Direktori : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/themes/flatsome/inc/helpers/ |
Current File : /home/tradesc/www/relax/wp-content/themes/flatsome/inc/helpers/helpers-shortcode.php |
<?php /** * Generate position classes for banner content. * * @param string $axis * @param string $default * @param string $sm * @param string $md * @return string */ function flatsome_position_classes ( $axis, $default, $sm, $md ) { $classes = array(); if ( $md && ! strlen( $sm ) ) $sm = $md; // Small should inherit from medium if not set if ( ! strlen( $sm ) ) $sm = $default; // Inherit small from default value if ( ! strlen( $md ) ) $md = $default; // Inherit medium from default value $classes[] = $axis . $sm; $classes[] = 'md-' . $axis . $md; $classes[] = 'lg-' . $axis . $default; return implode( ' ', $classes ); } function get_flatsome_repeater_start( $atts ) { $atts = wp_parse_args( $atts, array( 'class' => '', 'visibility' => '', 'title' => '', 'style' => '', 'columns' => '', 'columns__sm' => '', 'columns__md' => '', 'slider_nav_position' => '', 'slider_bullets' => 'false', 'slider_nav_color' => '', 'auto_slide' => 'false', 'infinitive' => 'true', 'format' => '', 'attrs' => '', ) ); $row_classes = array(); $row_classes_full = array(); if ( $atts['class'] ) { $row_classes[] = $atts['class']; $row_classes_full[] = $atts['class']; } if ( $atts['visibility'] ) { $row_classes[] = $atts['visibility']; $row_classes_full[] = $atts['visibility']; } if($atts['type'] == 'slider-full'){ $atts['columns'] = false; $atts['columns__sm'] = false; $atts['columns__md'] = false; } if(empty($atts)) return; if(!empty($atts['filter'])){ $row_classes[] = 'row-isotope'; } $rtl = 'false'; if(is_rtl()) { $rtl = 'true'; } if(empty($atts['auto_slide'])) $atts['auto_slide'] = 'false'; // Group slider cells $group_cells = '"100%"'; // Add column classes if(!empty($atts['columns']) && $atts['type'] !== 'grid'){ if($atts['columns']) $row_classes[] = 'large-columns-'.$atts['columns']; if(empty($atts['columns__md']) && $atts['columns'] > 3) {$row_classes[] = 'medium-columns-3';} else{$row_classes[] = 'medium-columns-'.$atts['columns__md'];} if(empty($atts['columns__sm']) && $atts['columns'] > 2) {$row_classes[] = 'small-columns-2';} else{$row_classes[] = 'small-columns-'.$atts['columns__sm'];} } // Add Row spacing if(!empty($atts['row_spacing'])){ $row_classes[] = 'row-'.$atts['row_spacing']; } // Add row width if(!empty($atts['row_width'])){ if($atts['row_width'] == 'full-width') $row_classes[] = 'row-full-width'; } // Add Shadows if(!empty($atts['depth'])){ $row_classes[] = 'has-shadow'; $row_classes_full[] = 'box-shadow-'.$atts['depth']; $row_classes[] = 'row-box-shadow-'.$atts['depth']; } if(!empty($atts['depth_hover'])){ $row_classes[] = 'has-shadow'; $row_classes_full[] = 'box-shadow-'.$atts['depth_hover'].'-hover'; $row_classes[] = 'row-box-shadow-'.$atts['depth_hover'].'-hover'; } if($atts['type'] == 'masonry'){ wp_enqueue_script('flatsome-masonry-js'); $row_classes[] = 'row-masonry'; } if($atts['type'] == 'grid'){ wp_enqueue_script('flatsome-masonry-js'); $row_classes[] = 'row-grid'; } if($atts['type'] == 'slider'){ $row_classes[] = 'slider row-slider'; if($atts['slider_style']) $row_classes[] = 'slider-nav-'.$atts['slider_style']; if($atts['slider_nav_position']) $row_classes[] = 'slider-nav-'.$atts['slider_nav_position']; if($atts['slider_nav_color']) $row_classes[] = 'slider-nav-'.$atts['slider_nav_color']; // Add slider push class to normal text boxes if(!$atts['style'] || $atts['style'] == 'default' || $atts['style'] == 'normal' || $atts['style'] == 'bounce') $row_classes[] = 'slider-nav-push'; $slider_options = '{"imagesLoaded": true, "groupCells": '.$group_cells.', "dragThreshold" : 5, "cellAlign": "left","wrapAround": '.$atts['infinitive'].',"prevNextButtons": true,"percentPosition": true,"pageDots": '.$atts['slider_bullets'].', "rightToLeft": '.$rtl.', "autoPlay" : '.$atts['auto_slide'].'}'; } else if($atts['type'] == 'slider-full'){ $row_classes_full[] = 'slider slider-auto-height row-collapse'; if($atts['slider_nav_position']) $row_classes_full[] = 'slider-nav-'.