 999999; $args['cat'] = $cat_id; // exclude some pages ? if (!empty($wsp_exclude_pages)) { $args['exclude'] = $wsp_exclude_pages; } // change the sort order if ($sort!==null) { $args['orderby'] = $sort; } if ($order!==null) { $args['order'] = $order; } // List of posts for this category $the_posts = get_posts( $args ); // check if not empty if (empty($the_posts)) { return ''; } // display a nofollow attribute ? $attr_nofollow = ($display_nofollow==true ? ' rel="nofollow"' : ''); // determine the code to place in the textarea $wsp_posts_by_category = get_option('wsp_posts_by_category'); if ( $wsp_posts_by_category === false ) { // this option does not exists $wsp_posts_by_category = sprintf(__('<a href="{permalink}"%1$s>{title}</a> ({monthnum}/{day}/{year})', 'wp-sitemap-page'), $attr_nofollow); // save this option add_option( 'wsp_posts_by_category', $wsp_posts_by_category ); } // remove every HTML tag except the <a> and some others $wsp_posts_by_category = wsp_esc_some_html_tags($wsp_posts_by_category); // list the posts foreach ( $the_posts as $the_post ) { // Display the line of a post $get_category = get_the_category($the_post->ID); // Display the post only if it is on the deepest category if ( $display_post_only_once==false || ($display_post_only_once==true && $get_category[0]->cat_ID == $cat_id) ) { // get post ID $the_post_id = $the_post->ID; // replace the ID by the real value $html .= "\t\t".'<li class="wsp-post">' .preg_replace_callback( '#\{(.*)\}#Ui', 'wsp_manage_option', $wsp_posts_by_category) .'</li>'."\n"; } } return $html; } /** * Add nofollow attribute to the links of the wp_list_pages() functions * * @param str $output content * @return str */ function wsp_add_no_follow_to_links($output) { //return wp_rel_nofollow($output); return str_replace('<a href=', '<a rel="nofollow" href=', $output); }