$atts['slider_nav_position']; if($atts['slider_style']) $row_classes_full[] = 'slider-nav-'.$atts['slider_style']; $slider_options = '{"imagesLoaded": true, "dragThreshold" : 5, "cellAlign": "left","wrapAround": '.$atts['infinitive'].',"prevNextButtons": true,"percentPosition": true,"pageDots": '.$atts['slider_bullets'].', "rightToLeft": '.$rtl.', "autoPlay" : '.$atts['auto_slide'].'}'; } $row_classes_full = array_unique( $row_classes_full ); $row_classes = array_unique( $row_classes ); $row_classes_full = implode( ' ', $row_classes_full ); $row_classes = implode( ' ', $row_classes ); ?> <?php if($atts['title']){?> <div class="row"> <div class="large-12 col"> <h3 class="section-title"><span><?php echo $atts['title']; ?></span></h3> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if($atts['type'] == 'slider') { // Slider grid ?> <div class="row <?php echo $row_classes; ?>" data-flickity-options='<?php echo $slider_options; ?>' <?php echo $atts['attrs'] ?>> <?php } else if($atts['type'] == 'slider-full') { // Full slider ?> <div id="<?php echo $atts['id']; ?>" class="<?php echo $row_classes_full; ?>" data-flickity-options='<?php echo $slider_options; ?>'> <?php } else if($atts['type'] == 'masonry') { // Masonry grid ?> <div id="<?php echo $atts['id']; ?>" class="row <?php echo $row_classes; ?>" data-packery-options='{"itemSelector": ".col", "gutter": 0, "presentageWidth" : true}'> <?php } else if($atts['type'] == 'grid') { ?> <div id="<?php echo $atts['id']; ?>" class="row <?php echo $row_classes; ?>" data-packery-options='{"itemSelector": ".col", "gutter": 0, "presentageWidth" : true}'> <?php } else if($atts['type'] == 'blank') { //Blank type ?> <div class="container"> <?php } else { // Normal Rows ?> <div class="row <?php echo $row_classes; ?>" <?php echo $atts['attrs'] ?>> <?php } } function get_flatsome_repeater_end($type){ echo '</div>'; } /* Fix Normal Shortcodes */ function flatsome_contentfix($content){ if ( ! is_string( $content ) ) { return $content; } $fix = array ( '<p>_____</p>' => '<div class="is-divider large"></div>', '<p>____</p>' => '<div class="is-divider medium"></div>', '<p>___</p>' => '<div class="is-divider small"></div>', '</div></p>' => '</div>', '<p><div' => '<div', ']<br />' => ']', '<br />[' => '[', '<p>[' => '[', ']</p>' => ']', // For Gutenberg blocks that is encoded by UX Builder. '<!–' => '<!--', '–>' => '-->', ); return strtr( $content, $fix ); } add_filter( 'the_content', 'flatsome_contentfix' ); add_filter( 'widget_text', 'flatsome_contentfix' ); add_filter( 'widget_text', 'do_shortcode' ); add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'flatsome_contentfix' ); add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'do_shortcode' ); /** * Remove whitespace characters \r\n\t\f\v from HTML between > and < * (Prevents wpautop from adding <p> or <br>) * * @param $html * * @return mixed */ function flatsome_sanitize_whitespace_chars( $html ) { $html = preg_replace( '/(?<=>)\s+(?=<)/', '', $html ); return trim( $html ); } // Get Shortcode Inline CSS function get_shortcode_inline_css($args){ $style = ''; foreach ($args as $key => $value) { $unit = array_key_exists( 'unit', $value ) ? $value['unit'] : null; if($value['value']) $style .= $value['attribute'].':'.$value['value'].$unit.';'; } if($style) return 'style="'.$style.'"'; } // Get Parallax Options function get_parallax_option($strength){ return 'data-velocity="0.'.$strength.'"'; } function flatsome_get_image_url($id, $size = 'large'){ if(!$id) return get_template_directory_uri().'/assets/img/missing.jpg'; if (!is_numeric($id)) { return $id; } else { $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, $size); $image = $image ? $image[0] : ''; return $image; } } function flatsome_get_image( $id, $size = 'large', $alt = 'bg_image', $inline = false, $image_title = false ) { if(!$id) return '<img src="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/assets/img/missing.jpg'.'" />'; $attr = array(); $title_html = ''; if ( $image_title ) { $the_title = get_the_title( $id ); $attr['title'] = $the_title; $title_html = ' title="' . esc_attr( $the_title ) . '" '; } if (!is_numeric($id)) { return '<img src="' . $id . '" alt="' . $alt . '"' . $title_html . '/>'; } else { $meta = get_post_mime_type($id); if ( $meta == 'image/svg+xml' && $inline ){ $file = get_attached_file( $id ); if ( $file && file_exists( $file ) ) { return preg_replace( '#<script(.*?)>(.*?)</script>#is', '', file_get_contents( $file ) ); } } return wp_get_attachment_image( $id, $size, false, $attr ); } } function flatsome_string_limit_words($string, $word_limit) { $words = explode(' ', $string, ($word_limit + 1)); if(count($words) > $word_limit) array_pop($words); return implode(' ', $words); } /** * Retrieves a custom trimmed excerpt from either the post excerpt or the post content. * * @param int $num_words Optional. Number of words to trim the excerpt to. Default 15. * * @return string The trimmed excerpt or password protection message. */ function flatsome_get_the_excerpt( $num_words = 15 ) { if ( has_excerpt() ) { global $post; if ( post_password_required( $post ) ) { return esc_html__( 'There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.', 'default' ); } return wp_trim_words( $post->post_excerpt, $num_words, apply_filters( 'excerpt_more', ' […]' ) ); } else { $excerpt_length_callback = function () use ( $num_words ) { return $num_words; }; add_filter( 'excerpt_length', $excerpt_length_callback, PHP_INT_MAX ); $trimmed_excerpt = get_the_excerpt(); remove_filter( 'excerpt_length', $excerpt_length_callback, PHP_INT_MAX ); return $trimmed_excerpt; } } /* Create RGBA color of a #HEX color */ function flatsome_hex2rgba($color, $opacity = false) { $default = 'rgb(0,0,0)'; //Return default if no color provided if(empty($color)) return $default; //Sanitize $color if "#" is provided if ($color[0] == '#' ) { $color = substr( $color, 1 ); } //Check if color has 6 or 3 characters and get values if (strlen($color) == 6) { $hex = array( $color[0] . $color[1], $color[2] . $color[3], $color[4] . $color[5] ); } elseif ( strlen( $color ) == 3 ) { $hex = array( $color[0] . $color[0], $color[1] . $color[1], $color[2] . $color[2] ); } else { return $default; } //Convert hexadec to rgb $rgb = array_map('hexdec', $hex); //Check if opacity is set(rgba or rgb) if($opacity){ if(abs($opacity) > 1) $opacity = 1.0; $output = 'rgba('.implode(",",$rgb).','.$opacity.')'; } else { $output = 'rgb('.implode(",",$rgb).')'; } //Return rgb(a) color string return $output; } function flatsome_fix_span($span){ switch ($span) { case "1/1": $span = '12'; break; case "1/4": $span = '3'; break; case "2/4": $span ='6'; break; case "3/4": $span = '9'; break; case "1/3": $span = '4'; break; case "2/3": $span = '8'; break; case "1/2": $span = '6'; break; case "1/6": $span = '2'; break; case "2/6": $span = '4'; break; case "3/6": $span = '6'; break; case "4/6": $span = '8'; break; case "5/6": $span = '10'; break; case "1/12": $span = '1'; break; case "2/12": $span = '2'; break; case "3/12": $span = '3'; break; case "4/12": $span = '4'; break; case "5/12": $span = '5'; break; case "6/12": $span = '6'; break; case "7/12": $span = '7'; break; case "8/12": $span = '8'; break; case "9/12": $span = '9'; break; case "10/12": $span = '10'; break; case "11/12": $span = '11'; break; } return $span; } function flatsome_smart_links($link){ if($link == 'shop' && is_woocommerce_activated()){ $link = get_permalink( wc_get_page_id( 'shop' ) ); } else if($link == 'cart' && is_woocommerce_activated()) { $link = wc_get_cart_url(); } else if($link == 'checkout' && is_woocommerce_activated()) { $link = wc_get_checkout_url(); } else if($link == 'account' && is_woocommerce_activated()){ $link = get_permalink( get_option('woocommerce_myaccount_page_id') ); } else if($link == 'home'){ $link = get_home_url(); } else if($link == 'blog'){ $link = get_permalink( get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) ); } else if($link == 'wishlist' && class_exists('YITH_WCWL')){ $link = YITH_WCWL()->get_wishlist_url(); } // Get link by page title else if(strpos($link, '/') === false && !is_numeric($link)){ $get_page = flatsome_get_page_by_title($link); if( $get_page ) $link = get_permalink($get_page->ID); } return esc_url( $link ); } function flatsome_to_dashed($className) { return strtolower(preg_replace('/([\S\s])\s/', '$1-', $className)); } function flatsome_to_underscore( $className ) { return strtolower( preg_replace( '/([\S\s])\s/', '$1_', $className ) ); } /* function flatsome_get_gradient($primary){ ?> <style> .target{ background: <?php echo $primary; ?> background: -moz-linear-gradient(<?php echo $direction; ?>, <?php echo $primary; ?> 0%, <?php echo $secondary; ?> 100%); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(<?php echo $direction; ?>, <?php echo $primary; ?> 0%, <?php echo $secondary; ?> 100%); background: linear-gradient(<?php echo $direction; ?>, <?php echo $primary; ?> 0%, <?php echo $secondary; ?> 100%); } </style> <?php } */ /** * Parse rel attribute values based on target value. * Adds 'noopener' to rel when target is _blank. * * @deprecated 3.18 In favor of flatsome_html_atts() * * @param array $link_atts Link attributes 'target' and 'rel'. * @param bool $trim Trim start and end whitespaces? * * @return string Parsed target/rel string. */ function flatsome_parse_target_rel( array $link_atts, $trim = false ) { $attrs = array(); if ( $link_atts['target'] == '_blank' ) { $attrs[] = sprintf( 'target="%s"', esc_attr( $link_atts['target'] ) ); $link_atts['rel'][] = 'noopener'; } if ( isset( $link_atts['rel'] ) && is_array( $link_atts['rel'] ) && ! empty( array_filter( $link_atts['rel'] ) ) ) { $relations = array_unique( array_filter( $link_atts['rel'] ) ); $rel = implode( ' ', $relations ); $attrs[] = sprintf( 'rel="%s"', esc_attr( $rel ) ); } $attrs = ! empty( $attrs ) ? ' ' . implode( ' ', $attrs ) . ' ' : ' '; return $trim ? trim( $attrs ) : $attrs; } /** * Returns the collection of ux_products shortcode box item hooks. * * @return array */ function flatsome_ux_product_box_items() { return array( 'cat' => array( 'tag' => 'woocommerce_shop_loop_item_title', 'function' => 'flatsome_woocommerce_shop_loop_category', ), 'title' => array( 'tag' => 'woocommerce_shop_loop_item_title', 'function' => 'woocommerce_template_loop_product_title', ), 'rating' => array( 'tag' => 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'function' => 'woocommerce_template_loop_rating', ), 'price' => array( 'tag' => 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'function' => 'woocommerce_template_loop_price', ), 'add_to_cart' => array( 'tag' => 'flatsome_product_box_after', 'function' => 'flatsome_woocommerce_shop_loop_button', ), 'add_to_cart_icon' => array( 'tag' => 'flatsome_product_box_actions', 'function' => 'flatsome_product_box_actions_add_to_cart', ), 'quick_view' => array( 'tag' => 'flatsome_product_box_actions', 'function' => 'flatsome_lightbox_button', ), ); } /** * Starts the toggle of box item hooks. * * @param array $items A collection of box items of a specific element. * * @return array $items Box items with additional data. */ function flatsome_box_item_toggle_start( $items ) { foreach ( $items as $key => $data ) { if ( isset( $data['show'] ) && ! $data['show'] ) { $priority = has_action( $data['tag'], $data['function'] ); if ( $priority !== false ) { remove_action( $data['tag'], $data['function'], $priority ); $items[ $key ]['priority'] = $priority; $items[ $key ]['re_hook'] = true; } } } return $items; } /** * Ends the toggle of box item hooks. * * @param array $items A collection of box items of a specific element. */ function flatsome_box_item_toggle_end( $items ) { foreach ( $items as $item ) { if ( isset( $item['re_hook'] ) && $item['re_hook'] == true ) { add_action( $item['tag'], $item['function'], $item['priority'] ); } } } /** * Inserts items at offset in an associative array. * * @param array $array * @param array $values * @param int $offset * @return array */ function flatsome_array_insert( array $array, array $values, $offset ) { return array_slice( $array, 0, $offset, true ) + $values + array_slice( $array, $offset, null, true ); }